1) meeting the new roommate

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this is the first chapter so let me know if you guys like it!!!

sadly, your roommate hitch was being moved to a different dorm leaving you to deal with a mysterious new roommate. you were helping hitch pack her things while listening to some random music. while hitch was packing away some shoes she turned to you and said "you know y/n, im really gonna miss youuuuu" you stopped what you were doing and said "i know hitch this is your 5th time saying it today and this will be my 5th time saying im gonna miss you too".

hitch was a forgetful person, barely remembering conversations she had so she would often repeat herself a lot but you didn't mind. after another hour of packing and talking to hitch, you helped carry her bags to her new dorm which was kinda far from where your dorm was. you both get to the front door of hitch's new dorm and she opens the door to see only one bed?

"LET'S FUCKING GOOOOO I HAVE A DORM TO MYSELFFFFFFF". hitch said practically jumping up and down with joy. "NO FUCKING FAIR". you said, you were a bit jealous. hitch had a whole dorm to herself now, only the smartest students got a dorm to themselves and hitch was definitely not one of the smartest. you were still happy for hitch though. she then said "OKAY Y/N GO SO YOU CAN MEET YOUR NEW ROOMMATEEEE"

you then looked at her and said "you sure? i wanted to help you unpack and stuff". she then said "it's fine y/n, you've been helping me all day i'll be fineee. PLUS your new roommate might be some hot chick". you both started laughing and you said "well then i guess i should head back, it's getting kind of dark plus i should see if the new roommate is there". and with that hitch gave you a hug while you hugged back and she said "bye y/nnnn". "bye hitchhh, send me pictures when your done setting up your room!" she gave you a thumbs up while you closed the door walking out.

you were now walking back to your dorm and started getting kinda nervous. even though you talked to people a lot, you were a bit shy about meeting new people but you pushed all those thoughts away and continued walking to your dorm. you were now in the hallway of your dorm walking closer to the door when you heard music playing?

you made it to the front of your door and you knew for a fact that you knew what song it was. it was babooshka by kate bush, you had listened to that song a lot, it was on your playlist. you got distracted by your thoughts when you heard a woman or man singing inside your dorm... you assumed that this was your new roommate but you couldn't tell if they were a woman or man... so to answer your question, you opened the door and seen her.

she was tall, tall as hell actually. she had dark eyes, definitely some grey with black. she had short blond hair with a undercut, it fit her well. her face was just, beautiful. she had on a black turtleneck, some black baggy jeans with a black belt and black boots. you thought the new roommate standing in your dorm was stunning. you quickly snapped out of it thoughts when your eyes might her eyes. and there you two were, just looking into each other's eyes not saying a word.

she finally said something and said "i'm guessing you're y/n... MY new roommate correct?" you couldn't even answer, the way she said "MY new roommate" threw you off, it was like she was referring to you as her's even though you both just met. you quickly said "ah yes, yes i am. what's your name?" she looked down at you and said "yelena, my name yelena. you know y/n... you're pretty fucking short". you were caught off guard but quickly snapped back and said "well you're pretty fucking tall yelena".

she just smirked trying to piss you off and said "thank you". you rolled your eyes and seen she already had her side of the dorm set up. you then asked "how tall are you anyways?" she then said "6'7, how about you short stuff?" you rolled your eyes again and said "5'4". (i just picked a random height but use whatever height you want!) yelena then said "5'4? jesus your like a little ant". you then said "shut up, i'm short but i can still beat your ass so fuck off tall bitch!"

she was surprised by your words but wanted to piss you off more so, she said "come beat my ass then". you looked at her and thought to yourself "this bitch is really trying me right now huh?" you snapped out of it and said "you know what, okay. i will beat your ass and when i do your gonna fuck off, got it?" she simply said "we'll see". and with that you took off your sneakers and said "well come on". she tried to punch you but you quickly dodged it and kicked her in her knee making her stumble a little bit. she then grabbed your leg pulling you down while also pulling you towards her.

you realized yelena had quick reflexes, but you couldn't even think for long because she was still pulling your leg meaning you were now under her, she got on top of you and pinned your arms down to the floor and said "aw, i thought you were gonna beat my ass y/n". you then kneed her in the stomach making her fall off of you in pain so you took this chance to get on top of her and pin her arms to the floor. you then smirked and said "told you i would beat your ass bitch, now fuck off i'm tired". you then got off of her and leaving her shocked and surprised on the floor.

yelena had never lost a fight, like NEVER so she was pretty pissed that she just lost to someone for the first time. she got up and off the floor and said "whatever". before you would go to bed you would take a shower so, you were gathering all your hygiene products into a little bin to take to the bathroom. you were about to leave when yelena said "y/n where are you going" you then looked back and said "to take a shower". yelena then looked directly in your eyes and say "well hurry up... i don't want MY roommate walking around this late at night".

there she was again, saying "MY roommate" like as if she was referring to you as her's but you brushed it off and said "yeah sure". you started making your way to the showers when you saw your two best friends hanji and pieck, it looked like they were walking to the showers too so you said "HEY MY BITCHSSS" they both turned around and said "HEY Y/NNNNN" the three of you ran to each other having a group hug. you met hanji and pieck while you was still in high school and you guys became best friends since. you love your best friends so much and they love you just as much.

after, the three of you started talking and joking around while still walking to the showers. you guys were now in the bathroom taking showers but still talking since it was only you three. hanji then said "hey y/n, didn't hitch move out of your dorm today? who's your new roommate" pieck joined in and said "yeah who's your new roommate?" you then said "some tall freak named yelena, she's like tall as shit but kinda hot". they both started laughing and y'all continued to talk.

after another 5 minutes of talking, y'all got out the shower and started changing into some pj's for bed. you simply just had on a grey tank top with some black shorts. you then waved hanji and peick goodbye also telling them goodnight and started walking back to your dorm. you opened the door and yelena eyes looked directly at you and said "you walked back to the dorm with a tank top and shorts on? people could've been looking at MY roommate". you then said "YELENA STOP SAYING IT LIKE THAT YOU DAMN WEIRDO AND EVERYONE IS SLEEP BESIDES MY TWO BEST FRIENDS. you're not my mother you know that right?"

she then got up and stood right in front of you bending a little bit to be on the same height level as you and said "i just don't want people looking at my roommate". you then said "sure, whatever you say yelena". and with that you quickly turned around and went to bed because you were smiling. for some reason, you liked the way she said "MY roommate". you thought it was attractive but something in your gut told you that being roommates with yelena was going to be, interesting...

𝐘𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐀'𝐒 𝐑𝐎𝐎𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐄 | yelena x female reader |Where stories live. Discover now