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Cam's Pov (still fundraising night)

I was getting angry the more I thought about it, some people don't just deserve children and Christine and Bill are the last people on Earth that should have children.
"What have you had today?", I asked as calmly as I could.
"Food", she mumbled and looked away.
"What type of food Lily?"
"Some salad and mineral water", she mumbled again and my eyes nearly fell out of their sockets. Who the fuck feeds a growing girl salad and mineral water since morning because they want her to look lady like!!
"And you are okay with that?", I looked at her and saw her squirming around.
"And what's with the fake blond hair?", I questioned nonchalantly and almost regretted it when she got apprehensive. Jesus, everyone around me had secrets to keep, my shit can never compete against that.
"I don't care what Christine is going to say but I need you to sit your ass here and wait for me to fetch my girlfriend and we are going to eat something", I ordered her and that seemed to work, they even trained her to be like a fucking dog for fucks sake. I stood up and dialed Sarah's number but it went to voicemail. A feeling of urgency washed over me immediately and like a woman possessed, I started searching for her.

Sarah's Pov

I knew these money hungry men were going to try and pull a fast one which was why I put my foot down to make sure that the orphanage homes got the whole funds. When I saw the second painting, I found myself relating to it. I don't know what was going on in Cam's head when she painted it but I found myself there. A pity that someone who probably didn't know the value of painting got it.
Who I didn't expect to see here were my parents, brother and Rachel. I searched around for Cam and found her sitting still, playing with her phone and the sight of her calmed me down instantly. I needed to get close to her but I knew I couldn't with everything that was going on now so I tried to stay away from their line of sight. I continued to act normal when infact I was trying not to lose it.
"Ms Jameson", a voice greeted me and I turned around and came face to face with Rahul Singh, a young Indian that I tutored when he left his country for greener pastures. He just stuck to me for one whole year, learning everything he could so that he could go into the business world and make a living too. That was three years ago, he still filled me in with what was happening but I knew he got very busy, being a manager is not the easiest job out there.
"Rahul, long time", I patted his back when he bent to touch my feet, something I was tired of addressing. When he started I found it weird that he called me Ms Jameson and always touched my feet in greeting, I'm still young bro, I tried to talk him out of that habit but he refused so I got used to it instead.
"What has been going on?", I asked and he immediately beamed at me, he was still childlike.
"All good Ma'am, I got a good client and I can say that I am making good progress", he spoke in his thick Indian accent. I smiled at him and let him continue.
"My client is interested in yours", he stated nervously and I raised my eyebrows at him.
"And who is this client if I may ask?"
"He owns an advertising firm as well as a few hotels in Miami", he beams excitedly, happy about the fact that I may give in.
"I see, I bet they have a name", I chuckled at his childish ways as I greeted some people and snatched some complimentary cards from them. Some lady I recognized as the personal assistant of one of the major organizers came up to me,
"Ms Jameson, President Kang would like a word with you", he gestured at the aging Korean man who laughed at something someone said.
"Rahul I have to go now, call me sometime and we'll discuss this client of yours alright", I patted his shoulder and followed the PA to were president Kang stood.
The man was an enigma himself, through him various orphanages and destitute homes have been able to function properly. He had kind chocolate eyes and had a good body that defied his age which the papers carried to be seventy eight during his last birthday. He owned one of the largest construction company in Asia and also had a huge name in the states too, besides that I learnt of his zeal to invest in small businesses and help the owners grow. He hugged me lightly when he saw me and grinned like a school boy.
"Ms Jameson, always a pleasure to see you. My you have gotten more beautiful than the last time I saw you", he mused and winked at me, not so subtle. Did I mention that he was a huge flirt? Yes and a very cheesy one at that who knows how to embarrass his sweet wife, Jin but it's all in good spirits.
"You can say that again President Kang, where is the Missus?", I grinned back at him.
"She is somewhere in this crowd doing God knows what, that woman", he exhaled as if he was tired but I could see it in his eyes and easy tone that he really loved his wife. As if on cue, Jin comes out of nowhere wearing her easy smile and that mischievous glint that was always in her eyes.
"Oh shut up Yeobo, I leave you for one minute and you are already flirting", she slapped his shoulder and brought me in a bear hug.
" Sarah honey, long time no see, how have you been?", She pinched my cheeks.
I know you are wondering how we are behaving this way in a business gathering but that's how we are, when I first met them I saw his power couple that commanded power until Jin helped me through panic attack and invited me to their mansion, we kind of grew on each other.
"I've been good Jin, beautiful as always", I hugged her back.
"If only this one agrees to that", she throws a playful glare at him and he looked surprise.
"Hey, I told you the same thing this morning", he whined and I laughed as they bantered like teenagers.
"You are doing a good job with your client, I saw both of you walk in", Jin wiggled her eyebrows and I wondered if anything ever escaped her observant eyes. I blushed and she opened her palm for President Kang to slap a hundred dollar bill in it while sighing. Really people?
"Congratulations, if she hurts you, I have a chainsaw in my backyard", president Kang said and I could tell that he meant business.
"I am sure you have heard about the B island construction", he stated and I nodded.
"At some point we will need the services of an exceptional artist like her, you get what I am saying".
I nodded at him, knowing that he will not be discussing it in full detail here.
"Have your PA make an appointment and we'll discuss the details", I responded in my best business voice.
"Good", he clapped my shoulder and dragged Jin towards some other group of people while I decided to use the restroom. I stared at my reflection on the mirror and couldn't help but notice the changes in my appearance, I was still chubby but my cheeks had gotten a little firmer and my whole body too, perks of working out with Cam. My tummy still had a long way to go but I was getting comfortable in my own skin and I looked happy, genuinely happy even though the thoughts of what is to come loomed over me but Can made me happy. It's crazy how I had survived without my parents or brother seeing me here and I was happy that the whole event was over so I was already leaving with Cam as soon as I left the restroom. I finished drying my hands when an all too familiar feeling washed over me. The pores on my skin  swelled up, the hairs on my neck stood up, my hands started shaking and fear gripped me. I thought I was over this.
"Hello baby sister", I heard the familiar voice drawl, his voice had matured but still had that disgusting feeling to it. I kept my cool and turned around to look at him.
"Hello Brad", I maintained my cold exterior and desperately prayed that he left the doorway or that someone will come looking for me.
"Someone got bolder", he laughed dryly while referring to the fact that I was looking him dead in the eyes instead of bending my head like I used to do. I scoffed and rested my hips on the marble countertop, praying to God for a miracle.
"You can say that again"
"I never knew you had it in you but what can I say, you are a slut. Why have you decided to punish us like this?", He came into the room completely and closed the door. Shit, I had to think fast so I gradually dug my hand into my purse and started looking for my phone but the silly thing decided to play hide and seek.
"What are you talking about?", I played dumb and that angered him a bit, wrong move Sarah.
"It's been what? Seven years since you ran away from home. Since you deprived dad and I of our rights to have you. Don't you think that's a selfish thing to do?", He advanced like a predator will on a prey. I felt my phone vibrate but I couldn't pick it when a new wave of fear crashed into me.
"You do not own me Brad. I thought after all these years you would change but you are still the stranger. What happened to the big brother that promised to protect me?", I was nearing tears and tried to stall. I saw what looked like guilt flash through his eyes but a sinister look replaced it.
"I'm still here right? Protecting what's mine. You are mine and nobody should ever have you besides me, can't you see? That's what big brothers do. Don't worry baby, I will not let papa share you this time", he sneered. Brad was officially a psychopath. The phone vibrated again and I picked it, hoping to God it was Cam calling me.
"Is that what you came in the ladies bathroom to say? That I'm yours Brad?", I gave my location away, praying whoever called me was in this building. Brad nodded eagerly and licked his lips before slaming my body against his own and kisses me disgustingly. I whimpered from the pain and pure disgust and tried to fight him but he roughly grabbed my ass cheek and squeezed, I'm sure he drew blood with the way his dirty fingers dug into my flesh. It was happening again but this time I remembered Cam, she should be the one holding me, touching me and kissing me, he had no right. He is a bastard that should be killed on the spot for all his wickedness. With all that in my mind I pushed him with all my might and he stumbled back, grinning at me and I bitch slapped him.
"You deserve to rot in hell you bastard", I sneered at him, not minding the fact that I was stuck with him. The anger was already coursing through me when I remembered my baby, they killed her and now he is back to claim me as his own. His mood switched to angry in a matter of minutes just like the psychopath that he was and just as he was about to charge at me, the door burst open, revealing Cam and Rachel.  Thank baby Jesus!!

Phew 🥴 that was a close call

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