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this city is like us

SOME DAYS PASSED where Latif and the girl from 8, Falia didn't run into anyone

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SOME DAYS PASSED where Latif and the girl from 8, Falia didn't run into anyone. With the dissatisfied faces of the Capitol residents, they made it clear they found that the games moved too slowly, it is true that only 4 tributes have fallen since the bloodbath that took 10 lives. With only 10 tributes left in the arena and 5 days on the clock, the games moved neither to slow nor to fast. Only three districts had both tributes left; district 2, 4 and 8. Districts like 3, 5, 6, 7 and 12 had none left. Which gives you district 1, 9, 10 and 11 with one tribute left in the arena.

Every victor noticed how Thana became livelier as soon as the bloodbath was over. It was as if a dark cloud had left her mind and heart. Rohan still looks concerned every time Thana so much as spaces out, every ride up the elevator to their floor he wishes it didn't have to be like this. That she could be spared from this agony that he knew her soul was in. Every big step they took when Thana was talking to potential sponsors, he was reminded of how his first time was to mentor two tributes. Every little twitch in facial muscle was noticed by him as Thana tried her hardest to smile and be kind to the Capitol people. They already sent water in for them. They fought for soup, but because there is little food in the arena that is a big price. Only the tribute from 11 had found a small old shop that had little food in it, most of it was no longer good.


"Thana," Johanna went up to the girl from 9, "would mind getting some coffee with me?"

"Uh, yes sure," the girl answered absentmindedly and was instantly pulled up by the strong girl from seven.

"Great," the victor from seven smiles, "you have no idea how much you help me right here, if you didn't come I would have to socialize, socialize with people."

"But you are socializing with me right now?" Thana looks confused as they reach the bar with an avox behind it.

"Yeah," Johanna smirks innocently, "but you don't count, I like you unlike the rest."

"I thought you also liked Finnick," Thana tries to not show the pride that swells in her chest at the proclamation of Johanna.

"I don't like him," Johanna pats the girl on her shoulder, "I tolerate him."

Thana chuckles lowly at that statement, "He sure is a lot to handle."

"precisely my point," Johanna redirects her gaze to the avox. "One black coffee and one sweet herbal tea."

"How did you know I want that?" Thana asks Johanna as they take their drinks from the avox.

"For one, you always complain about coffee and how you find it disgusting and get all anxious," Johanna starts, "two, I have seen you take this tea that last couple of days."

"You see more than you let on," Thana smiles as they take a seat so they still can see the screen for Thana.

"I know," Johanna winks at the girl, "what do you think about this arena? Sure a whole lot different than ours."

"You could say that," Thana sighs, "it is so dry and just screams that a building will crush a tribute sometime soon."

"Let's not predict the future, pretty girl," Johanna smirks at the light blush covering Thana's cheeks. "You are way to kind to condemn people to that fate."

"I am not just a kind a pretty girl," Thana looks in Johanna's eyes, "I am ruined beyond repair, like you are." Thana takes Johanna's had with hers, "this arena, this city is like us. Ruined."

"Way to make me happy," Johanna says sarcastically, "but you are right, we are like this city, and it pains me that the one coming out will be like the arena they were in."

"Not a fate you want to condemn to a person no," Thana smiles sadly. "I am glad you are in my life, Jo."

"Don't make me all gooey, Thai," Johanna smiles sadly to the girl.

"Oh, stop it, you know you love it," Thana finishes her tea and stands up. "You coming Mason?"

"As if you must ask Jardin," Johanna laughs back.


"Ah, Thana there you are," August takes the girl away from Johanna, "Rohan has been asking for you. Something about closing a sponsor deal."

"That sure is important," Thana picks up her step to match August's. "See you later Mason!"

"Don't run to hard Jardin," Johanna shouts at the back of Thana. She feels a hand on her shoulder and the smell only tells her already who it is. "Good day to you too Odair."

"Did you enjoy your little coffee date?" Finnick smirks at Johanna.

"I did," Johanna smirks at him, "you should try it too, it is a great activity for friends. But you first might need to make them."

"Auch," Finnick acts as if he is shot in his chest, "I thought that we are friends."

Johanna laughs, "maybe we are, I don't know. But I sure am better friends with our newest victor."

"Does her warmth and yellow-orange win from my beautiful face and blue green?"

"A thousand times," Johanna smirks at the man. "maybe she even wins from my coldness and greens if we are talking about you."

"Who knows," Finnick looks lost in thoughts, "if I have time, I shall try it out."

"She is truly a pleasure to be around, not joking here."

"If you say it, it must be true." Finnick smiles at the victor from district 7, "but now I need to leave and help Mags with our idiot tributes."

"Ha, your tributes were at least less idiots than mine," Johanna laughs in his face.

"I envy your freedom, but I am happy I haven't have to see them die yet." Finnick smiles, "but then again, they are careers." Finnick just finishes his sentence as there is a big BOOM! Another tribute has fallen, leaving 9 in the arena.

"Maybe that one was yours," Johanna says looking at him instead of the screen, "I sure hope it isn't little Jardin."

"I am sure it isn't, otherwise, we would have heard a scream from--" BOOM! "I am going to Mags," and with that Johanna is left alone to watch on the screen who have died.

Nora speaking here!
Sorry for the long time you all had to wait for an update, I am trying to get some sort of schedule. I feel that the games are almost done which means we are getting closer to the end of this act, I just love writing Thana and I am happy that this story gets the love from you guys as well, I am very thankful for that <3

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