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Sarah's Pov

The crowd erupted in cheers as Jasmine scored another goal. The girl is too good for her own good, once the ball gets to her,there is no taking it from her until she scores. No wonder she is the captain of her team, she is also very fast.
We were at a soccer game for Jasmine, Nova's little girl. The more Cam and I gets closer, the more I get to know more people she had known for years. I always knew Jase, Drew and Caroline, I'd also known Nova, Dexter and the one they call Chucky but I don't always see them around. Imagine my surprise when Cam told me about Nova's daughter's soccer game today, I didn't even know she had a child but you wouldn't blame me. The little girl did a stunt in the field to celebrate her goal which involved spinning a few times in the air before she landed on her knees.
"She'll break all her bones if she keeps that up", Nova mumbled and Cam laughed at her.
" Let her be. She's a strong girl", she assured Nova.
"You always encourage her", Nova accused and Cam shrugged. I felt her kiss my temple and pulled me closer to her. At this rate I was almost sitting on her lap.
"Having a good time?", She asked softly. I nodded and turned my head a little,letting her catch my lips in a soft kiss.
"Yo, Cam get your damn paws off her, kids are here too", Drew said loudly, making the people around us laugh at us. I blushed furiously and tried to hide my face in her arm. She flipped her off and grabbed my hand, squeezing softly. She was too good to me, always took notice of the little things. After my little confession to her, she seemed closer to me. Even though she didn't say anything back, I could feel it in her kisses, her touches and her soft stares that I was more than a play toy for her. Being in a relationship with Cam was very overwhelming but in a good way, she always kept me on my toes and never stopped making me feel wanted. We fell into an easy routine in the house and surprisingly, I've not had any nightmares since I started staying with her except for the panic attack I had the other day. After Xavier I thought I could handle it but I was proved wrong when she came unto me and I had a panic attack. I could see the questions swirling in her head Everytime we are alone but she was being careful about bringing it up. I didn't want to talk about it too, I was enjoying this too much to ruin it by telling her that I was a whore when we were younger. She would hate me if she knew, call me selfish but when you want something so much you would do anything to keep it. I knew that was not the right way to go about it but I didn't see any other way. I made an appointment with Dr Rose yesterday. She was very surprised to hear from me and quickly fixed me in so I was having a session with her tomorrow. I was happy that Cam has somewhere to be tomorrow so she wouldn't be at home when I left and came back. I didn't need her asking questions. Don't get me wrong, Cam is a great girlfriend but she is overprotective and needs to know what's going on with me, according to her it's to know how to protect me. I didn't need her knowing that I was seeing a therapist, she'll ask those questions that I didn't want to answer if she knew.
The crowd erupted again and I jumped a little at the noise. Jasmine scored the winning goal this time and the game ended.
"Babe are you okay", she stared at me intently.
"Yeah, just thinking", I nodded.
"Don't get lost in there alright", she wanted to say more but stopped there, which I was grateful for. I nodded and she kissed my forehead before helping me up and leading me towards the field where everyone that came to support the team were. The girl practically catapulted herself into Cam's body when she saw her.
"Hey buddy", Cam grunted from the impact and rubbed her back.
"You came!", She squealed and pulled back to look at Cam.
"Wouldn't miss it for the world", Cam grinned at her and did a funny handshake with her. I could see the girl growing up to be like Cam, she was not girly at all.
"Who is the beautiful lady?", She wiggled her eyebrows at Cam who laughed heartily.
"Sorry, babe meet Jas my pal, buddy, Sarah, my girlfriend", hearing the word girlfriend made me grin like an idiot.
" Hello Jas", I beamed at her and she returned the smile.
"You are very pretty", she said cheekily. Yep, totally like Cam, I smiled at her.
"Thank you honey, you are beautiful too", she made a funny face.
"I like to think I am hot", she stated proudly ad I couldn't help the laughter that came from me, Cam joined me too.
"It's alright to be hot too", I ruffled her hair.
"I like her", she turned to Cam. I could see Nova and the rest of Cam's friends coming over. Drew threw her arm over my shoulder and can glared at her.
"Hey pretty, want to go on a date with me? I'll treat you better than that idiot over there", she grinned at me and I watched how Cam nearly popped a vein.
"Get your damn paws off her", she nearly growled.
"Or what?", Drew pushed her. The exchange was very funny to me, it made me feel all fuzzy that Cam got jealous over me. Cam sighed and pulled me flush against her chest, I melted into her immediately and heard the others coo.
"Never thought I'd see the day some girl has you wrapped around her fingers. I like this one", Chucky grinned at her and Cam just hummed in response, rubbing my back.
"C'mon, I booked us a reservation, let's go celebrate our little champ here", Caroline high fived Jas and all of us started pilling out of the field, Dexter towering over us from behind very quiet.
"Don't mind him, he is soft as a teddy bear", Cam pulled me closer and murmured in my hair. How does she always know what I'm thinking?
"You know I can see the wheels turning in your head", she pulled me back and let the others go ahead of us.
" What is it?", She lifted my chin. I shook my head and sighed.
"Tell me at home then?", She sighed, I nodded and she kissed the side of my mouth before leading me to the car.
I didn't even know what to tell her but I knew she was getting worried. I was in my head throughout the whole dinner,thinking about how to escape this talk.
We had a good time with everyone and left but not before promising Jas that we'll come over for dinner sometime.
"Alright babe start talking", Cam said as soon as she closed the door to he apartment. Here goes nothing.
"About what?", I was still stalling.
"You know we have a lot to talk about and you've been acting off since today. What's up?", She stated calmly.
"Nothing, I think I'm just coming down with something", I shrugged and walked into the bedroom.
"Really babe? That's a flimsy excuse you know", Cam followed me.
"I don't know what you want to hear Cam, I'm tired", I sighed.
"Why don't we start with what happened yesterday?", Her voice was taking a strong edge and I knew she was getting pissed already but I didn't want to tell her for the fear of what she'll say.
"What happened yesterday?", I crossed my arms, her eyes drifted to my chest but she shook her head and looked at me.
"Don't make things hard", she groaned.
"You are making things hard for yourself, Babe I'm tired and could use some sleep right now".
"Babe you had a panic attack yesterday and you have been off today so shoot me for trying to know what is going on with you", she was raising her voice.
"Anybody will have a panic attack after they had a not so nice reunion with her ex", I shouted.
" You know you are a shitty lair, this is not about that bastard and you know it", she stated matter of fact.
"So tell me what it is all about", I yelled.
"You are hiding something from me and I need to know. I don't need you walking around like a zombie", she yelled back.
"I'm not hiding anything from you, knock it off!", We were now full on yelling. She held eye contact for a moment before she sighed and sat down.
"You are giving me a headache", she pinched the bridge of her nose. I rolled my eyes still keeping the angry front up when infact I was tired and needed sleep.
"You wanted a headache", I grumbled and she shot a nasty look at me before sighing again. She does that a lot and she looked tired.
"Go and get some sleep Sarah", she mumbled and stretched her legs on the couch. Wait, is she...
"Are you sleeping on the couch?", I didn't expect this. Didn't the idiot know that she was my human pillow?? She threw her arm over her covered eyes and found a comfortable position on the couch.
"Go ahead I'll come to bed later, I just need sometime to think, the same way you do", she mumbled as if she wanted nothing but for me to leave already. Well fuck her, I am going to show her that I could sleep fine without her. I was proved wrong when I tossed and turned all night until she climbed into bed early morning and I cuddled into her.

So they had their first fight as a couple hmm🤔, what do you think? Let's know in the comment section

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