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the waking

AS THE EYES of the young victor open, she sees only white. Bright white lights in a sterile looking white room. It feels a lot like the room she woke up in after the 72nd hunger games, but nostalgia is not a feeling to describe it. No, Thana knows it is not the same room, besides it can't be. Surely their plan succeeded, and she is now with the others in the mysteriously still present district 13. How she longs for a good hug from her father, but a hug from Rohan will have to suffice.

"Miss Jardin," a doctor comes in, completely dressed in white. "I see you are awake."

"How..." Thana's voice is raspy from dehydration, "how long was I out?"

"48 hours," the doctor says, looking at the monitor next to the bed, "we are very happy you made it. Your back was and still is open."

"Am I going to make it?" Thana's voice is just above a whisper, "and where is Rohan?"

"We will do anything to make sure you are going to make it," the doctor looks at the young woman. "Rohan is only allowed to come after you are fully healed."

Thana's eyebrows scrunch up, not understanding why she isn't allowed to see at least Rohan. He was her mentor, but it probably has to do with the weird policies they handle in district 13.

"Thank you doctor," Thana's smiles weakly at the woman, "might I have some water?"

"Of course," the doctor opens a cabinet and fills a glass with water, "here you go. I'll come back later miss Jardin."


Thana looks up at the white ceiling, it reminds her of the bright light that blinded her just before she lost consciousness. It is lonely, terribly lonely in the white room. And she is in no state to go look around the room to find something interesting. She is left alone with her thoughts, not a good match.

"Hey Jack," Thana says, it wasn't uncommon for the boy to just hang around her.

The boy smiles softly, sitting down on her bed, "guess who I finally got to meet?"

Thana smiles weakly up at him, "I wouldn't have a clue."

Jack pushes some hair behind Thana's ears, "I got to meet your little brother," he whispers, "he told me all about you two." He chuckles lowly, "from childhood memories to his last."

"All good I hope," Thana choughs a little bit, "I miss him greatly, can you please tell him that?" Tears appear in her light brown eyes.

"Don't cry my darling," Jack squeezes her hand, "Latif knows you love him and miss him. He misses you as well." He caresses her cheek, "but life goes on, you know that. He doesn't want you to blame yourself. You did everything you could to protect him. He knows that."

"But that doesn't change that he is dead," Thana lets the tears stream down, "it should be me with you, not little Latif. Latif is the one that had to go back to our parents."

"But it is you, Thana," Jack gives her a sad smile, "I just wanted to give you our regards. Not make you sad." Thana squeezes his hand. "I'll try to keep you company until they finally let you go."

"Thank you, Jack," Thana smiles at him, "I have no clue where I would be without you."

"We don't need to know," Jack grins at her, "I am just happy to have met you."

"And I you," Thana weakly nods her head, "promise to look after Latif."

"I do," Jack raises his pinky in the air, "as long as try to keep an eye on my family."

"I always will do that," Thana links their pinkies in a pinky promise, "you know the last time I was able to get information on them that they were doing okay."

"I know," the boy from 8 nods his head, "I just want them to be okay after everything. I don't want my little sister to end up like me or you."

"Yeah," Thana slowly nods her head, "I'll keep my eye on them. I'll always keep an eye on them, they are your family, and it is the least I can do for you. We promised each other, you remember to be there for each other?"

"I'll never forget it," Jack shakes his head, "I care deeply for you Thana, you are tired, don't deny it, you should rest some more."

"Be back soon, please?" Thana pleads, "I'll be so lonely here."

"I'll watch over you, go get some rest." Jack strokes her hair, "I'll be here as much as I can."


The next time Thana is awake, the bright white walls and light seem even brighter. She is alone, Jack has left; and her back is hurting badly. She winces as she tries to grab the glass of water on her bedstand.

"Glad to see you awake again," the same doctor as before walks in again her blond hair still neatly up, "how are you feeling miss Jardin? Do you have any pain?"

"My back," Thana manages to say after she took a sip of water, "it feels as if it is on fire."

"Ah," the doctor writes somethings down, "that might have to do with the stiches we gave you while you were asleep." She smiles at the confused look the young woman gives her, "we deemed them necessary, and we couldn't stitch you up without knowing the damage inside had healed." She ticks her pen on the paper, "I believe you will be quite okay."

"For how long was I out?" Thana asks, dreading the answer.

"Merely 20 hours," the doctor walks over to the monitor, "and I think you will be moved to another room soon."

"And I will be able to see Rohan?" Thana asks hopefully.

"Of course," The doctor smiles kindly at Thana, "but all things take time."

Once Thana is left alone again, the endless wondering starts again. Because what had happened before Thana met up with Peeta. Before the temporary darkness spread over them. only to be greeted by falling pieces and blinding lights. There was fire afterwards and she could've laid there on her back, who was hurting her, for hours. But most importantly, what has happened to her friends. Finnick with his charming smile, Johanna with er beautiful soul and Peeta who started to grow on her. Even more important, Thana hopes her family is okay. That they don't have to suffer because of the choices she made. She hopes they are safe. And above all, Thana wishes to be with them. Back home in 9 with the beautiful sunsets and sunrises. The yellow-gold grain, the peaceful Sunday mornings, her garden, and kitchen. The cozy diners full of laughter and love. Small tears stream down Thana's face again, because she might've gambled her home away, her family away. All for a chance to get out together with her brother who took his last breath in the horror-filled arena.


nora speakin here!

Act V has offically started. I must say it has been a blast to tell Thana's story so far, and i can't thank all of you enough for taking the time to read this story and support it. whether it is now, or a few months or years after I published it. Thank you so much <3

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