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Finnick Odair and Johanna Mason

THANA STANDS NEXT to her telephone; she has the thing in her hand and patiently waits until the other side picks up

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THANA STANDS NEXT to her telephone; she has the thing in her hand and patiently waits until the other side picks up. She told Rohan she didn't want to be present when Latif got shown his house and the news that Johanna and Finnick would be coming was brought up in her parents' house. Even after this week back from the capitol, her mother hasn't looked or talked to her besides if it is about Latif. No matter how much either her father or sisters bring it up, Jamila even ignores their existence as the dotes of Latif. Zahra is almost always at work or by Carita and Verrill is most of his time by Thana, but now he has given his daughter some space.

"Hello?" the groggy voice of Johanna echoes through the telephone.

"Hey Johanna," Thana greets the victor she sees as her friend.

"Oh, Hey Thana." You can hear the moving of fabrics as presumably Johanna sits up straight. "How are things in 9?"

"They're okay, I guess," Thana sighs, "I miss talking to you now that we are not close to each other anymore."

"Hey, I am always here," Johanna says, "I am doing little, you can always call even in the middle of the night."

Thana takes a deep breath, "I know, it is--" she takes another one, "I didn't expect it to be this hard."

"I know," Johanna muses, "and it is okay that you didn't, it will be okay someday."

"It is just my mom, and--" Thana looks up as she sees Rohan enter with her brother, "I am sorry, Rohan and Latif are here. Maybe we can continue this later?"

"Of course," Johanna laughs a little, "then I'll instruct you some on the use of this thing. Have fun."

"Bye," Thana says, and she hangs up the phone. "Hey Latif and Rohan."

"Thana," Rohan smiles, "as you know, tomorrow Finnick and Johanna will come by. I was wondering if you could help Latif entertain them until diner time?"

"Of course," Thana notices that her brother is anxiously playing with his shirt, "it would be a pleasure, besides Latif ought to make some friends besides us." She laughs lightly, "What do you think of your house by the way?" Thana turns around and opens some cabinets.

"Big," Latif sits down as Thana pours him a glass of water, "it doesn't feel like home."

"That will come," Thana looks at Rohan, "are you staying as well?"

"No, but I will be there tomorrow at the train station."


"Stop fidgeting so much," Thana pushes slightly into her brother, "they are not going to eat you up. And otherwise, me and Rohan can protect you from that."

"Finnick is more bark then bite," Rohan chuckles lightly, "he is quite harmless, especially with Johanna around. But Johanna you already know."

"Will I have--" Latif starts, but as the doors open, Johanna practically runs out.

"Hello, hello," Johanna hugs Thana close to herself. "You look radiant in this orange."

"Hello to you as well, Johanna," Thana laughs and misses the look her brother gives her, "I see you are not wearing your signature tree-look." The girls both laugh as Johanna twirls.

"Hello to you to, little Jardin," Johanna shakes Latif's hand as Finnick moves away from him towards Thana while nodding to Rohan.

"Good to see you again," Finnick puts out his hand for Thana to shake.

"It is very nice to see you as well," Thana smiles and hugs Finnick instead. "Is Mags doing okay?"

"Mags is great," Finnick smiles at the girl. "With the sun here, I now understand why your signature colour is yellow. It suits you and your district."

"Words of a gentlemen," Thana chuckles softly, "thank you."

"Thank you both for coming," Rohan smiles at the young victors. "Latif and Thana will take care of the two of you now."

"Say hello to Haymitch for me," Johanna shouts to Rohan who is walking away from them, the man putting his hand up for a second as he retreats.


"It is so good to see you again Johanna," Verrill smiles as Johanna enters the kitchen with the other victors behind her. "How are things back in 7?"

"Likewise, Mr Jardin," Johanna waves to Zahra, Sadiya and Clément. "In 7 it is like the weather, always changing."

"Mom," Thana raises her voice slightly, receiving little reaction from her mother, "can I help you with anything?"

Verrill smiles sadly at the no reaction from his wife, "Latif why don't you introduce us to our guests."

"Of course," Latif straightens up, "Johanna you know everyone already, Finnick. This my father Verrill and mother Jamila." Jamila smiles lightly at Finnick as Latif mentions her name. "This is my oldest sister Sadiya and her husband Clément and this is my second oldest sister Zahra." He takes a breath and sees Thana has started to take out cutlery.

"Nice to meet you all," Finnick places a charming smile on his lips what turns into a smirk as her sees Johanna and Thana roll their eyes and share a look.


"I see what you mean," Johanna whispers in Thana's ear as they say good bye, "take care my darling friend."

"You take care as well Johanna," Thana hugs the fellow victor, "don't forget to call me when you get back home."

"The second I step into my house," Johanna laughs and pats Thana's shoulder, "It was lovely dining with you and your family Latif."

"It was my pleasure coming over," Finnick says, "we'll meet again soon."

"Good bye," Latif says and he and his sister wave goodbye to the fellow victors stepping into the train.

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