14) hopeless

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TW: this chapter is very sensitive, please read at your own risk

you woke up in a dark room with what seemed like three men with black hoodies on staring straight at you, you were sitting on a chair with your hands and feet tied together. "yo i'm starting to think y'all mother fuckers kinky, always got me in some damn rope" you openly said not thinking much. you looked up seeing the man just still staring "what?" you asked with a bit of an attitude.

"put her in the room, now".

before you could say anything else, the two men rushed towards you dragging you to another room. you didn't even try to fight back, there was no use anyways knowing the fact your hands and feet were tied together. you looked up to the two men trying to figure out what they looked liked and who they were when you realized one of them are a women. you never seen her a day in your life so you ignored it.

after a while of dragging you to this "room" one of them let you go and took a pair of keys out of their pocket to unlock the door. once they unlocked the door, they threw you inside on the dirty cold floor and slammed the door closed. "well damn" you mumbled to yourself trying to find a way to untie the ropes from your hands and feet.

you looked around the room seeing two lit candles, a night stand that had dust on it, a little sink with no soap, a toilet and a mattress on the floor. since you couldn't stand up you rolled over to the night stand opening up the first draw. nothing was inside it, just dust. you opened up the next one and still, nothing but more dust. you got to the last on and opened it revealing a pocket knife along with a letter.

you immediately grabbed the pocket knife and started cutting yourself out of the ropes. once you did you then took the letter out, unfolding and investigating it. the letter stated

"to whoever next who finds this, hello. my name is mina and i was kidnapped and taken here. i am not sure the date nor the time but i have found a paper and pen so here i am writing. if you find this, i am probably already dead. don't trust anyone here, they'll hurt you in ways i find very disturbing. don't talk to anyone here as well, they just want the money their being paid. and listen to everything they say, do whatever they say or they'll kill you on the spot. it's the best to help. i haven't found anyway to get out of here so i've accepted death. but to whoever's reading this, don't give up. i think the wall to the left is pretty weak, try knocking it down and see what happens. i believe it leads to outside. whatever you do, DO NOT talk to floch with disrespect, he's the worst. he'll do the unthinkable. may god be with you"

"shit i'm fucked" you cursed at yourself now knowing the information in the letter. who knows what could go down, you could be killed at anytime and that fact started to mess with your head. if only you haven't met yelena, if only you didn't say yes to the gang, if only if hitch was still your roommate, if only you didn't fall inlove with the tall 6'7 woman.

your mind was flooding with thoughts and most were about yelena. where was she and why hasn't she come to save you. you snapped out of your thoughts saying to yourself "don't think like that she loves you y/n you know this... right?". you tired to make yourself feel better about the situation but the more you talked to yourself, the worst it became.

your hands were on each side of your head while your body curled into a ball. you had never been in this posititon where you were kidnapped not knowing if help was on the way or not. the feeling was terrible and made your stomach twist in a unpleasant way.

there wasn't a real reason for you to really be kidnapped, you did nothing but yet got caught into the mix. life wasn't promised to you anymore, not that it ever was but who knows what could happen now. oh the things love gets you into, it's blind sighting and scary but that's what makes you want more of it, more of the feeling of being loved.

the feeling of love wasn't something you always felt, with you and levi's mom dying when you two were young it only made you both grow up without emotions. and only god knows where you and levi's dad were.

tears were streaming down your face as you sat and really looked over your life and realized how shitty it was and now you were probably going to die in this lifeless place. "life really is, surprising isn't mom" you said while looking up. a part of you was mad at your mother for leaving you in this awful world but the part of you was happy she didn't have to stay in this awful world.

your thoughts were interrupted by loud banging coming from the door. your eyes widen with fear when you realized you untied the ropes on your hands and feet earlier. "fuck fuck fuck" you continued to say while trying to tie the rope back onto your hands before the person walks in.

just as you finished, the person which turned out to be a guy with orange hair said "get up and follow me" with that you got up and started to follow the man out of the room. when you tied the rope back onto yourself it wasn't too tight or loose so hopefully it doesn't raise anyone's suspicion.

after a bit of walking the man in front of you stopped at a door and looked back at you and said "you're meeting the leader of us, bertholdt. treat him with respect or i'll kill you, got it?" "sure" you replied unfazed by his little threat. when he opened the door he moved to the side so you can walk in.

when you walked in the door, seeing a man sitting in a chair behind a desk which you assumed to be bertholdt. he looked up from his paper work and said "oh look it's the bitch that killed my boyfriend" "your boyfriend was ready to give it all up for this pussy shut the fuck up" you snapped back leaving him shocked.

"just sit down" he said clearly upset by your words

you took a seat on the chair that was on the other side of the desk, sitting right in front of bertholdt making the only thing keeping distance between you two was the desk. you knew bullshit was about to start but you've come this far and still alive so might as well entertain it.

"well y/n, you know why you're here correct?" "yeah yeah i killed your shitty boyfriend move on with this talk" you stated already annoyed. he smirked a little and said "let me guess, you don't know what yelena has been doing all this time?" you raised a eyebrow in suspicion and said "what are you talking about?"

he fully started to smirked and said "while you were here, your lovely girlfriend yelena was out cheating on you with one of my workers". your eyes widen "your- your lying" "oh but i'm not y/n". before you could answer, he pulled out his cell phone and started to play a video yelena and some woman with glasses and an under cut making out in a dark ally way.

you couldn't believe what you were seeing. yelena. cheating on you. after everything. she cheated. for a bitch in an ally way. tears started to poor out your eyes. you fell inlove with the blond woman just for her to cheat with a person she didn't even know. how pathetic. you didn't want to admit it to yourself but it hurt, it hurt like a bitch.

"take her back to the cell floch" was all you heard before being dragged away from the desk. you couldn't feel anything, everything felt numb and weak. floch threw you back into the cell slamming the door closed and locking it. you didn't move from where he threw you, you stayed there balling your eyes out all alone in the darkness...

i didn't have plans on making this sad until someone literally threatened me to publish a chapter, you got it LMAO. anyways smut coming up soon... not with yelena tho ;) let's just say this person is very beautiful. they are very beautiful. they are amazing. if you didn't get the hint oh well ANYWAYS i have an armin book out named "her stalker". yeah that's really it, i hope everyone is well! make sure you eat and drink water please! i love you all :)

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