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Cam's Pov

Pacing around like a wounded lion did not ease the tension in my shoulders. I had successfully scared everyone in the floor off with the dark aura I knew I had around me but I didn't care, hundred bulls could not move me from the building if they tried.
"How much longer do I have to wait?", I roared at the lady who I guess was her secretary and she flinched.
"Some more minutes Miss Davis, she'll be out soon", she stumbled over her words.
I pulled my hair and waited for the blonde that I so much wanted to beat up to show up. It had been a week of looking for Sarah, a week of my calls being sent to voicemail, a week of her texting me only twice and that was strictly business, I had enough. I went to her apartment building and the doorman there told me about her quick travel, accompanied by some tall blonde and who else would it be if not the one and only Barrister Rachel Sanchez, Brad's girlfriend. I decided to pay her a little visit, maybe if I threaten her enough she'll bend and give me her location but with her being a badass lawyer, I doubt the possibility of that but I went with the first thing that came to mind. The secretary who I felt sorry for but didn't have it in me at that moment to apologise for going Satan on directed me to her office while shivering and stuttering like mad. Rachel should try to invest in a secretary that was not a puppy but why would I care, I got what I wanted.
The short trip to her office consisted of me thinking of various ways to frustrate her in case she doesn't budge and also filled me with the hopes of seeing my girl. I also had a short convo with God which was me admitting to how much of an ass I was and my willingness to make things right if he gave me a second chance.
I barged into her office and the scowl that was etched on her face like some sort of sad art work twisted into a sickening smirk, she knows I hate that shit so much. I wish I could punch her but what next? Sit in a holding cell instead of finding Sarah? I'll pass.
"You know about knocking?", She mused, rather annoyingly.
"Let's cut to the chase, where is she?", I growled.
"I am having problems understanding who you are talking about here and what makes you think I would have the said person?", She tilted her head, too innocent for my liking. I took a deep breath and decided to use another approach, apparently she is not scared of my mean face, have I lost my touch? I shrugged.
"You know it's a good thing you are a good lawyer, according to ratings but who believes that shit these days? I'm going to give you the benefit of doubts and believe that you will do a good job of putting Brad Jameson and his father behind bars for the rest of their lives. Should I have any reason to doubt you since the said man is your boyfriend and you could mix business and personal affairs up?", I stated as calmly as I could, watching her barriers crumble for a moment before she backed it up again, I did see it though. I also saw something else here, something I cannot place.
"What do you want from me?", She had gone cold in a matter of seconds, just were I wanted her.
"My girlfriend"
"Don't you think she seized to be your girlfriend the day you abandoned her to bear the burden of a nasty past alone, after such a reunion with her major nightmare?", She pinned me with a glare and at that moment I knew she was right, I may not have abandoned her in my own head but my actions spoke otherwise.
"Please", I crumbled, I just needed to see Sarah, hold her if she would let me.
I stared back up at her and her glare was even stronger if it was possible.
"You don't have the right to waltz back in her life after what you did. Do you know what she is going through right now because you are a self centered bitch?!", she yelled at me.
"She didn't deserve anyone she got in her life, especially you"
I nodded at her, hating to agree with her but she was damn right, she does not deserve someone like me, she deserves more.
"You think I don't know? This past week I have been thinking about how different things would have been if I didn't ignore her to tend to my own problems alone. If I was more observant, if I cared for another person besides me, I would have known that she was being raped by the two people that should have protected her from the bad people. I would have known that she was sinking and needed me there for her but I did what I knew how to do best. I ran away, to another country. I walked out on her and that was the biggest betrayal, even if I didn't know it. She needs me now more han ever and I have done the same thing I did years back again but I am done being a coward, I want to be there for her too, I want to be the one to protect her now", I screamed, not knowing that I needed to vent somehow but she was calm throughout my rants.
"I need your help please, let me go to her", I finished in a rather little voice, ashamed of myself.
I heard her sigh and tap her nails on her table and I could feel her gaze on me.
"You know, the first time I saw her she looked broken, she needed something or someone to hold onto. I needed....", She stopped there and shook her head, as if to will away some thoughts.
"She needs you now more than anything, she may have pleaded with me not to reveal her whereabouts to you or anyone for that matter but she needs you. If you fuck this one up, I am going to come for you and I will destroy you, it's a promise", she glowered at me, I was not totally affected, just the thought that she was finally going to give me what I wanted and she did and that was how I found myself in Texas standing in front of a little but good looking country cottage in a rather quiet neighborhood, waiting for Sarah to open the door.
My heart was beating a tattoo in my chest, threatening to fall right out if I didn't calm down but there was no way on earth I was calming down and when I heard the soft sounds of her foot coming towards the door, I nearly shitted myself, I mean literally. My stomach was doing this wicked move where I felt like something found my intestines to be the perfect trampoline for a good jump and I was very close to puking my breakfast all over her front door but the difference was that I didn't have any breakfast so it will be yellow, bitter substance that I would be puking. The door opened to reveal the most beautiful woman to ever walk the earth, yes I am still tripping for her and I don't think I'll ever stop. Her beautiful eyes widened when she saw me and her breath hitched. She was clad in some shorts and oversized shirt which I recognized to be mine, I didn't mind. She looked fucking breathtaking and I struggled to concentrate when her creamy thighs and beautiful body was all I could see.
"Cam?", She called, more like a question and I looked at her sad orbs, they had tears there and I was ashamed to admit that I put them there.
"Baby", my shitty voice was hoarse from all the shouting, drinking and ranting I had done previously.
She stepped into the apartment, looking at me like she saw a ghost, pale in color and afraid of me. I would never hurt her, never intentionally. My heart clenched painfully and I had to hold onto the door frame to keep me from toppling over, so that's heartbreak. I didn't feel this way for Claire, yeah I got sad and all that sappy shit but I didn't feel so empty, helpless and just empty. One little action from her caused this reaction from me, I am way deeper into this than I actually know. I stood rooted to the ground, afraid that if I moved she'll lose her cool and having a panic attack is not something I planned for her today or ever.
"Baby...", I choked up and just stared at her. I carefully followed her into the warm hallway and thanked my God that she didn't push me out already.
"What are you doing here?", She asked quietly, seeming to have found her voice while mine remained unfound. She looked like an angel, she didn't just know it. How could a soul so pure endure torment like that? I wondered.
"Baby I'm sorry"
I watched her eyes go from broken to icy cold as soon as I said those words. I will never be prepared for what her actions would be but who is ever prepared for such things?
I just stood there like a child caught in the act not knowing what to say to her. I'd never seen her in such mood and God knows I don't even know how to react to that. God knows I was not going home without her but I needed to give her some space so I turned around and stepped out with my head hung low and she slammed the door on me. I deserved that.

Yikes 😬 hope you are enjoying the ride, stay tuned😉

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