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Cameron's pov

I was woken by the harsh sunlight that almost blinded my eyes, damn the sun. I squinted my eyes and threw my legs over the bed, I need to get breakfast before I die. I had gone a whole day without eating and by the time I got home yesterday, I was jaded. I walked down the bare hallways, into my kitchen to get something to eat and was disappointed to notice that my pantry was bare. I need to go grocery shopping. I grab a box of Pop tarts and make my way to the sitting room where I slumped into my couch and turned on the TV.
My name is Cameron Marie Davis. Please don't ever call me Marie, I hate that name. I am an artist, as in I paint portraits and shit like that. I am twenty six years old and have no damn plans of settling down, I mean commitment is over rated. Who wants to be stuck with one girl, I just play with them and move over to the other one. I know I sound like an asshole but who cares, I've dealt with enough shit with girls to want something more from them. I stand a good 5'9 ft, grey eyes, short dark midnight hair and I have enough piercings and tattoos for ten people. I mean I am an artist and the human body is a beautiful canvas.
"Cameron get your damn ass out here and get going for your meeting", I heard Sarah's loud ass call from the front door. I cringe as I heard her thunderous footstep on my poor floor. I need to get that checked very soon. I bet that she is pissed right now if her steps were anything to go by.
Sarah, aka my best friend, manager and practically my sister. She is way shorter than me, I love to tease her with it though and make sure that I don't get burned by her glares. We have been friends since we were toddlers and when I decided to become a careless painter, much to my stuck up parents dismay, she decided that school was not also for her and she became my manager. She is damn good at that. We came from wealthy, stuck up families. My parents were proud doctors and her parents owned law Chambers around the states.
She barged into the sitting room and glared daggers at me, I really should change my locks.
"Cam I swear to God.....", She started to rant but I had the mother of all headaches and I need food too.
"Shh, I have a headache bitch", I wince as she glared fire at me. She took a slow breath and tried to calm herself down. I love seeing her like this, frustrated. What! She does it to me most times so allow me to enjoy this one time that I get her this worked up.
"Cam you need to get ready, you have an exhibition in thirty minutes and you should be there before now", she calmly stated.
What exhibition is she talking about right now. I hate those things and she knows it, she didn't even tell me!
"I don't know about any exhibition" I accuse her and hoping that I can get out of this one.
"Well if you answered your phone last night or even read my texts you would know that you have an exhibition today", she glared at me.
She didn't call me last night, I cannot remember that......... Wait, I was at a club all night, grinding against the hottest girl in club and later ended up fucking her at the nearest hotel. I never bring a girl home, I don't eat girls out, I don't kiss, I don't cuddle and I sure as hell don't go all the way with them. I just fuck them and get the hell out of there.
"Shit", I scrubbed my face and exhaled.
"Don't tell me that you were out fucking some random girls and forgot about today Cam", she swore again.
" I am sorry, I lost track of time and came home early so here I am", I shrugged.
"Cam... ", She started softly as I cut her off. I know where this is going and I will not like it.
"I'll be down in fifteen", I sounded harsher than I intended and didn't even wait for her reaction before I stormed up the stairs. I know that she means well but I am not fucking interested in hearing those words again.
I took a quick shower and threw on a black Kevin Klein sports bra and boxers, a pair of juggers, very loose singlet and pair it with my white sneakers. I walk down to the sitting area to see her nibbling on a doughnut. Where the fuck did she get that, I am fucking hungry right now.
"Eat", she points at a paper bag as she orders me around. Bossy much. I roll my eyes and grab the bag and practically wolf the food down. I nearly died of hunger some minutes ago.
"I know right", she muttered sarcastically.
"Shut up", I grab the bottle of aspirin on the table and popped two pills from it.
Everything happened so fast, before I knew it, I was stuck between stuck up business men and women who have no sense of humor at all. Some even gave me a once over because of my outfit. What the hell is wrong with them? Don't they sweat in their monkey suits?
"Hey babe", I cringed at the sound of Charlotte's sickly voice. She is some bimbo that I fucked and I have regreted that for a long time. I mean that was a long time and I  was drunk but she cannot seem to get it into her thick skull that we are not an item. She rubbed her fake ass boobs on my chest and brought me into a bone crushing hug.
"Hey Charlotte", I untangled myself from her claws to see a gag worthy pout on her lips. What the hell is wrong with girls these days, can they not get a fucking hint. She even tries to kiss me, I will slap her into 2043 if her damn lips touch mine.
"Get yourself together Charlotte, you know I don't fucking kiss no one and we aren't a couple so can you slow down on the name calling?", I sneered at her to see her expression fall before she covers it up with a challenging smirk.
"We'll see about that babe. You will never get a better fuck than me", she rubbed my arms before she walks out, making sure to add a little sway to her fake hips.
God knows that I cannot endure another second with all the idiots here so I just called an Uber since Sarah will roast me if I tried to leave and escaped. What! I stayed for the important part of the whole thing.

Hey everyone, I hope you enjoyed it? What do you think about Cam? 🤔
Your comments and votes will be appreciated 😉

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