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cold fields

THE VICTORY TOUR from district 12's victors is going to start any day now; Thana knows that with all the uprisings already happening in her home district the president is going to be furious before the tour even ends in the capitol

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THE VICTORY TOUR from district 12's victors is going to start any day now; Thana knows that with all the uprisings already happening in her home district the president is going to be furious before the tour even ends in the capitol. Rohan had been warning them about it, the consequences district 9 might face because if the actions. But through phone calls with Cecelia from district 8, Thana knew that district 9 was way calmer, and that district 8 would be on the front covers about their rebellion. President Snow probably hopes that Katniss and Peeta will diminish the fires they themselves started, but Thana knows just like many other people, that no matter what those two teenagers do, the fire will keep spreading.

In district 9, the standing victors are still grieving the passing of Briar, the victor of 40th hunger games. Leaving Rohan, Latif, Thana, and the elderly Pearl. Luckily for the woman, the wedding of Carita and Zahra had taken place only a few weeks before her passing. Briar, who was a mother figure of Carita had one of her best days yet, when she saw Zahra and Carita say yes to each other in beautiful white dresses. The gift of Rohan to them was a beautiful house so they could live together in comfort. Both Rohan and the Jardin family were euphoric that day in which they became family. The small and simple, but beautiful ceremony that led to a fun party to celebrate love and life had been just perfect for all the people present.

The fields of district 9 emphasize the coming of winter, they are empty, and some weeds and grass grow on them while most citizens work in the factories and market hall to get most of the grain out of the district to other districts and most of the yields towards the Capitol. The season that Thana's soups is the most important has started again under the poor inhabitants of the district. There is little work and the work there is gets paid way below a salary to keep a family alive. Thana still remembers the cold winters her family went through before her father got a better job. The cold winter nights still way warmer than the nights she goes through now, the torture from her nightmares almost unbearable. But she knows every victor goes through it and as long as the games keep existing, so will the trauma's it brings.

Thana yearns for a civilization without the hunger games, without the unequalness there is between the districts now and most importantly the tyranny from the Capitol. The victor doesn't know how to feel about the upcoming quarter quell, the one she shall have to mentor, dreams towards horrifying arena's plague her.

Thana also notices how much tenser her brother is becoming with the victory tour approaching them. Their trainings reflect the way they are both very tense and tired now. It is something that isn't going unnoticed by their parents who are both starting to worry about their youngest daughter and son.

Every morning, Thana goes to Pearl to join her for a cup of tea. The elderly woman would get lonely with out the presence of Thana, Rohan and the visits from Carita and Zahra. The four of them forcing Pearl to socialize with them. Not that Pearl minds, no, she loves her little moments with them. Teatime with Thana, a little walk with Rohan and on Saturdays and Sundays Carita and Zahra come over to play some cards with her. The hole that Lartius and Briar left is still present, but in their place she had Thana, Carita, and Zahra now. Her three angels as she lovingly calls them. On many days, Thana has Pearl over for dinner. The girl loving to cook way too much to cook for only one person. Every Friday evening, she cooks for Pearl, Rohan, Latif, and herself. It is their little moment together, and coincidentally she knows that the president shall announce the quarter quell in a month or two on a Friday evening. Thana feels like it is a blessing and a curse that they are together that evening, but that doesn't matter yet. Before she can even focus on the quarter quell, she firstly must go to the victory party of Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark an hope to survive it.

Thana takes the phone of the horn as she hears it ringing, a smile covers her face, already knowing who is calling her.

"Hello Johanna," Thana greets her friend. "To what do I owe this pleasure?"

"I am here to congratulate you on your beautiful cookbook." Johanna voice rings through the device. "I am of opinion that you made the perfect little book."

"Thank you," Thana stammers, "I worked really hard on it."

"I know and you did a great job," the girl from seven says genuinely, "my parents would be proud of the recipe you put in there for district 7."

"And I want to thank you for giving me access to the beautiful recipe. I must say Pearl is a fan of it, just like I am." Thana laughs lightly. "I miss you, by the way."

"We shall see each other in 2 weeks again," Johanna muses, "in the capitol of course, but we shall see each other nonetheless."

"I can't wait," Thana smiles at the phone, "not to be there, of course," she says quickly after her statement. "I can't wait to see you."

Thana hears Johanna laugh, "god, Thana, you are so funny without trying to be."

"Rolling my eyes at you," Thana says as she rolls her eyes, hearing Johanna laugh even harder.

"Like I said, funny without trying to be funny."

"See you soon, Jojo," Thana muses.

"See you soon Thaithai."


Nora speaking here!
I know this is a short chapter, but act IV has officially started
Hope y'all like it <3
And thank you for reading :)

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