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Cam's Pov

I could feel the tension in the house as Sarah walked around getting ready to leave. She was borrowing my sweats and hoodie and I had to admit, it looked way sexier on her. I like seeing her in my clothes and she smells fucking nice. I didn't tell her the previous day that I was following her to her apartment to pack her bags. I didn't want her to get stubborn on me but I didn't also want her in that dangerous place again. I wonder how she was going to take it but I was prepared for any outburst she would have.
Something was obviously bothering her but she was so quiet about it. I could feel it at the balcony yesterday and honestly I don't know what to do with her sour mood. I am clueless when it comes to handling girls. The awkward silence was getting to me so I stepped out for a few minutes into the balcony to calm my nerves. I don't know when we went from being comfortable around each other to having this big elephant in the room.
"Cam", I heard her soft voice and turned to look at her. She looked so tired even though she had been sleeping all the while she had been here.
"I'll be leaving. Thank you...... For everything", she muttered. What's up with her?
" Sarah what is wrong with you?", I sighed at her.
" Nothing", she shrugged. That is something I don't like about girls. They expect you to know everything that is wrong with them.
"Don't lie to me Jameson", I sounded firm but I needed to get it from her. She avoided my gaze and turned around. When I tell you that Sarah is stubborn,I mean every letter of that word. I sighed and followed her out of the apartment down to the garage. She seemed a little surprised when I dragged her hand and went towards my car.
"What are you doing?", She quipped.
"Taking you home silly", I gently pushed her into the passenger side, buckled her in and went around the car to the drivers side.
"You don't have to do that, I can get a taxi or something"
"And just how will you pay? last time I checked, you didn't have your purse and you are wearing my clothes", I smirked at her and watched a cute blush spread across her cheeks. I felt like pinching it but I didn't want to push my luck today, she has been jumpy.
"Right", she mumbled and faced the road and just like that the awkward silence took over the ride again. Luckily for me her house was just a few streets down so we got there fast and she couldn't wait to bolt out of the door. I sighed and followed her into her apartment building. She took the stairs to the fourth floor where her apartment was and that is something she is doing to avoid being in the elevator with me. I had a good time watching her ass jiggle as she climbed the stairs and the way her hips swayed.
Shut it Cameron, she is your best friend for fucks sake. She may not even be into girls. That thought brought my dirty thoughts to a stop, I don't even know what she likes. We never just talked about it and she never looked at anybody twice or even admire a guy or girl. She was always serious and never dated anybody until that asswipe.
I had confronted her about it when we were twenty or thereabouts and she told me that she was not looking for any relationship and plans to stay single for as long as she could. I would have pushed but knowing Sarah, she wouldn't budge even if the great Wall of China moved today.
We got to her door and she looked at it, surprised. She remembered I broke down her door but standing there is another door. I had the door fixed, wouldn't want her to be robbed. I grab the key from my pockets and unlocked it, waited for her to go in before I followed her.
I also had the house cleaned but I know that the memories were still there when I saw her body go stiff and she couldn't move. Her pupils were getting dilated and I didn't want her to go into panic attack so I grabbed her into a firm hug while I rubbed her back. That worked on her because some minutes later she calmed down and stepped out of my embrace. I missed her immediately.
"Thank you for taking care of me and driving me home", her voice cracked at the last part and my heart squeezed painfully at that. I should have killed that bastard when I had the opportunity.
"Actually you are coming back with me. I followed you to pack some things that you'll need", I rubbed my neck and waited for the outburst. She narrowed her eyes at me and I started the countdown.
"I am not a charity case Cameron", she hissed at me. That was fast.
" I didn't say you are a charity case, I don't just want you here after everything that happened. This place is not safe at all", I stated.
" Thanks for your concern but I will be fine here", she folded her arms and I was getting frustrated already.
"You were fine until that asshole ex of yours to almost raped you. You are not staying here and that's final", I snapped at her and watched the hurt flash through her face. That came out bad, I kicked myself immediately.
"Get out... Now", she sounded very tired and hurt. I caused that and it didn't sit well with me. Normally I don't care if I hurt anybody but Sarah was different. She was special and I will never hurt her intentionally. Besides being my best friend, she was someone that I was beginning to realize held a hidden part of me.
"Sarah I.....", I stated but when I saw the first tear fall it broke me there.
"Just go Cam", she sighed pushed me to the door, she banged it in my face before I even got the chance to finish my sentence.
"Sarah please open up", I tapped on the door but to no avail. I should really get a filter or something, I can't keep hurting her like that.


"Sup dude", Jase patted my back and made himself comfortable on the couch.
It had been two days since I dropped Sarah off and she was yet to warm up to me again. It was hurting me more than I cared to admit that she was refusing to talk to me unless she had to and I seriously missed her in the house. I missed seeing her in my clothes, my bed, my space. I just missed seeing her at every turn and that is a first for me and I was not scared at all. I was getting worked up with everything so I went into the studio today to paint something.
"What's good Jase?", I sighed and dropped the brush to face him, my attention still not on him.
"I'm good man, you look like shit".
"Thanks captain obvious", I rolled my eyes and picked the brush again. He laughed at me and I felt like kicking his ass out but I couldn't do that. Me and Jase we're thick as thieves, him and the group are my other family.
You got that right, I was part of a gang. Not a drug gang or the killer ones. We are just a group of delinquents who came together to tame each other. We formed out own group therapy and made it through hard times together. Most of us had criminal and alcoholic tendencies but Jase picked us one after the other and made us a family. We had a big family home downtown but I never stayed there. Sarah didn't know and I planned to keep it that way because even though we never got involved in crimes, we always got into big problems and I don't want her getting hooked up in all that.
"Seriously what's up man?", He scratched his rough beards and looked at me expectantly. I sighed again, at this rate I might as well finish the oxygen in my body.
"Is it a girl?", I could hear the smile on his voice. I nodded and he gasped, Jase Norman fucking gasped like a girl! That's a first, I narrowed my eyes at him.
"I never thought I'd see the day you'd get hung up on a pussy", he grinned.
"Fuck off Jase", I groaned.
" Tell me about her", he got interested and waited for me to start. That's one thing about Jase and I, he was always easy to talk to and I always opened up to him.
"She's Sarah", I groaned and waited for him to shout at me. He kept quiet for seemed like an hour but it was only for thirty seconds so I turned to look at him. He was making a call,
"Yo Drew, man you owe me fifty bucks", he shouted into the reciver and I could hear Drew's loud ass over the phone. Those idiots placed a bet on us, why was I not surprised?
"We fucking knew that it was only a matter of time before you guys got together", he grinned at me, this time with a mischievous glint in his eyes.
"We are not fucking man", I scoffed and got up to start locking up. I thought about what Sarah will look like if she was naked and under me, I found myself drooling at the thought.
"Yeah, that's why you are in a piss poor mood, you need some action", he followed me down the stairs.
" I don't want to fuck her, you don't get it. I just want her, the whole her. I...... ", I stopped and sighed. Was I really telling Jase that I wanted something more from Sarah??
"This is serious isn't it, you care about Sarah. Does she know?", he got serious.
"No", I sighed again for the hundredth time that day.
My phone beeped and I wanted to ignore it but on second thought, I looked at the caller ID, it was Sarah's call. I hastily picked up,
"Cam", pause, "can we see?", Pause again " that's if you are not busy, I will understand if you are, you could have a whole lot of things to....... ", She started rambling and I chuckled at her cuteness.
"I'll be there Sarah", I cut her off and dismissed Jase who had a shit eating grin on his stupid face before I practically raced to her house.

I hope you are enjoying the book, please tell me what you think in the comment section.

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