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Sarah's Pov
We were at a local diner and the sight of Cam shovelling pasta into her mouth made me squeeze my thighs. God knows what else that mouth could do to me. I still couldn't believe that she made me cum twice by making me rub myself on those rock hard abs. After my panic attack earlier that day, I expected things to be awkward between us or even for her to blast me with questions, instead she made me forget everything. I liked it when she dominated me and her commanding voice makes me go crazy. She was so gentle yet very demanding, she knew the right places to touch. That was my second experience with her as the orgasms kept getting better. I'd never felt anything like that before, now I understood what the big deal about orgasms were. I let her touch me easily and I was not bothered at all, I craved for her touch if anything. With Dad and Brad it was always rough, disgusting and painful but she was giving me a new definition to sex. I was yet to have real sex with her but I was already looking forward to it. I didn't know if I was ready but I knew I could trust Cam.
"Earth to Sarah", she waved her fork in my face.
"Penny for your thoughts?", She smirked at me. She must have known that I was thinking about yesterday. I was sure I resembled a tomato, she knew how to get me to blush with the most innocent words.
"Hello again, here is your bill handsome", the waitress appeared again and ruined our moment. From the minute we walked in here she kept throwing flirty comments at Cam and kept ignoring me as if I didn't exist. The extent some people go just to get into other people's pants is appalling. Cam had not spared her a single glance yet she kept pushing. Cam picked up the bill to see a paper attached to it, the bimbo's number. I don't know what they say about jealousy but it's not a good feeling, you want to go Satan on a person when you get jealous. I was about to give her a piece of my mind when Cam spoke up.
"I'll be needing your manager here in five minutes or I'll get really mad", she calmly glared at the waitress who was now panicked.
"Do you think you can do that for me.." she looked at her name tag," Cindy?". The girl was going to plead but with the fire in Cam's glare, she turned away with her head hung low in defeat.
"Babe she's not worth it let's go home", I suggested. She grinned goofily at me.
" I like when you call me that", she totally ignored the other things I said.
"Babe seriously", I whined.
"She's a bitch....", She started.
" That does not deserve your time now can we please go?", I pouted at her and her eyes zeroed on my lips. She narrowed her eyes at me, it was easy to get her all worked up.
"Sarah don't try me", she huskily warned me. Jesus that voice is a major turn on, the look in her eyes and her voice made me nearly cum there. I gulped as she slapped money on the table and practically dragged me out. She crashed her lips on mine the minute we got into the car and somehow pulled me into her lap, making me straddle her without breaking the kiss. I gasped and she slipped her smooth tongue into my mouth, I could taste the sauce from the spaghetti. She squeezed my ass  and rubbed her thigh against my centre through my jeans.
"Fuck!", She swallowed my moans and did it again. I got aware of out location and pulled away, she groaned at the loss of contact, I missed the contact too.
"We are at a parking lot", I was breathing heavily.
"So?", She rubbed again and I bucked forward.
" Ah..... Cam..." Rub "someone may.... Fuck.... S.. see", I stumbled on my words making her smirk. I slapped her arm and climbed down and did a poor job of holding in the moan that escaped me when my thighs rubbed together. She chuckled wickedly and raced off the parking lot, taking us home in record time.


As soon as she closed the door I was pinned against it by her. The kiss was gentle but I could taste the lust there. She lifted me, making me wrap my thighs around her waist. Where she gets the strength to lift me as if I weighed nothing baffles me. She takes us to her bedroom and gently laid me on the bed and hovered over me, putting a little weight on me. I loved the feel of her weight on me, I wrapped my legs around her waist and brought her down to my core. She rocked her hips and I saw stars. She knew how to awaken the sex beast I didn't even know I have. I could feel it whenever she touched me. She nibbled on my neck, kissing towards my breasts, the feeling was surreal. I was at peace with everything that was happening around me. No fears, total trust. Just unsure about my body. That's all but she still makes me feel special.

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