12) his boyfriend?

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ayo? 9k?i love you guys wtf? UGH you guys are amazing. sorry for the long wait i really needed a break but i'm back fully! updates might be a little slow because i have published a new book! it's called "maneater"

 sorry for the long wait i really needed a break but i'm back fully! updates might be a little slow because i have published a new book! it's called "maneater"

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a mafia mikasa book, go check it out if you want. well that's all for now, make sure to leave a vote pls and enjoy chapter 12 besties :))
TW: mention of death and sexual/kinky language

you woke up the next day immediately feeling sore and having a terrible headache but you couldn't remember why. you looked around the room excepting to see yelena but she was no where to be seen. the smell of food quickly filled your nose so you got up putting on yelena's shirt and walking to the kitchen. once she noticed you her eyes lit up and said "good morning dear, my shirt looks nice you". "yeah yeah whatever, good morning".

you wasn't a morning person at all so you fell to the floor just laying there. it's not like your legs worked that much anyways, they kept shaking only making walking harder. yelena then said "uh y/n... are you okay?" you looked up to her with a annoyed smile and said "no, my legs don't work". "oh, OH you don't remember what happened last night?" "no... WHAT HAPPENED LAST NIGHT?"

"we fucked, you were screaming more then moaning. definitely gotta here that again soon"

"you fucking lying"

"i'm not, did you also forget your MY girlfriend now? well you didn't have much of a choice on that but-"

"i'm never getting drunk again"

was i that fucked up? that fucked up where i got railed and in a relationship in one night? jesus fuck y/n.

"soooo what are you cooking". yelena looked down at you with a small smile and said "some eggs, bacon and toast but please get off the floor". you tired but fell right back down so you just crawled over to her leg hugging it. you looked up and realized she only had on a bra and underwear which made you jumped off of her leg in surprise. she clucked and said "what? it's not like you haven't seen me naked" "just shut up and cook please".

she continued to cook while you went back to hugging her leg. she was going to ask why were you hugging her leg but she enjoyed it, ignoring her urge to ask. you guys didn't speak after that. even with no words being exchange it felt comfortable, comfortable silence and just embracing each other's presences. you felt at peace at this moment with yelena, no yelling or sexual stuff just comfort. you never wanted this moment to end and neither did yelena.

growing up yelena wasn't showed much affection, her parents wanted her to be something she wasn't. they thought the perfect daughter should graduate, get a well paying job, get married to a man and have some kids but yelena was terrified by that thought. she couldn't even picture herself with a man, she always knew since she was young she liked woman but unfortunately her parents didn't like this, at all.

once she came out as lesbian, her parents immediately disowned her, kicking her out to deal with no where to stay but she didn't care. she stayed happy, happy that she wasn't with her parents, happy to start her own life, happy to be herself and feel comfortable with herself. she eventually got into the system and two gay fathers took her in and she couldn't be more happy about it. that was until when she was in her last year of high school, they were killed.

at that point she was filled with hateful thoughts, wanting to get revenge on the terrible person that killed the only people the truly loved her and that's what she did. when she meant zeke, he immediately offered her a spot in the gang and she took it with no hesitation. she thought he was a god, that he would save her from this world and he actually did. he helped her find the person that killed her foster parents and slaughter the person into pieces.

yelena wasn't proud of her past or the things she did in the past, she knew she was a bad person but what could she do about it now. it was already done, there was no going back. she had to deal with those choices she made, all she could focus was on protecting you. yes, she loved you but loving you was a risk. any day she could be killed, leaving you alone in this horrible world but she couldn't let you know that. her main thought would be

"would she leave me once she found out?"

you snapped yelena out of her thoughts, poking her leg saying "is that food almost doneee, i'm hungry". she smiled and said "yes go sit and i'll bring it to you". still unable to walk, you crawled over to the kitchen table sensing someone staring at you. you snapped your head around seeing yelena looking at your ass. you then yelled "OI QUIT IT" she chuckled and said "whatever just go sit for mommy"

"kinky bastard" you whispered to yourself

"what was that y/n?"


you sat down at the table and she brought two plates of food giving one to you, making you smile and saying "thank you lenaaa". she widened her eyes at your sudden nickname for her. usually you would just call her 'yelena' and other things while having fun but this was new. she then asked "lena huh?" "yeah, you don't like it?" you pouted a bit while asking that. she quickly said "no no, i like it" making you smile, beginning to eat your food. you two talked the whole time while eating, mostly talking about the mission since you two left leaving everyone else at the club fighting the other gang.

yelena was so worried about you, she completely forgot the fact there was still a shoot out going on. yeah zeke was definitely gonna blow her head off but she didn't care, she just wanted you safe. you two suddenly heard a loud banging noise at the door. yelena then said "would you be a dear and go answer it please?"

"no, you do it"


"nope i don't wanna hear it"

"please y/nnnnn"


you walked over to the door still with wobbly legs and looked through the peek hole in the door and said "who is it?" the person on the other side of the door said "room service". you were about to open the door but you realized you only had on yelena's shirt so you said "uhhhh hold on one sec please". you ran to the room getting a weird look out of yelena but you didn't pay attention to it. you quickly threw on some sweat pants and a shirt that actually fit you, after you went straight to the door.

yelena then said "where you going short stuff?" you turned to her and said "room service is here tall bitch" her eyes widen by the insult making you laugh. once you made it to the front of the door, you opened it getting a heavy right hook to your jaw making you fall back on the floor saying "what the fuck" the person took you by your hips and threw you over their shoulder. they were wearing all black with a mask so you couldn't even see their face. you then yelled "YELENA HELP".

what you didn't know was she was in the bathroom washing her face but as soon as she heard you yell her name, she zoomed out of the bathroom quickly throwing on some pants and a shirt since she was only in a bra and underwear. she grabbed her gun running to the front door seeing you in the unknown person's arms. the person then took out their gun holding it to your head.

yelena pointed her gun at them and said "let y/n go, now. i won't hesitate to shoot you". the person then yelled at her saying "LET HER GO? LET HER FUCKING GO? YOU TOOK EVERYTHING FROM ME". yelena then yelled back "I DON'T GIVE A FUCK WHAT I TOOK FROM YOU, GIVE ME BACK Y/N". the person then laughed and said "so you really don't know who i am huh... you killed him. reiner, my boyfriend".

"his boyfriend?"...

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