5) unexpected actions

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TW: sexual activity, sexual language, mention of kinks, knifes, and degrading

you couldn't even process what you were hearing. yelena...your roommate... WAS TRYING TO KILL PEOPLE. you couldn't even wrap your head around what your ears heard, it sounded too ridiculous to be true but unfortunately, it was. you didn't know what to do, were you going to go back to sleep and act like nothing happened or was you going to follow her into the unknown?

well, mama ain't raise no bitch...

you got up from your bed putting on some slippers getting your self mentally and physically prepare for what was to come. you had no clue what would happen but you didn't care, you just wanted answers. you opened the door of your dorm looking at your phone seeing the time was now 3:16am. "i swear to god, yelena has some explaining to do. i'm losing sleep for this bull shit". you looked down the hallway seeing yelena turn the corner.

you quickly and quietly started following yelena down the dark hallway. you had no idea where the blonde woman was going but you were determined to find out. why was she up this late? who was she on the phone with? did she actually want to kill someone? has she ever killed someone? all these questions filled your head as you continued to follow yelena.

she then started walking down some stairs so you quietly followed behind her but then she stopped walking. you froze, you didn't want her to see you so you tired to be as quiet as you could be and slowly walk back upstairs. yelena then yelled out "whoever you are, stop following me, i'll kill you. actually i'll do it now". she started walking up the stairs and you started zooming.

you did NOT want yelena knowing you were following her, she would tease you about it so much. plus, now that you knew she kills people, only gods know what she would do to you once she found out. as you were running, you could hear her start to run behind you. you didn't even know where you were running too, all you knew was that you didn't want yelena to know it was you following her.

you then hear her yell out "stop running, let me cut your limbs". your eyes widen as you started to pick up your pace, she picked up her pace as well now getting closer to you. you could tell she was mad, you started to regret following her. yelena might just kill you because of this. she then got close enough to you and grabbed the back of your hair pulling you closer to her pulling out a knife holding it to your neck.

knifes were one of your kinks so this turned you on, a lot. but the fact that yelena didn't know it was you and could kill you at this moment scared you. yelena then looked down at you and said "y/n... why the fuck are you following me". great, she's pissed. how was you supposed to tell her you heard everything that was said on the phone call with that random person and why you were following her. you didn't know what to really say, so you said

"i was just worried about you".

"that's bull shit, now i'm gonna ask you again. why were you following me".


"DONT yell at me y/n. i'm not in the mood for your shit".

"i didn't fucking ask if you were in the mood".

she chuckled in a low tone and whispered in your ear "well i'm in the mood to fuck you in the middle of this hallway but we can't always do what we want right?" you then said "y- yelena i-" you got cut off by her grabbing your neck and slamming you against the wall putting her knee between your legs right under your clit, rubbing her knee on it while still holding the knife to your neck. you let out a soft low moan as she said "shut the fuck up you little slut, i'm annoyed with you right now".

you then said between the low moans "well you always annoy me- ahh~ so now you know how it fee- ouuu yelena~". she smirked and said "look at you, can't even finish your sentence. such a fucking whore, MY whore". you couldn't even process everything that was happening. between yelena basically seducing you and the knife still pressed against your neck, it made your mind go crazy. everything was beginning to become a fog of lust but you were fighting to control yourself.

you loved the feeling of the cold metal against your neck, it was simply a kink. a kink that made your mind go crazy. yelena was no help, looking at you with lust eyes as she continued to rub her knee on the place that felt good sending you off the chain. you could feel your panties begin to get wet, yeah... definitely lust now. your low soft moans started to get more vocal when yelena started rubbing faster and harder.

she stopped and said "can i take this further?" you nodded your head yes as she started to put her hands up your shirt playing with your brest while she started to give you kisses on your neck which turned into hickeys, leaving you a moaning mess. even though she was making you feel good and you loved it, you were scared out of your mind. anyone could walk out their dorm and see you too having y'all little fun. yelena on the other hand seemed to not care if someone found you two, she loved the thrill of it.

she was about to pull down your pants when her phone started to ring. she stopped and took out her phone answering the call. you could hear the other person on the phone say "YELENA YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO BE HERE 15 MINUTES AGO, WHERE ARE YOU". yelena then replied with "i got into some trouble on the way there, i'll be over now". she hanged up the phone and turned to you and said "i wish i could continued this with you but i have business. now go back to the dorm i'll be there when you wake up".

at this point you were sexual frustrated, but you weren't going to let yelena leave without giving you answers so before she walked away you said "who are you trying to kill?" her eyes widen and said "YOU HEARD THAT?" "yeah, now answer yelena who are you trying to kill?"
yelena looked at you with a nervous smile and said "y/n i'm sorry for what i'm about to do. i will explain everything". you looked at her with a confused face and said "what are you talking a-" before you could finish speaking, the tall blonde knocked you out picking your unconscious body up and throwing you over her shoulders.

she started mumbling to herself saying numerous things as

"shit. shit. shit".

"zeke isn't gonna like this".

"fucking y/n is gonna get me killed".

"what if they want to kill her"

"no. i'll make sure no one touch's her. they won't touch my y/n"...

𝐘𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐀'𝐒 𝐑𝐎𝐎𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐄 | yelena x female reader |Where stories live. Discover now