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Watching her sprawled out before me, squirming under my touches was heaven itself and turned me on more than anything. I knew that my wetness was beginning to pool on the sheets as I laid flat on my stomach, arms hooked around her thighs to keep her in place as I lapped away and I wanted to get lost in the moment. Her grip on my hair was almost painful but I didn't care, it fueled my movements as I sucked her clit into the hollow that I created with my cheeks, swiping my tongue across it in a steady pace while my two fingers were buried deep inside her. She rocked her hips in my face, shamelessly asking for more and I was more than happy to oblige.
"Fuck! Baby right there!", She groaned and I smiled, feeling accomplished. She had her bottom lip between her teeth, trying to hold back but I needed to hear it, I needed to hear how I was making her feel and she couldn't hold back any longer. Her loud moans bounced off the walls in the room and her legs clamped around my head, shaking and I tasted everything that she gave to me, letting her ride the tide that crashed into her.
She pulled me up and smashed her lips against mine, kissing me with strong passion and I kissed back with such ferocity, fighting her for dominance. I was having my moment but it didn't last long because the next thing I know I was flipped and pinned on the bed with my lover staring at me with deep pools of pure lust. I felt her nudge my thighs open with her knee and settled between them while capturing my nipple with her warm mouth, teeth scraping and sucking while my hands scratched her back and butt, wanting more, needing more. She wasted no time in giving me just what I wanted by grinding her hips into mine. I gasped loudly when I felt her smooth, wet centre on mine, her clit rubbing against mine and our juices mixing together. She ran her tongue across my nipple while her skilled finger tweaked the other one as she ground into me, pure bliss. I grabbed her butt with both hands, digging my nails into them and couldn't stop the moans that escaped my lips. She picked up her pace and was now grinding her hips into me in a fast and steady pace with our bodies slapping together. She released my nipple with a pop sound and pried the my legs apart from where they were tied around her waist, spreading me wide with my legs hanging on her arms that were propped on the either side of me. She slowed down her pace and circled her waist leisurely, knowing that she was driving me nuts.
"C.. Cam! Fuck!", I moaned loudly as she kept rubbing our clits together in a slow, circular motion, putting little pressure on it. I was close, very close and I felt it crashing into me as I tried to close my thighs but she kept my legs firmly apart, grinding her hips, making me lose it.
"Cum", it held so much command and also gentleness and that was enough to tip me off the edge, my toes curled and my breath hitched, sending me into ecstasy while pleasure rolled off me, wave after wave and  she didn't stop, she picked up her pace and I could tell that she was close too. Another wave of pleasure was coming for me before I knew it, my feet tingles and my spine stiffened, I could see stars dancing  behind my closed eyes and I could feel myself convulsing violently. Cam's body stiffened over mine as she started shaking too and I dragged her lips closer to mine with my hand behind her neck. The strongest orgasm I'd ever experienced rocked through me and I could say same for Cam if the wetness that pooled under us was anything to go by.
"I love you so much Sarah Jameson, you have no idea", she mumbled into my hair, arms thrown around me in a tight embrace while my head was tucked into her neck.
"Actually I have an idea, I love you that much too, even more", I pressed my lips on her collar bone, feeling her vibrate under me with her low laughter, ready to argue that she loved me more and in that I was home.


"Adaira Danielle Davis, did you eat the chocolate cake in the fridge?", I glared down at the four years old with wild mop of blonde hair before me, who had chocolate smeared on her face but somehow managed to make a very grim expression before shaking her head at me, rather solemnly.
"No Mama", came her gentle voice and my darling wife who I want to wring her neck today snickered behind me, along with her accomplice, Raye, our first daughter who was so much like her in everyway since she was biologically hers and I carried her. We adopted a two month old Adaira ten months after having Raye after we travelled to Canada to see how the orphanages that got Cam's donations were doing and fell in love with the little monster but we love these kids like no tomorrow, they are ours and we, theirs.
I turned to glare at both of them and their mouths snapped shut immediately with their hands up in surrender. I turned my gaze back at my youngest child who was too calm, too calm for a child that wolfed down a full plate of chocolate cake and had the evidence on her face and still denied it. She reminded me of a certain someone, a certain child with a wild mop of brunette hair and a cheeky grin. I smiled at the images of her peaceful face and the mischievous glint in her eyes and whenever I looked at Adaira, her face comes to mind and it is a very calming feeling. I had my family, a complete home and I couldn't have asked for a better one. I sent a silent thanks to the big man above and a prayer for a certain blue haired scoundrel in the name of Lily Davis.

We have come to the end of this book and I am very grateful to everyone that stayed with me. Also forgive me 🙏 for the very long delay in finishing this book and I really hope that you enjoyed this book as much as I did.
I was thinking of making a sequel for Raquel and Nova and I know some of you are also thinking the same thing but I am currently on another book and that may take a while but I will be sure to let you know when I start Raquel and Nova's story. Thank you all for reading and also check out my other book (yet to decide on a name but I'm getting into the story) that I'll publish soon. Best regards😘😘

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