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saying goodbye, again

saying goodbye, again

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THE SUN THAT shined priorly has fully disappeared behind clouds as Latif Jardin is sitting in a room like the one where he said goodbye to Thana a year ago. He doesn't sit in one of the chairs, no. Latif sits on the rug that is placed in front of the fire place. He doesn't even look up once the door opens, he hears the steps coming closer to him. He feels the softness of the touch that he has know all his life. Latif leans into it and lets tears softly roll down his face.

"It will be okay," Thana whispers to her little brother, "I will be right with you, every step of the way." She hugs Latif tightly and kisses his forehead. "I promised to keep you safe." Tears fall out of the girls eyes as well as they look at each other. "I love you."

"And I love you," Latif whispers back, at that moment the door opens to show Rohan with a sad look.

"We need to go to the train," Rohan says softly, "you will see him there again." With pain in her heart Thana leaves her brother in the room to leave with Rohan.

Outside of the room she sees her family, she gives them quick hugs. "I promise," she starts.

"Don't promise anything," her father says, "we know you will do your best, so does he." Thana nods and lets her fingers play with the grain necklace her brother wore when she was away.

"But please do take care of him and yourself," Jamila says to her daughter as she walks away from them.

"I promise," Thana says as Rohan takes her arm to lead her towards a special car that will drop them at the train station where they suitcases have already been dropped.

"I promise," Thana says as Rohan takes her arm to lead her towards a special car that will drop them at the train station where they suitcases have already been dropped

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Not a moment later, the Jardin family minus Thana burst into the room where Latif is waiting. Like last year it is complete chaos, Zahra is the first this time.

"Please come back," Zahra begs like last year, "I need someone to annoy mom and dad with," she lets out a sad chuckle. "Just come back."

"I will try my hardest," Latif says hugging his sister.

"Please just win," Sadiya says and Clément nods violently with her, "please win, I need you Lati." With that her husband hugs her closely.

Verrill holds his son, his youngest child, his little buddy. "I love you," Verrill says, "no matter what, I have and always will love you." Latif smiles weakly at his father as Verrill wipes away his tears.

"My son," Jamila says crying, "how dare the capitol try and take another one of my babies." The woman tries to compose herself as she sees her son's eyes cloud. "My boy, I have known since the minute you were born that you are strong, you can and will get through this."

"I love you mom," Latif says, and he hugs his mother.

"I love you even more, little rascal," Jamila smiles softly at her youngest child, "take this," the mother takes a necklace from her pocket, "this is our family heirloom, I want you to have it." Latif mutters a thank you, "it holds a family portrait of us, I put it in this morning." Tears stream down Latif's face as he opens it and sees a picture taken at Christmas, "I love you, sweetheart, my little troublemaker."

Latif hangs the necklace around his neck as soon as his family is ordered to leave him.

The next time the door opens, Latif is sure it means he must go, but to his surprise he sees Carita enter the room

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The next time the door opens, Latif is sure it means he must go, but to his surprise he sees Carita enter the room.

"Hey Latif," the girl he has gotten to know over the past year says, "I just want you to know that you can do this, okay?"

"Will you watch over my family?" Latif asks Carita.

"Of course," the girl hugs the boy softly before returning to the door, "stay strong."

The fleeting presence of Carita is the last Latif has before peace keepers push him towards a black car. He sees Celie has red eyes and he knows his match. Inside the car the escort of district 9 sits. His orange jacket is the brightest thing in the car.

"Ah, there you two are," August says, "your mentors are waiting for you two on the train."

Silene creeps over them all as the car moves towards the platform, from the black tinted windows Latif sees his sister Zahra standing there with Carita. The two wave as the car passes them. It gives the boy a small smile as the platform comes closer to them, he knows from Thana that once he steps out of the car, the camera will be on him again.

As soon as Latif steps in the train, Thana takes him into a hug. She holds her brother tightly before letting go. She knows Rohan is waiting in the next coupe of the train, so she focuses on the girl; Celie.

"Hello Celie," Thana smiles kindly at the girl, "why don't you two come with me towards the next coupe where Rohan is waiting for all of us." At the last part of the sentence Thana looks at August who nods in conformation that he will follow them.

As the two tributes go first towards the room, August briefly stops by Thana. He touches her shoulder softly, "I am sorry Thana," he says genuinely, "I wish I hadn't picked your brother."

"It is not your fault," Thana smiles weakly at the escort, "but let's follow them, we need a plan for these games and I have a feeling that it won't be an easy one."

"I think you are right on that one," August laughs softly, "but know that I will try my best to get sponsors for Latif, and with him being your brother I am sure many will volunteer even."

"That is very kind of you, I appreciate it," Thana smiles genuinely, "but come on, we need to take a look at the competition of this year."

Nora speaking here!
Future chapters will focuse more on Thana and how she feels through all of this. I just found it important to show the hardship that Latif goes through, my poor baby

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