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"THE WINNER OF the 73rd Hunger Games is," you can hear the smile in Caesar's voice even though the games ended way earlier than expected

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"THE WINNER OF the 73rd Hunger Games is," you can hear the smile in Caesar's voice even though the games ended way earlier than expected. They only marked 5 days, in comparison to the two weeks or more they have reached in the past. "Latif Jardin from district 9!"

On the screens where the victors are watching from, they can see the boy from eight laying down on Latif with a small knife stabbed in his temple. Slowly Latif pushes the boy of him and gets to his feet wobbly. Tears stream down his face as he looks from his hands towards the sky where a hovercraft appears. Without a word the boy takes the ladder in his hands as it is lowered to him. There is no pride in his eyes as the whole of Panem is looking at his face, at the face of their newest victor.


Many sponsors come closer to the mentors from district 9. Outside the victors can hear the civilians of the Capitol scream and shout Latif's name. Thana clasps her hands together and plasters a smile on her face as sponsors and other important figures of the Capitol come to congratulate Rohan and her on Latif's win.

"Congratulations Thana," a high-pitched voice belonging to somebody with neon pink skin hugs the girl. "You must be so proud of your brother."

"Thank you," Thana tries to sound sincere, "I am very proud of him indeed."

"Congratulations," she is pulled into the arms of another stranger. Who she smiles kindly at before turning to Rohan who catches her look while he to is congratulated left and right.

"Ladies and gentlemen," Rohan smiles at the people, Thana notices that other victors have already left the room. "We want to thank all of you, but after being almost all the time awake for 5 days we are extremely tired and would really want to rest before Latif is left in our care again." With that the crowd slowly backs away still congratulating them but also letting the two victors from district 9 leave the room towards their own rooms.


A sad smile, but a smile nonetheless is gracing Thana's face as she is finally allowed to go in the room, they have kept her brother for the past two nights. Right behind her is Rohan as she opens the door to reveal herself to her little brother is awake at the moment.

"Hello Latif," Rohan greets the boy while Thana rushes to his side.

The older sister gives her brother a kiss on his forehead. "I am so happy to see you alive again." Thana uses her hand to stroke some hair out of Latif's face. "It'll be hard, but we are here for every step along the way." She whispers in his ear as a doctor enters the white room.

"I see you are awake Mr. Jardin, congratulations with your victory" the doctor comes closer so he can do is his last medical checks. "Can you follow this light, please?" a little light is moved before the victors eyes and soon the doctor puts it back in his coat. "You are all clear, you might have some headaches so take it easy and make sure you drink a lot of water."

"Thank you, doctor," Thana smiles at the man as makes Latif ready to leave the room with his two mentors.

"Not a problem," he smiles at the woman, "enjoy the parties, Mr. Jardin. They are in your honour after all."


"With your clearance of the hospital," Rohan starts once they get back to their floor in the tribute centre, "the complete interview and rewatch of your games will be tomorrow."

"What?" Latif's voice sounds extremely dry and Thana immediately offers him a glass of water that he accepts, "was it that quick for you too?" he asks his sister.

"Yes," Thana looks lost in thought, "though I had to stay longer in the hospital because of the big infection in my thigh."

"I don't think I can do it," Latif sighs, "it is al spooking through my head now already. Somethings I have forgotten, and I wish for it to stay that way."

"I know, Lati," Thana puts her head on his tense shoulder, "but the Capitol will never let you forget anything." She sighs, "I sometimes and I know even Rohan gets asked questions about kills or a run in with a tribute."

"Not to mention the nicknames they have given certain victors." Rohan takes over from Thana. "We can't escape, there I no way the Capitol or the president will allow us to. Each year again you have to be present here if you are loved enough by the Capitol or have to mentor. Each year again you will watch the games again and relive your own because of it." He takes a breath, "it is not pretty and never will be. It is hard, extremely hard and that is why friendships in other victors is so important. They know what it is like, at home they don't. They try to understand, you saw so by you sister as you yourself tried to understand her after the games that changed her. Your games have changed you." He looks Latif in the eyes after that statement. "No matter how hard it gets, know that you are not alone. We are here for you. Other victors can be there for you. The most important fact now it that you must mentally prepare to rewatch your own games while trying to stay neutral and calm as you were in the interview before the games."

"I wished I never had to be like that again," Latif scowls, "act like I was proud to go in and now as if I am proud to be the victor of a sadistic game that takes real lives."

"I did so for you as well," Thana says looking up at her brother, "but the games aren't fair."

"What in Panem is fair?" Latif's eyes are dangerously dark as his face retorts in anger.

"Nothing," Rohan answers simply as he gets up and leaves the two siblings alone. Thinking back at how two siblings of district 1 won back-to-back games like these two of district 9 only 9 years ago. Both having a boy and a girl, only now the girl is older and won before her brother. Oh, how he wishes the Jardin's fate wouldn't be the same as theirs.

"I know you might not believe it now," Thana says to her brother, "but it gets a little easier as time get on." She plays with her hands, "my nightmares are still there, but I manage to be more present in the day then I was some months ago. I can't say it gets better, but things will become less hard partner in crime."

A very soft smiles appears on Latif's face, "partners in crime till the very end."


Nora speaking here!
He survives!! It was a hard decision, but I think this is best choice for the story and for Thana. I hope you enjoyed this, because the ending of the act is coming closer!! Ahh, I can't wait to write about Katniss and Peeta <3

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