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Hello everyone, good day from this side. I want to thank everyone that has taken their time to read my book even though it's not the best out there. Thank you so much.
I know I don't communicate much to you guys and I am very sorry about that. I don't have the best skills when it comes to talking to people, don't get me wrong but most times I am lost of what to say so I just keep quiet.
I am a Nigerian and Crusiaa is the name I use here. I have never travelled out of my country so everything I wrote here is strictly based on my own imaginations, which is why you may never see street names or get explicit description of locations. I just wanted to write a story and that's what came up.
As to why I wrote an LGBT based book, well I got a story in my head and it's a lesbian story so why not? I will not be writing only LGBT books, I just go with what I have in my head and yes I love gay people, great people if you ask me.
Thank you all once again for staying with me here, I am very grateful. 🙏🙏
Now let's go and find out the drama that is about to unfold in the next chapters, stay tuned😉

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