4) ackerman flu

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338 READS😀? THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE SUPPORT AHHH I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH :)) butttt this is chapter 4 so enjoy my babes🙄🧎🏻‍♀️🧎🏻‍♀️.

TW: sexual language

you woke up the next day feeling... terrible. bad headache, stuffy nose, dry throat and a nasty cough. yelena looked over at you worried but didn't say anything besides "good morning short stuff". you couldn't even reply because of how bad you were feeling. then it hit you, you haven't been sick since last year and that could only mean one thing.

oh no... shit it can't be happening not again. not now. fuck. fuck. fuck. randomly one day out of year, ever ackerman would catch a flu out of no where. why this would happen? nobody knew why. did it annoy ever ackerman living? hell yes. it was like a holiday for ackermans to just magically get the flu out of no where. you hated being sick, it sucked. you always had a runny nose and you would have to take disgusting medicine.

you quickly grabbed your phone texting in a group chat with levi and mikasa named "the ackermans👺" to see if they got the flu too.

y/n: "did y'all get the damn flu😐?"

mikasa: "yes, i feel awful".

levi: "unfortunately i have the flu as well".

mikasa: "ereh is taking care of me. bye".

y/n: "i- well okay then miss girl😃".

levi: "she's down bad over the shitty kid".

y/n: "down baddddddd".

mikasa: "🙄🙄😐".

levi: "feel better brats".

mikasa: "i hope you guys feel better as well".

y/n: "<3❤️❤️"

yelena grabbed your phone out of your hand and said "your sick, so this belongs to me until you feel better. i think i have some medicine so lay down and relax, i'll tell your professors your sick and i'll be taking care of you... okay?" you rolled you eyes nodding your head yes while you laid back down. it kinda surprised you of how caring yelena was being. even though she teased you all the time and bothered you, this was different. it was like she cared about you, which she actually did... you were just clueless.

yelena walked over to you with a bottle of water in one hand and medicine with a little cup in the other. you then said "yelena i don't wanna take itttt". yelena replied with "you have to, stop being such a baby". she opened the medicine bottle pouring some into the little cup that came with it so you can take it. she then said "here, take it".

"i'm not taking it".

"y/n, stop being bitchy".

"no, i hate that stuff".

"it's gonna make you feel better now take it".

"i'm not t-"

you got cut off by yelena when she grabbed your chin forcing it open and making you drink the disgusting medicine. you had no other choice but to swallow the nasty liquid. she then said "see that wasn't bad". you rolled your eyes grabbing the water bottle chugging the water trying to get the bad flavor out of your mouth.

yelena was laughing at how childish you were being. she then said "i'll be back" getting up to walk over to the door. you then said "no- i mean okay". you didn't know what came upon you to want yelena to stay but some part of you wanted her to not go. she then smirked and said "what? are you gonna miss me short stuff?" you then said "just... stay please".
she looked shocked you were asking her to stay but she quickly made her way back to you.

she took it upon herself to get in bed with you. you then yelled "YELENA YOUR GONNA GET SICK". "it's fine, you wanted me to stay right?" "yeah but-". "then just sshhh". there you two were just in your bed side to side. you grabbed the remote trying to find something to watch when you feel two big arms wrapping around your waist. you turn around and see yelena cuddling you. she then said "well... are you gonna cuddle me back?" you then replied with "your annoying". you wrapped your arms around her neck while she pulled you closer to her body.

she held your body so close to her that you could feel how warm she was. you were pretty worried about yelena getting sick but she didn't seem to mind at all, she just wanted you to feel better. little did you know yelena was panicking on the inside trying to talk to herself.

"y/n feels really warm".

"i should cuddle her a lot more".

"wait she's gonna get me sick..."

"it'll be worth it if i get to be this close to her right?"

you snapped yelena out of her thoughts and said "so... how's your classes?" you didn't really know how to start conversations but you tired your best. yelena then said "pretty good actually, i'm passing everything... how about you?" "meh it could be better but i'm doing enough to pass". you two started talking about school and the teachers you had, afterwards just beginning to talk about life.

you didn't realize it but you and yelena had a few things in common. talking to her made you feel happy, the way she looked at you while you was talking made your heart beat faster. you didn't know if you liked the 6'7 girl that annoyed your soul but one thing you did know was, she made you feel different, maybe different like love...

yelena then asked you "so what do you take interest in?" you honestly was going to say photography and start to talk about your love for it when something else came to mind. teasing her. yes, it could end in numerous different ways but she always teased you so it was gonna be worth it. so, you said "you~"



"don't say shit like that".

"why not? you do it all the time".

you were gonna to speak again but she grabbed your neck pulling you closer to her and said "you might be sick right now, but when you feel better i'll be having something waiting for you, got that?" you wanted to piss her off so you said "you won't do shit, fuck off". you just got yourself in some deep shit. yelena was now looking dead into your eyes like if she wanted to kill you, of course she wouldn't but she looked very intimidating. she just chuckled in a low tone and said "just watch y/n, this whole hallway will be hearing you scream". you rolled your eyes and turned your body to the other side of the bed facing away from yelena.

she pulled your body even closer to her's basically big spooning you. you had to admit, being this close to yelena was extremely comfortable. she was tall with long arms and long legs so she spooned your body perfectly. your eyes started to fell heavy and you started to slowly fall asleep.

you woke up and the time was now 3:02 am when you seen yelena wasn't in your bed anymore cuddling you, she was now standing up looking out the window having a conversation with someone on the phone. you were about to ask why the fuck would she be up at 3 in the morning talking to someone but you decided to easy drop. you heard some guy over the phone say "yeah we'll shoot up the place with no problem". your eyes widened like wide wide.

who the hell was that guy yelena was on the phone with and what did they mean by "shoot up the place". you got interrupted by your thoughts when you heard yelena say "it should be easy shooting them correct? i just have to make sure MY roommate y/n is safe so don't come to my dorm, i'll meet you somewhere else to discuss the plan. goodnight". once you heard yelena hang up, you closed your eyes pretending to be sleep. yelena walked right out of the dorm leaving to go somewhere unknown. the only thing you could think to yourself was "what the hell is happening"...

𝐘𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐀'𝐒 𝐑𝐎𝐎𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐄 | yelena x female reader |Where stories live. Discover now