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Cam's Pov (same night)

I frantically searched the crowd for any sign of her but she was nowhere to be found. God please let her be fine, I prayed silently and pushed though housewives who gathered to discuss the latest piece of clothing in the biggest boutique in town. My eyes landed on the blonde from the restaurant and as much as I hated it, I had to ask her.
"Hey", I approached her and took her appearance, she cleaned up nice but I'd never tell her. She eyed me and a stupid smirk grew on her face, I'm sure to piss me off.
"Have you seen my girlfriend?", I totally ignored the smirk and made sure to put emphasis on the word 'girlfriend'. Her stupid smirk seemed to increase and it took all I had not to storm off.
"Nope, I wouldn't lose such a beauty in this crowd. I may not be the only one that has eyes for her", she retorted and looked like she could explode with the laughter she was holding and I knew the look on my face was far from pleasant. I stepped into her face and she laughed, had I lost my intimidating stance??
"Chill dude, Sarah's all yours I get it alright and no I've not seen her", she eyed me and I ignored her again to dial her phone. This time she picked up,
"Babe", I spoke into the receiver but got no reply instead I heard voices in the background.
"Is that what you came to the ladies bathroom to say? That I'm yours Brad?"
I heard her unmistakable voice and it was laced in fear. The same fear tugged at my heartstrings and I'm sure the blonde heard it too because she became alert. I snatched her phone from her and dialed my number,
"There are five restrooms here, if you find her call me".
She nodded and sprinted towards one end of the hall while I took the opposite direction. I heard what sounded like a slam before the sounds of kissing was heard, I could also hear Sarah whimper. That fueled the adrenaline and I checked two bathrooms in record time and started rushing to the third and at the same time the blonde rushed for it too. We both heard the resounding sound of a slap from the door and me from the phone too, yep she was there now let me lay my hands on this Brad.
"You deserve to rot in hell bastard", Sarah screeched and at the same time we barge in to find my girlfriend and who I know to be the one and only Brad Jameson in the bathroom stall, Brad about to pounce on her and Sarah ready to run. Their eyes snapped to us and Brad immediately behaves as if nothing had been happening.
"Hey Cam, long time no see", he smiles at me that soft smile he used to wear all these years but this time I saw the monster beneath it. What the fuck was happening? The blondes eyes seemed to pop out of their sockets but bitch went back to her cold demeanor.
"Rachel, baby what are you doing here?", He sauntered towards her and wrapped her in a forceful hug while I eyed Sarah. She just stared at me, her tears threatening to spill and I saw it in her eyes, I'll kill the bastard tonight in the ladies bathroom, that's a nice story to tell the devil his father.
"Care to tell me what you are doing in the Ladies Bradley?", I stalked to him in a menacing manner but Sarah caught my forearm while Rachel shot me a look that clearly said shut up.
"Babe we were just catching up. Apparently he had to chase me to the ladies to make sure I talked to him since I was ignoring him", she sounded as if a rock was sitting on her throat and the dirty look Brad threw at her didn't escape me.
"I missed my kid sister so that was all it took for her to talk to me. I always knew you'll end up with each other. Sarah, honey why don't we meet up and talk our differences out? I really miss you squirt", he cooed at her and made sure she nodded before he dragged Rachel out of there. I just stood there not knowing what to do because Sarah will not appreciate it if I fought him.
"Sarah", I called her firmly as she just stood there, lifeless as tears poured out of her eyes. She looked at me like a stranger before jumping into my arms. My heart broke in so many pieces that moment to know that her loving brother I thought was the nicest person on Earth was one of her many nightmares.

"Hey Brad", I jump up and ruffle his hair, something I knew pissed the hell out of him all the damn time but I love doing it. He was basically my big bro so why not mess with him.
"Get your paws off me", he screeches and tried to sway my hand away but I had already done the job of messing his perfectly gelled hair. I smile toothily and start towards the stairs before I catch some smell.
"You smell like sex", I comment offhandedly and he stiffens up. I couldn't just hold it back but guffaw at his face. I can imagine having a fifteen year old realize that you just had sex.
"No worries bro, I got you" I snicker and watch the horror leave his eyes before he smirked.
"Is she here now?", I snicker again and he rolls his eyes.
"Wanna have my sloppy seconds?", He smirked cockily and for a second the air in the room shift. I cannot place my hand on it but it was not a good thing but I play it cool, could be my teenage mind playing mind games.
"Ew no", I gag and he laughs.
"Thought so, I've gotta go", he race out of the house even before I reply him and I just shrug my shoulders and go to find my princess. She's a total princess and she doesn't even know it, not that I'll ever tell her, I cannot have her big ass head swelling for no reason. I knock on her door but no response came through so I just push it open to reveal a very scattered bed and the absence of Sarah. I call out and hear the water running in the bathroom so I plop down on her soft bed and play with my phone. She comes out of the bathroom, looking drained and very sad with her eyes stained with tears.
"Babe what the hell happened to you?", I scoot closer to her smaller frame. She shakes her head,
"Sarah I can see that you cried so what the fuck happened?", I sigh.
"It's just my period", she mumbles and look away from me. I cringe and decide not to question it, as much as I am a girl and still get periods and shit like that, I hate it.
"Do you need anything at all, I could go and get it for you", I volunteer and she shakes her head.
"No just stay with me", she mumbles and just snuggle into me, falling into a restless sleep.

Sarah plops down beside me, ever so ungracefully and I snicker at her making her roll her eyes. It's been a week after her period so she's better now and in a better mood which I prefer.
"I'm so tired, Cam can I come home with you today?", She gives me her puppy eyes that I don't even know how I cannot resist it.
" You are always welcome Babe", I talk with my mouth full of food and watch the whole school cafeteria, avoiding her disgusted glare. She sighs and stand to go and drop her tray and I see blood stains on her skirt. Wait! Didn't she have her period last week, it's the ending of this week, how come? I shrug off my jacket and give it to her.
"Here, I thought you had your period last week, how come?", I ask bluntly because that's how I am. She hides her face from me and tries to walk away but I follow her.
"Just hormonal imbalance or maybe an infection I don't know", she snaps when she realizes I'm still following her.
"Do you need to go to the hospital?", I ask as calmly as I can, why the fuck is she snapping at me? She shakes her head weakly and walks faster to escape me, well that was awkward. I'll ask her later when she will not bite my head off.

"Fuck!!", I yelled and kicked the door which shook violently. Why have I been so stupid? I could have saved her but I was too oblivious and fucking every girl that came my way then to even notice. I punched the door repeatedly until my hands were numb  and my tears were falling freely. The noise outside made it impossible for people to hear me but I didn't care anyway. I heard her muffled cries and couldn't just hold back,
"Babe I'm sorry", I grabbed her and cried with her. When Brad asked if I wanted his sloppy seconds, I never knew he was referring to the woman I have fallen in love with, my best friend of then and the woman I cannot imagine my life without. The bastard was taking advantage of his own fucking sister, how sick can he be?
"Baby I'm very sorry, I should have known. I should have picked up the hints I just should have.... ", She cut me off when she placed her small hands on my jaw, drawing me to a deep kiss that spoke volumes.
"It's not your fault, I never told you. I should have told you".
"No I went around telling the world that I was your best friend but I didn't even notice something as serious as that. I am a world class asshole", I shouted and she flinched again. We just cried in each other, ignoring the people outside who wanted to gain access into the bathroom but the door came apart to reveal Jase whose face contorted into concern and a murderous look settled in. I knew what he meant by that look and this time, I will not let him kill him. I will end him myself, I swear that.
"C'mon let's get you out of here", he jerked me upright with Sarah still on my body but I was too weak to even stand on my own, I felt like dying at that instant. Derek came inside too, shooting a mean glare at the people that dared to look inside, daring them to stand there any further. Jase scooped Sarah into his arms and I nearly lost it,
"Drop her", I couldn't understand the venom in my voice. If she was strong all these years, I can be strong for her too. I'm taking my woman home. Jase shot me a glare before going towards the door and I damn near go ballistic but Derek caught me mid air, my arms flailing around trying to get a hold of Sarah who looked defeated in Jase's arms, crying her life away. I felt useless, totally useless.


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