Chapter 18

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ᴅᴀʏ 6, ᴍᴀʀᴄʜ 1, 2021
[ᴅᴀʏ ᴏɴᴇ ᴜɴᴛɪʟ ᴛʜᴇ ᴅᴇᴘᴀʀᴛᴜʀᴇ]

One more days until he leave his lover, its going to be painful but it will be worth it, the next time he fly in there will be the final day of the trip, by means that its permanent, George can be with his yellow for the rest of his life having cat and patches by his side, the last day he's going to see his hometown

The sound of ruffling can be heard, George was packing his stuff for the flight, the dream team had fun on this days, it was saddening that its needs to last

"George, you done packing?", Dream said walking towards George, "not yet but almost" the brunet grunted when he lifted his suitcase up, "ill help you with that George" Dream grabbed the suitcase and placed it on the side of the cabinet

"when is your flight again George?" Dream cuddled his brunet, he placed his chin above George's head, "hmm, on March 2" (just made it up the day of the flight), "i see", George giggled, he faced his body in front of Dream and hugged him, "I'm going to miss you..", "me too George, I will miss you so much"

They continue on hugging, embracing each other as if it was the last day of their life, Dream slowly closed his eyes, tightening his grip towards his love

George snuggled to him, tears prickling his eyes, Dream noticed it, he slowly take George's face and wipe the water from his eyes, "hey, calm down George, you don't need to cry" Dream smiled, George grasp the hand that was currently holding the brunet's face, "but I can't help it, I've spent years talking to you online and..and" George couldn't comprehend the words he's speaking through his mouth as it become muffled through his sobs

"I know what you feeling, but don't worry we need to wait a month before you return here, I hope it your flight won't cancel during those months, I will be upset if that happened, I don't want to wait for years to be reunited again, so please we can do this ok? "

Dream hugged his George for the last time, George hugged back crying," I know your strong and patient George, please bare with me, I can't cry yet, i want to spend my tears when your in my arms again, permanently"

George's cries become quite when Dream said the sweet calming sentences to him, George's room become more and more quite calming

While on the other room was sapnap, hearing those sad words make his heart broke, well if its him and his soon to lover was on that situation, he will just cry and beg his lover to stay, as if he's going to have one

Sapnap sighed and made his way towards the kitchen, searching for snacks to be eaten

He wanted to join them and tell George that he's going to ba okay but he can't, he needs to accept it that he's going to be alone forever, no one would love like they do

He opened the cabinets above him, how about Karl?, does he love him?, what would karl say if he find out that sapnap has a crush on him?... Is he going to ruin there friendship?

Only one way to find out, sapnap planned to surprise karl when he visited him, he also needed to wait for a month, why you may ask?, because if George leave, Dream will be heart broken, he maybe strong for now but it will fade when time flies

So sapnap is there to keep him company, one month of patient wouldn't hurt right?

He finally grabbed an snack, his phone buzzed though the table, 1 𝚗𝚘𝚝𝚒𝚏𝚒𝚌𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 𝚏𝚛𝚘𝚖 𝚔𝚊𝚛𝚕🧡💜

Confused he clicked on it and read the messages


ʜᴇʏ sᴀᴘᴘʏ?

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