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Sarah's Pov

I felt empty, like totally and utterly empty. You know that feeling where you feel nothing at all, like there is a void in your life and no body could fill it, that's what I felt. I always knew that things would get fucked up the minute Cam finds out but I was never prepared for it. It had been one week since Cam found out, one week since I lost the only woman I ever loved, the only person that showed me what it was like to be loved. I cursed the day Brad was brought into this world over and over but what could it do? Cam was never at home, she goes out before I wake up and returns when she's sure I'll be asleep. Dr Rose's words played in my head again and I knew it was time for me to save myself this time. Brad and dad were never enough to end me, all I need is Cam and I will be nothing on the face of the Earth. I was not going to go through this, I understood if it was too much baggage for her but I was not staying. I called my realtor three days ago and I just picked the first apartment that I saw, not wanting to prolong my suffering. I had also furnished it in record time so my presence is the only thing the house needs right now.
Today was the day I left, Cam as usual was out again and will probably be back at night so it was easier for me to pack my things and leave her house, I didn't have to deal with her physically which was a blessing. I got an Uber and left, no message or nothing, just left. I hoped to God that she still lets me stay as her manager but if she was repulsed by that as she is with me now, I'll always find someone else. It will be a difficult one but I know I'm a damn good manager and I have a fucking good resume. I was still in my numb stage and hoped to God I will be able to handle the break out. Getting to he apartment which was basically lifeless and unappealing, I ripped my bags and dialed the one number that I know could help me. Dr rose, she picked on the second ring and as calmly as I could, I told her everything that happened, leaving nothing out. I could feel her struggling not to show me any sympathy and I was grateful for that. She told me something simple and I quote "leave your apartment, take yourself to dinner, maybe go to the movies and then tomorrow plan a spontaneous trip out of the city and just grab your bags and go and spend some days out of your space, soak up all the positive energy you can. When you return we are going to work something out. You are walking out of this, maybe scathed but with your head in a good place and some self love". I did just that. I went to a local diner and ate whatever I wanted before I headed out to see some comic movie that was showing in the theater. I laughed all by myself and walked the streets all alone, basking in the sound of silence, it's my new favorite sound now, silence. I even snagged the most expensive wine I saw in a store and went to my apartment.
"Sarah, wait up", I heard a breathless voice speak up, God knows I just wanted to drink my wine and get lost tomorrow. I threw my meanest glare at the person who I recognized to be Rachel, just the soul I needed to see.
"If it isn't the devil's advocate", I sneered at her and she threw her hands up.
"Hey I know that everything is fucked up right now but please hear me out", she sounded desperate and I eyed her before I found the wine opener I keep in my glove compartment, yeah I do that. I popped the bottle, leaned on my car and started drinking from it, waiting for her to start.
"I didn't know you were his sister", she started when she saw that this discussion was happening in the car park of the apartment building. I didn't answer her and gulped again.
"Sarah I don't know what to say or even how you feel but I need you to understand that I am not the bad guy here"
I narrowed my eyes at her, I'll legit smash this expensive bottle on her pretty blonde head, but that's after I finish the damn bottle, I need every single drop.
"I know it sounds off but...", I cut her off.
"I like your shirt", I eyed her pretty dress shirt that was tucked one side I to her skinny jeans. The patterns were calming and I just liked it, I wonder where she got it. She observed me before trying to snatch the bottle from me, God help her if she takes my source of joy from me right now.
"Sarah?", She called calmly.
"Yeah?", I took another big sip, this shit's fucking strong.
"C'mon let's take you inside", she tried to grab me but I swung at her but this bitch was determined so she grabbed my bottle before throwing me over her shoulder like I weighed nothing, something Cameron would do. Fuck them and their strength, I bit the shit out of her back before I found a new interest, her soft round ass that the jeans fit snugly. I grabbed it and pressed it, handy and soft and squishy. She took a deep breath and asked where my apartment was and I happily directed her. I directed her with one hand giving the directions and the other pressed against her ass, my nose sniffing her perfume but it's not the one I like. Where Cam's ass was firmer and flatter, hers was fuller and softer, where Cam smelt like sandalwood and her strong smell, she smelt like some fruit, of the citrus family I guessed and where Cam would enjoy me squeezing her ass, Rachel was being a big meanie. She was no fun at all, she snatched the keys from my hand and opened the door to my ugly, emotionless apartment.


My eyes peeled open and I found myself in a room I didn't know. What the hell?? I made a sharp turn and regretted it instantly when I hit my head on the damn hard floor and yelped like a wounded puppy, everything went straight to my head, giving me the worst headache I've ever known.
"Jesus, I leave you for one moment and you've already smashed your head on the floor", a voice came from where I didn't know, sounding funny. What the fuck was funny? I felt a pair of hands helping me up but I still kept my eyes closed, allowing them to help me.
"You can open your eyes now and take this",  the person opened my palm and threw in a pill there and that's when I gradually opened my eyes, this person was the devil's girlfriend. How the fuck did she get into my apartment? The events of last night played in my messed up head, some of them being blurry. I eyed the pill suspiciously before drinking it and turning my glare at her.
"Care to explain what you are doing here?", Forget my headache, I was ready to go Satan on her. She eyed me before she started to unbutton her shirt, is she fucking crazy? I watched her apprehensively, ready to bolt out of there. I watched her cold demeanor fall when she opened the last button and pushed the shirt apart and I saw huge ugly bruises, under her ribs and stomach, scratch marks on the swell of her breasts. When she turned around, my eyes nearly popped out of their sockets, a huge ugly iron burn sat on her back with some whip marks.
"What the fuck?", I was on the verge of crying for her.
"I fell in love and trusted the wrong person. He rapes me too, everyday and derives joy from almost killing me. His father is the same too, different girls for him everyday and his mother is just some trophy wife that sees nothing wrong with all that", she broke down.
"I endured for a long time without talking but I will not go down without a fight, I am a fucking lawyer for fucks sake!", She screamed.
"The first time I saw you, I saw a broken person, little did I know that we were battling the same demon, let me help you. I need help too but let me help you", she cried softly and I gathered her in my arms, first time I had to console a person in my shoes. I thought about all the times that Cam did the same thing for me and squeezed my eyes, in a bid not to cry but it was useless. After a while of crying she straightened up and her cold demeanor fell in place. I told her about my plan to leave town for a while and she offered me to stay in her country cottage in Texas until I was ready to come back and honestly I didn't think of a better option so I just packed up and followed her to Texas, not knowing when I'll come back to this town and face the love of my life who was currently disgusted with me.

It's getting sadder and sadder but I'll keep going. We need to know what happened to Cam, why she betrayed Sarah even after promising to stay. Stay tuned.

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