Chapter 6

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"bye gogy!", wilbur said as the brunet got out of wilbur's car, "bye George! Hope you have an great time!" tubbo said as tommy smirked, "he is going to have a great time alright"

both of them laughed while George was fuming on embarrasment, wilbur chuckled, "alright now Tommy, you don't have to predict the future"

By that all of them laugh, well except for George who's now an ripe tomato, "guuys..", George said

Wilbur gasped for air and tommy was on his knees grasping his stomach, tubbo in the other hand was watching them struggling to breath

", guys.. We don't want George leaving embarrassed right?", tubbo said as he helped Tommy get up

"well I do", Tommy said while he huffed for air

"c'mon now tommy, look at gogy he's now red because of you", wilbur said, "me??" the blue eyed boy said looking offended, "yes you, you've started this", tubbo added

George and wilbur agreed to tubbo, "well, your the one who started talking", Tommy jokingly glared at tubbo, "you don't need to defend yourself tommy, we practically agreed to tubbo's statement"

George said as Wilbur and tubbo looked at Tommy

".. Fffffiine.., maybe I'm the one started it.." tommy crossed his arms, he rolled his windows up and avoided George's glare

George chuckled, "alright, I need to get going" George said while getting his suitcase on the back of the car

"here's cat!", wilbur said as he get out of car while carrying cat, "thanks wilbur" George said as he tried to grab cat

"no no gogy, I will help you carry cat and carry your suitcase, besides sapnap's waiting for you right?"

Wilbur said as he started to walk off, George looked at the two confused, "go on we will catch up", they said as they unbuckle their seatbelts

George walk beside wilbur with cat on the crate, the two eventually caught up as they were laughing at something, George ignored them looked at the time, 9:09am, 'damn 9 already??'

George looked at the airport his going to enter, wilbur stopped at the entrance and looked at George, he gave cat's crate to him

"so I guess this is goodbye then?" George said, he smiled, "I really wanted a hug coming from you george but you know the pandemic" tubbo said while pouting

I smiled and patted his shoulder, "that's okay tubbo maybe when this is over you can finally hug me whenever you want"

"really?", "yeah", tubbo smiled, "ok gogs, we will miss you but you might be going now, your going to be late for your flight" wilbur said as he put his hand to tubbo's shoulder

"thanks wilbur for driving me here", the brunet glanced at tommy and smiled at him and he looked at him confused as George maked his way to tommy, "thanks Tommy for coming with me, it's really fun having you here"

Tommy smiled, "glad to make the trip fun"

"bye guys, ill see you again in the sometime" George said, he looked at them one more time and left

'now time to wait for departure', George said, he came across the security guards, the guards checked his temperature and warned George about the virus and always keep the mask on, George nodded and went in

George adjusted his mask while cat was meowing at the cage, "Cat calm down, we will be there in a minute" George tried to calm down cat as he got an call from someone

He picked it up not bothering to read the callers name, "hello?" George said, "hey George, are you in the airport now?" sapnap said, "yeah I'm in, I'm glad that I can take my cat with me"

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