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saying goodbye

saying goodbye

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SINCE THANA JARDIN has been reapable, she has always given the chosen tributes a yellow flower; a black-eyed Susan. She has loved the flower since she was a little girl who didn't know what the Hunger Games meant. She always hopes they see the flower as an encouragement to try to come back to district 9, their home. So her heart aches, knowing she is never going to be able to give the flower to tributes in the waiting area again. Nobody in the Capitol knows who gives the flowers in district 9. President Snow isn't happy with it, but it causes no harm. So he allowed for it to continue, though he did force Rohan Greengraze to let some details slip of the flower giver who the Capitol started to call the flower girl.

In the justice building, both Harl and Thana are being pushed into a separate waiting room to say goodbye to those who decide to come to see them. If the tribute is lucky their family comes to see them one last time before they enter the arena, if not they might not see each other ever again.

After only a few minutes the door of the room in which Thana is staying bursts open showing her family. They haste themselves towards the youngest Jardin woman to engulf her into an embrace. Tears roll down their cheeks as Thana hugs them all, red and puffy eyes that make their hearts ache, wishing they wouldn't have to go through this.

Jamila Jardin takes her youngest daughter in her arms not wanting her to go. It is as if Thana is her lifeline and she herself is dying instead of the fact that her daughter, her little girl is going into the games, the infamous hunger games.

"My baby," you can almost see the pain in Jamila's voice, "how dare they take my baby?" with that Verrill Jardin takes his wife from his daughter's arms into his in hopes of calming her.

First of Thana's siblings, it is Sadiya who makes her way forwards with her fiancé, and both give her another hug.

"You must win," Sadiya says to Thana while crying, "I cannot continue my life without you in it, I need you little Thanie, you must win."

Sadiya's voice falters with every word and Thana looks at her fiancé begging to take care of her sister while she mutters to her sister that she will always be with her. As Sadiya is in her fiancé's arms she looks younger than she is, almost as if she was reaped today.

After Sadiya it is Zahra who pushes herself forward, crushing her younger sister in a bone-cracking hug. Their heads slightly touch as Thana wipes Zahra's tears off her cheeks.

"It shall be okay, Ra, it will be okay," Thana tries to reassure the both of them.

"Just come back Thai, I need my little sissy," Zahra's voice breaks, "we need you. Promise me, Thai, promise me you will come back," she begs Thana.

"I'll be back before you know it, Zahra. I'll always be with you, always."

As the last of Thana's siblings, it is Latif who approaches his sister with tears in his eyes, he cries openly for the first time in years.

"I should've volunteered, Thana," Latif cries in his sister's arms, "You shouldn't have to go through this alone, we would always be together, remember?"

"Latif, it is okay," Thana assures him, "we wouldn't have anything if you had volunteered, remember that, okay?" With shaky hands, Latif gives Thana her signature black-eyed Susan. "We will always be together, forever. Okay?" he nods slowly and the embrace between the siblings is tightened. "I want you to protect this for me, will you do that for me?" Thana asks her younger brother as she claps her grain necklace on his neck where it slowly bungles. "I love you brother, my partner in crime till the end."

"Partners in crime till the end, sis, I love you," Latif mumbles in his sister's ear, he lets go of Thana and takes his mother and Zahra in an embrace.

Lastly, Verrill Jardin takes his youngest daughter in his arms where they both cry.

"Darling, little troublemaker, you will get through this, okay? You are strong," he reassures Thana and he takes an old-looking golden pocket watch from his pocket, "Your aunt Aimée took this with her in her games, I want you to have it." A soft smile ghosts over his face while Thana mutters a thank you. "I love you, sweetheart, my little rascal." Tears stream over Thana's face at the old endearment from her father.

Peacekeepers come in when the Jardins take one last family hug and are forces to leave Thana alone in the waiting room.

"The games start at 10 am here, put it on that time," Verrill shouts to his daughter, "it is a link to us!"

"I will, I will be back, I love you guys," Thana shouts back with the pocket watch and flower in her hands, "I love you all!"

Thana Jardin deflates on the carpet crying her heart out. The pocket watch and black-eyed Susan are close to her heart as she awaits her doom. She hangs the watch around her neck to replace her grain necklace and smells the flower. She tries to stop crying and hopes she is going to be able to win, to come back home. Thana starts to rock herself back and forward in hopes of a certain rhythm that will be able to calm her down. She knows she needs to stay calm for these horrible games, that she needs to strategize to survive and that she will only be able to do so with a clear mind. The games have already started, whether she likes it or not.

nora speaking here!
was this very sad to write? yeah
did I secretly enjoy it? yeah
so I hope you did enjoy reading it. I have many great things planned but first I need to go through Thana's games before more angst and stuff can happen

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