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the plan

BOTH JOHANNA AND Thana could feel the stares on them, but for once they didn't care

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BOTH JOHANNA AND Thana could feel the stares on them, but for once they didn't care. It was near 48th hours ago that they last saw and spoke to each other. They deserved this little time off, this little time alone before the harshness of the arena would flood all over then again. For now, Thana feels safe, for now Thana doesn't feel alone anymore, thoughts about Latif are less and are a little less painful. Maybe it is the time that went by, maybe it is because of the jabberjays. But Thana is sure it is because she isn't alone anymore, because she is with Johanna. She found Johanna; the first thing is this stupid arena that she succeeded in.

"I have a plan," Beetee says out of the blue. Making Thana and Johanna stand up.

"I'll get Finnick," Johanna whispers to the girl, pushing her towards the others. "Finnick!" she raises her voice, walking towards him.

"I have plan," Thana hears Beetee repeat to Katniss and Peeta as she comes closer.

Once they are all surrounding Beetee, he starts to speak again: "Where do the careers feel the safest? The jungle?"

"Jungle is a nightmare," Johanna speaks up, leaning casually against a tree branch.

"Probably here on the beach," Peeta adds, setting his knife back into the sand.

"Then why are they not here?" Beetee asks another rhetorical question.

"Because we are," Johanna says, "we claimed it." She looks at Thana who simply nods.

"And if we left, they would come?" Beetee says, and Thana's eyes start to glister as she thinks she knows where he is headed to.

"Or stay hidden in the tree line," Finnick speaks up.

"Which in just over 4 hours will be soaked with water from the 10 'o clock wave," Beetee grins, "and what happens at midnight?"

"Lightning strikes that tree," Katniss says, and Thana grins softly, liking the plan.

"Here is what I propose, we leave this beach at dusk." He points to a tree, "we head to the lighting tree, that should draw them back to the beach." He pauses, "prior to midnight we then run this wire from the tree to the water." He looks ominous, "anyone in the water or on the damp sand will be electrocuted."

"How do we know the wire is not going to burn up?" Johanna asks.

"Because he invented the wire, if he comes up with the plan, I am sure it won't burn up." Thana says, getting to her feet.  Thana takes her place beside Johanna and looks Finnick in the eyes. She feels Katniss's gaze as all three of the standing tributes silently communicate, before her gaze moves over to Peeta.

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