➪ 15) it's them

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TW: death, guns, blood, fighting, sexual language and sexual contact

the next few days in the prison was pure hell, you were fed only two times a day with little food causing you to lose weight. you weren't allowed to shower by yourself meaning the guards would have to watch you shower which was pure hell. sometimes they would even turn the water really hot on purpose to burn your skin.

you slept on a cold mattress on the filthy floor with no blanket or pillows. on top of that, they only let you sleep 6 hours a day. your life had completely changed in just a blink of an eye. by this point, you had fully given up on yelena or anyone else coming to save you.

after you found out yelena cheated on you, you wanted nothing to do with her anymore. how could she just cheat on you with someone she found on the street and think she could get away with it? a part of you still loved her but you had to let go.

you had accepted that this was your new reality unfortunately. was this the life you wanted? of course not but living was the only goal. you're main agenda was surviving, nobody else was going to help you but yourself.

life for you was already falling apart so things couldn't get any better, right?

at the moment, the guard floch was unlocking your cell to give you your first meal of the day. when he finally opened the door revealing your shivering body on the mattress, he said "you get uglier and uglier as the days go by, you know that?" "no but i do know you should shut the fuck up" you snapped back at him.

in the letter you read a couple of days ago from mina, it said not to disrespect floch but you couldn't help it anymore. ever since you got here, he was really one of the only guard that would keep nagging at you obviously for a reaction out of you.

"the hell did you say to me y/n?" he said while walking over to you. "you heard me bitch" you replied with a small smirk on your face. he grabbed you by your shirt with a mad look on his face while you were still with the same small smirk. he started to punch you while you blocked most of his hits.

he kicked you by your rib cage making you yelp out in pain. "look at you, weak and pathetic. i can't wait until i'm able to kill you. now eat your food fucking whore". before you could say anything back he slammed the door locking it.

"fuck that hurt" you said while getting the food. there were soggy mash potatoes, rice and peas with chicken that looked un seasoned. you rolled your eyes and started picking at the meal eating the parts that were edible.

while you were picking at the food, you heard a guard yell "is everything okay in there?" you didn't recognize who the person was, they hadn't sound familiar from any of the guards. "yeah i'm fine" you yelled back. soon after you said that the person unlock the door and you saw what seemed like to be a very tall male, tall like yelena.

he had a brown bread with black and grey eyes with a hat on covering his hair. he just stared at you not saying a word. he then finally said "hello, i am a new guard here. i heard a lot of ruckus in here earlier so i wanted to make sure everything was okay". you smiled and said "yup i'm fine besides ugly ass floch kicking me and-"

as soon as you said that the guy turned around and said "i will be back" in a more serious and stern voice. he walked out the cell closing it lightly and locking it hearing his foot steps walk away. "well that was... odd" you whispered to yourself.

the cell had a small window in it so you looked out of it drawing whatever you could see, the birds, little kids running around and leafs falling down from the trees. all you had was a pen with no paper so you would draw on the walls, it reminded you of when you were a child and used to draw on the walls.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2021 ⏰

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