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Cam's Pov

We were currently at the club, me watching drunk people dance their lives away and also making sure that no douche bag approached Sarah. The minute we walked in here, almost all the men here were eye fucking her and I could feel the jealousy gnawing at me. She was wearing a short black dress that stopped right above her knee, the dress had spaghetti straps and was hanging low towards her luscious ass, leaving her back bare and from what I am seeing, she was not on any bra. The thought of those heavy breasts being free to bounce around was messing with my control. I was on a skinny jeans with a white shirt and black leather jacket paired with black boots.
Sarah threw the third glass of screaming orgasm back and I was beginning to worry about her because I knew she was a lightweight. Her head fell on my shoulder and I gave her bottle of water so that she'll stop drinking.
Jase was here with Drew, Dexter and Caroline and Drew was using all her charm on a helpless girl right now. Dexter was quiet as always so he was at a secluded corner,observing as always. Jase and Caroline were dancing like crazy high schoolers, I knew the whole gang was there because I had seen most of us but they knew to keep away when I was with Sarah. Speaking of Sarah, I felt her hands snaking around my waist and massaging my abs, my breath hitched. She was a bold drunk and I was very happy I had not taken a single alcohol so I was not going to forget this anytime soon.
"Whoa, your abs are as hard as rocks. I've always wanted to touch them", she squealed and I gulped when her hand grazed the band of my boxers. I looked down at her and I could see that her eyes were glazed and filled with what I could define as lust. Jesus Christ, those boobs were rubbing my arm and I could feel her hard nipple grazing my elbow. Of all days, she decided to go braless today.
"Take me home", she whined and gave me the puppy eyes that I couldn't resist. I sighed and helped her up, Jase and Caroline came to us with silly grins on their faces.
"Taking your woman home already?", Caroline wiggled her eyebrows, I rolled my eyes.
"She's had enough for the night so I'm taking her home. See you Tuesday", I grinned at them.
We had a meeting on Tuesday and I was sure that they would grill me for answers that day but I didn't care.
"Alright then, take care and make sure you give her some", Jase shouted loudly as he pulled Caroline to the dancefloor again. Knuckleheads.
It was a hassle dragging Sarah up to my apartment, she was so happy and jumpy that I had to hold her from storming out of the car as I drove. She also touched me a lot so you can imagine my predicament.
I laid her on the bed and picked some loose shirt of mine and shorts for her but the problem was to change her. I don't mind looking at her body all day but I didn't want her to feel violated.
"Sarah do you think you can change yourself?", I prodded. She shook her head sloppily and grinned at me.
"Shower", she pouted.  I know that Sarah never goes to bed without a shower, according to her it helps her to relax so I knew that there was no escaping this one. I also knew that she'll fall to her death if I let her go to the bathroom alone so the only option was to join her there. God knows that I need more self control than I was born with to come out of this without having my wicked ways with her. I helped her up and before I knew it, she pulled her dress off and not even hundred people could tear my eyes of her boobs if they tried. Her heavy girls jiggled free and her pink nipples were screaming my name, asking me to touch them. She was wearing a black lace thong that did nothing to cover that ass. I could feel the heat pooling in my core and I forced my eyes off her. I steadied her before stripping, leaving only my sports bra and boxers on. I led her to the bathroom and had to take that thong off her, my control was already snapping. I gave her a quick shower and led her out of the bathroom to put the clothes on her.
She crashed into the bed and started snoring immediately. That was fucking close, I needed a cold shower and that is what I got. I know that people bring out real emotions and the truth when they are drunk so what Sarah did at the club kept coming back to my head. Could she also have a thing for me too? I dried my hair and threw the towel in the hamper before climbing into bed with her. She snuggled into me the minute I got in and placed her head on my chest. I sighed happily, I could get used to this but I knew that I'd never get this.
"I love you Cam", she mumbled.
"I love you too cupcake", I nuzzled her hair and smelt honey there.
"You don't get it Cam, I am in love with you. For as long as I can remember, you have always being my hero", she mumbled and her breath evened out to show that she had gone back to sleep. Me on the other hand was beyond shocked at this news. Sarah has been in love with me for a long time and I was just hearing of it now. I wouldn't blame her for not telling me, I was a major asshole and I would have hurt her back then but right now I don't know how to react to this. I don't want to run away but I know that I am not ready for a commitment, I cannot give her what she wants but I still want her for myself. Sarah is not the type that you fuck around and turn to an arm candy, she is the type that you love and go home to after a long day, the type that has your kids and bakes all sorts of food for you. The type that you take on vacations and you want to cherish for the rest of your life. That's Sarah for you. I was not ready to give these things to a woman but I had done a lot of things that I thought I was never ready to do when it came to her. I was willing to try though but I didn't also want to hurt her and I didn't want another bastard to get her. I was in a fix but I was going to take this one step at a time. First things first, make her confess these things when she is sober. I fell asleep very early in the morning but I was very happy.

Sarah's Pov

I woke up with a banging headache and Cameron was nice enough to leave the curtains closed else Thor would be standing over me right now. The bedroom door was open and I could smell pancakes, Cam was cooking today. That is a very rare thing but I was going to enjoy it while it lasted. I tried to think about what happened last night but my brain was fuzzy. I hope I didn't do anything very stupid. I came down from the bed and padded to the bathroom to brush my teeth and at least not look like a masquerade and at the same time trying to hold my running head. When I was done there I went down to he kitchen to meet Cam's defined back facing me, she was on sports bra and black joggers with her boxers band peeking out. I watched her muscles flex as she poured and flipped the pancakes, I think I drooled a little. She was a sight to behold, like a Greek God.
"Take a picture, it will last that way", I could hear the smirk on her voice. I could make huge sales as a big tomato then.
"Good morning", I mumbled and sat down while she brought two plates for us and maple syrup. She kissed my cheek and I caught her scent, she smelt like sandalwood and just like her. I wished that was my lips but I could only dream.
"How was your night?", She smiled at me and sat down. I nodded my head since I didn't know what happened last night. I looked at my legs and instead of a dress I saw a short and that's how it dawned on me that I was wearing different clothes from last night, I also realized I was naked under the shorts.
"How did.... My... Clothes... How...?" I stuttered hopelessly and watched her trying not to crack up.
"You needed a shower so I gave you one", she shrugged nonchalantly. I gasped, she couldn't have seen me naked.
"H.... Ho...",
"You said you wanted a shower and I knew you were out of it. You stripped and I gave a you a bath", she shoved food inside her mouth as if she was having a normal talk about the weather. If I stripped for her then what else did I do......
"I am in love with you"
The memories came back to me and I remembered when I stripped, when she joined me in the shower and how I told her I was in love with her. Jesus Christ, what have I done? I decided to behave as if I don't remember, maybe if I did that she'll think I didn't remember that. I am never drinking anything that isn't juice, soda or non-alcoholic wine again. I shoved pancakes into my mouth and avoided her amused stare.
"You should never drink without me", she mused and I facepalmed mentally.
"What do you mean?", I behaved as if I didn't know what she meant when I was dreading her next words. She laughed instead. I grabbed our plates and started washing them in the sink. I felt her presence behind me,
"Are you going to pretend you don't remember what you said last night?", her husky voice was so close to my ear and her breath was fanning my neck.
"I don't know what you are talking about", I insisted and prayed that she backs off before I did something really stupid. Instead of the idiot to walk away like I expected, she grabbed my hips in a gentle manner but very firm. I couldn't help the moan that slipped through my lips when she sucked on my neck.
"Do you not?", She sucked on my earlobe, cue the wetness. I was sure the shorts I was wearing were already drenched. She turned me around and I could see her grey eyes darkening with lust.
"Sarah?", she searched my eyes and if not for her hands holding me up, I'd be on the floor.
"Yeah", I licked my lips because all of a sudden they were dry, her eyes zeroed on it.
"Don't do that again if you don't want me to take you across the counter", she growled and her hands tightened on my hips. I gulped and looked up at her, so fucking handsome.
"I... I.."
"Sarah?", She warned.
"I... don't remember", I rushed out. She narrowed her eyes.
"Then maybe I should leave you then", she shrugged and let go of my hips before turning. I panicked,
"I remember", I rushed out and she turned with the goofy grin on her face.
"D... Did you mean it?", She got nervous and it made me feel better that I was not the only one feeling like that then. I nodded my head and waited for the worst to happen but instead her lips crashed on mine, taking me unawares but it was the sweetest thing ever. Her soft but full lips on mine gave me goosebumps all over, it was a gentle but demanding kiss. She grabbed my hips and pulled me to her and licked on my bottom lips, asking for entrance and when I opened up, her smooth tongue found it's way into my mouth. She took her time to poke around my mouth, nibbling, kissing and sucking. I was borderline going crazy and when she rocked her hips into mine, much to my embarrassment, I came undone there.

Aha!!💃 They finally got together, you saw that coming didn't you? What do you think though?

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