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Cam's Pov

"Jesus Christ babe are you trying to spend the whole day inside there?", I groaned and paced the hotel room restlessly. The organizers sent some guys to relieve us of the paintings at the airport so it's just Sarah and I going to the fundraising. I can't just decipher the bad feeling that is sitting in my guts. I thought it was seeing my parents for the first time in donkey years or even my sister but this was something else. Sarah told me we had a lot to talk about and I couldn't agree more, I was more than happy that she was finally going to open up to me and I was preparing myself for what is to come.
"Chill babe, I'm almost out", she shouted from the bathroom and I huffed, women. Ha! You got that one.
The door made a soft clicking sound and I was not ready for the sight that greeted my eyes. Sarah, my gorgeous girlfriend was clad in a blue dress that pooled around her feet but the slit was threatening to sit on her hips. The dress hugged her thick figure, accentuating all her curves and had only one long sleeve, the other one being a spaghetti strap. It cupped her boobs perfectly, showing a decent amount of cleavage, her creamy body on display. Her brunette hair in a messy bun and minimal makeup, she looked like a goddess, she always looked like one but heck. I drooled shamelessly at her, staring at her heels clad feet, getting wild thoughts but I shook it off, wanting to savor this moment innocently.
"Shit baby", I shook my head and just stared. I was going to have issues with the men today but I had this beautiful piece of creation as my girlfriend so I was leading, ha!
"You don't like it", it was not a question, it was a statement. She looked ready to run into the bathroom but I was not having it.
"Yeah baby you are right, I don't like it", her smile fell but I continued.
" I love it. Hell you could wear a potato sack and still be the most beautiful woman to walk the earth. Baby you are beautiful, inside out and I am very lucky to have you", I had her in my arms already, ready to rip her clothes off and have my wicked ways with her. Yep there goes my decision to be innocent. She blushed profusely and released a breath of relief and I frowned at her. When will she ever understand that she is beautiful? She saw my frown and shook her head at me, telling me to let it go and I sighed before pulling her impossibly close to me and just held her.

We got to the event late, well fashionably late but as long as I had this woman with me, I was untouchable.

As soon as we walk in all eyes fall on us, time seems to stop and I can bet that it has to be my beautiful girlfriend. Some douchebags eye her like meat and I glare daggers at them.
"You are gorgeous", I kiss her head and tell her for the umpteenth time today. She squirms out of my hold and throws a smile my way. I frown at that action, she has been weird for a while now but I think that she is just stressed.
"I know you are lucky to have me. I am going to get something to drink", she waltz away from me before I even said jack, seems like I am stuck in this party alone. I make a beeline for the most quiet place of the house and just sit there, knowing that Claire will find me later. Minute turns to hours and Claire is yet to come looking for me and knowing how much of a social butterfly she has become, I have no doubts that she is held up somewhere listening to school gossips. After a while of searching some dude points me in the direction of the store room, what the fuck?
My legs carrys me faster than I can control and I meet a sight that I never imagined in a million years. My body goes numb and I don't even know how to react so I just walk out of the party, after sending her a text that I got sick. I went to Sarah's house, climbed into her window and let her cuddle me while I cry like a baby. There goes my love.

I pulled Sarah close on instinct, I knew she would never do such a thing and I was grateful for that but my brain was in overdrive. She looked up at me, silently asking if I was okay and I gave her a weak smile and nodded. I couldn't seem to hide my emotions around her no matter what I was feeling. She wrapped her hand around my torso and squeezed my hip in silent encouragement.
"Speak of the devil and she will appear", a voice I will never forget spoke up behind us and I stiffened up on instinct. Sarah felt the same way too but it was different for me because this was Christine fucking Davis here. She brought me into a hug and I nearly puked my eyes out, her expensive perfume was choking the hell out of me and the damn hug seemed forced.
"No hugs for mummy after how many years", she cooed and pulled my cheeks after I refused to return the hug and I swatted her hand out.
"Hello Christine", I got over the initial shock and kept a blank face. Sarah was still hiding behind me.
"Isn't that Sarah Jameson?", My big mouth mother just noticed.
" Hello Mrs Davis", she cleared her voice and kept that business face on, giving nothing out. Christine ignored her and dragged me towards where her husband and a young girl mingled with some stuck up business men and women.
"Bill, honey, our daughter is here", she squealed loudly and I cringed. I knew what she wanted, to get a rise out of me but my mouth is zipped today, hopefully. Bill eyed me with disdain in his eyes before continuing his mingling, foolish bastard. I eyed him with the same feeling and felt the satisfaction when he looked at my interlocked hands with Sarah and seemed to blow a fuse. Die old Grinch! The young girl who had a fake ass blond hair eyed me with something I didn't understand, like she was in awe. I know I'm awesome but babe chill, I'm with my girlfriend. Wait a minute, is that...
"Marie meet your sister you refused to see all these years, Lily. Honey I'm sure you know your elder sister", Christine introduced us in a rather stupid fashion. Wow, she was really beautiful but what's up with the fake blond? I was not ready for the tackle I got from her, wow. I stood there, trying not to be awkward and hugging her back.
"Easy there tiger", I chuckled and rubbed her back. I had a feeling I will like this kid and boy is she fucking small like what are they feeding her. She pulled away from me and smiled shyly, eyeing Sarah curiously.
"Is this your girlfriend?", She nodded at me again, she's like a child, I thought. I gave her a gentle smile and nodded, Sarah seemed more at ease with her too. She was nothing like our parents or she's a fucking good actress.
"You guys look so cute, I am your biggest fan like ever, I follow all your pages and......", Christine cleared her throat and we all looked at her, she was glaring daggers at Lily sho cowered before her.
"Pardon me mother", she hung her head as if she was ashamed. Typical Bill and Christine, they were controlling her the way that they wanted to do me but she didn't have enough courage to break out of their hold. Poor girl, maybe I should have hung around more. Sarah pulled me down and whispered that she was going to meet the organizers and kissed my cheek before walking out, making sure to add an extra sway to her hips, much to my mother's disdain.
"Really Marie, you being a delinquent was not enough. You went ahead to bring shame to this family by being a dyke. Why am I cursed with you?", She screeched the minute Sarah was out of earshot and it took everything to remain composed. I flashed her a smile, something I knew would piss her off.
"I would ask you not to call me Marie but you don't ever listen so I'll let that slide. My sexuality is none of your business and secondly in case you didn't know, you are not my family so don't even go there", I smirked at her dumbfounded expression.
"Cameron Marie Davis, that is no way to talk to your mother. I demand that you respect me or.. ", at this rate she was shaking her finger at me and I tried not to laugh at her.
"Well mother dearest, this delinquent has some important things to do right now so I'll see you around. Bye for now kiddo", I ruffled Lily's perfectly straightened hair and got no reaction from her, except her smiling as if I was the best thing since sliced bread.

"Two hundred and thirty thousand, do we have a higher bidder?", The auctioneer shouted into his microphone and I rolled my eyes, I was already tired of this place but I had to stay for the children that need this money.
"Five hundred", I called out and everyone eyed me, what? Can't I buy my own art anymore?
"Five hundred! anybody else?", He beamed. I knew the game they play there, not everything was going to the orphanages but not when I make up my mind to personally send it to them. Nobody said anything and like that he closed the sale and had the helping hands bring out the other one. My special, I was thinking about Sarah when I painted it. Stray colors everywhere and a single stray shadow lurking around, lost in its world and seeking the sun. Half part of it was illuminated and looked very perfect and the other part was very dark and mysterious, giving off the vibe that it will be  ugly if discovered. Between the dark part and the illuminated part was a big padlock, the key lurking around in the guise of a flower petals, it is an unusual lock. The color complimented the darkness and told a story that many art enthusiasts will have different definitions to. I looked at Sarah and saw a beautiful woman who stood strong and dared many to defy get but behind her is a very ugly story that seeks the light but she keeps it guarded. Whatever she was hiding behind her will open a huge can of worms but I was ready to fight.
The bidding started and I decided to watch instead of participating, watching as business men got into forever bidding war, some who knew the meaning of the painting and some who just wanted a piece of decoration for their offices or homes. The money was getting high and the tension was becoming palpable, rich people and their egos. Don't get me wrong, I am fucking wealthy but duh, I love the normal life. From a distance I could see the Jamesons bidding profusely, showing off their massive wealth and I rolled my eyes. I could swear in my life that they didn't even know the colors used for the painting, arrogant bastards.
"Five million", a voice called from the crowd and some other high class wife widened her eyes before forcing her husband to speak.
"Five million two hundred thousand", her poor husband called out, already sweating from the amount of money.
"Seven million", the same voice called and this time even the woman couldn't do anything about it. I smiled to myself and relaxed into my chair, happy that my work was getting in good hands. The auctioneer closed it and that was it, all two portraits sold out for seven million, five hundred thousand dollars. I was happy with this profit and I was sure that they could get the most important necessities, food, water, clothing and good living conditions.
I watched Sarah do her magic and I couldn't be more proud of her, I had this beautiful woman in my life, I could finally see a future with another person. Something I never thought I'd see or even dream of but look at me, she had become my home.
"Hey big sis", Lily came beside me and stared at me with big green eyes, unlike me, she took after our mother and even though I hate to admit it, Christine was one hell of a fine lady and Lily was no different. I nodded at her and waited for her to say something but she just stood there, not knowing what to say or do.
"Lily let go of this lady like shit and just be yourself with me please. Feel free to plop down beside me if you want", I sighed and she grinned at me before unceremoniously plopping down on the sit beside me. She wrung her hands together as if she was searching for what to say and I just stared at her little figure.
"Do you eat at all?", I blurted out before I could hold it back and she snapped her head at me. She had this fear in her features and I started wondering what was up with her.

Getting interesting right?
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