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Jack Prescott

Jack Prescott

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THANA IS ALREADY sitting at the table with August as Wirt and Felica get out of their rooms in outfits that look the exact same. The victor had heard from Arthur that they would change that, every tribute would be dressed the same, the only difference their district number. Of course, it would be in their size so it would be fitting seamlessly without trouble so their would be no unnecessary friction while training.

"Morning," Thana smiles as gestures for the two to take place, "it will be just us this morning, Latif is still sleeping and the stylist will get here later." Thana smiles at August who raises his glass to drink. "I am willing to answer all your questions, but I will repeat this multiple times to you before you go to training; do not forget the survival stations." The woman smiles swiftly, "I am not saying you have to be there all the time, just try them out."

"As if you did," Wirt sneers and Thana's smile falls, "we never saw you do anything else than your weapons."

"I promise to you that I did do every survival station there was my year," Thana gives a wry smile, trying to push back her anger and memories.

"I don't believe you," Wirt looks at the victor with anger and Thana has to remind herself that he is young and looking in the face of death. That it is not a personal attack, but the stabs he makes reopen the fresh wounds that still linger in every part of Thana's mind and soul.

"You don't have to," Thana smiles at Wirt, "just know that those stations are as, if not more important than those with weapons."

"Will there be a knotting one?" Felica asks out of the blue, the soft voice of the girl surprising Thana as much as the question.

"I do think so yeah," Thana smiles sadly, "there has been one for quite some years." The victor closes her eyes briefly, "you know, I met my ally there." A melancholic smile covers Thana's face as she closes her eyes. "He showed me how to do some difficult knot."

Once the knot is made the boy from eight turns back to Thana, "I am Jack by the way, Jack Prescott."
"Thana Jardin," they shake hands and move towards another station together.

"Jack Prescott, the boy from district 8 was my ally," Thana smiles at her tributes, "I would recommend trying to find allies during the training."


A small smile covers Thana's face as she has found the little kitchen on their floor after she pushed Wirt and Felica into the elevator to go to training. Latif is still asleep in his room, August has left and the stylists are not around either. Making it quiet across the floor of district 9. Thana welcomes the silence; she likes to be alone when cooking. There are more than enough ingredients for her to cook, so there is nothing wrong with some practising.

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