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traumatic backstory time

THE ROOM is silent as neither of the girls want to start to talk, neither do the older victors, game maker, or colonel

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THE ROOM is silent as neither of the girls want to start to talk, neither do the older victors, game maker, or colonel. The president still sipping her water as she observes the two great friends. Young women who she saw as girls evolve from tributes to victors. How they became friends is still a wonder to her, as they are both so very different in their way of acting.

"How are you two doing today?" Coin says to feel the water, "can we have this conversation?"

"We are okay," Thana looks over to Johanna as nerves threaten to expose her, "right?"

The older girl nods, "you can ask us what you want to know, we think we are ready for this." There is uncertainty in her voice as she squeezes Thana's hand who is trilling again.

"That is great news," the president smiles before quickly adding, "that you are both improving here."

"Am I allowed to let someone take notes on what is being said in this room?" Coin asks.

Thana and Johanna look at each other in bewilderment, eyes wide as they silently communicate.

"I would not seem that to be necessary," Rohan speaks up after sharing one look with Haymitch. "We are with enough people now, no need to set on black and white what the Capitol has done to them."

"It might be needed to overthrow the Capitol later," Alma Coin says, "isn't that the purpose of what we are doing. It would be for the greater good and only a few would be able to see it."

"You promised to us that this would be confidential," Rohan speaks up again, looking at Thana and Johanna who look like they would rather be anywhere else, "if you want notes so badly, this meeting won't take place after all."

Haymitch grins at his friend's words, "Like my dear friend says, we should be happy the girls are here with us today and willing to talk. Let us not get ahead of ourselves. Would we need their words, we can ask them to tell it again."

"Fine," Coin agrees reluctantly, "with that dealt with, we can start with the conversation."

"As President Coin said," Plutarch says, "we all would like to know what President Snow has done during your captivity in the Capitol after the Arena was demolished."

"I thought I was saved," Thana mutters, "I thought I was in district 13, just completely isolated while in a medical bay. I was out for about 1 day I think they said." She squeezes Johanna's hand, "It took some days before I was eye-to-eye with Snow and the torture started because I didn't want to talk."

"I was immediately eye-to-eye with Snow," Johanna closes her eyes, "instantly thrown in the cell that would be my room during the entire time." She opens them again, "until they upped the torture after some time. Then all 3 of us got an extra room, for the worst torture ever. There are no words to describe how inhumane they treated us."

"They started with regular beatings," Thana says, "but that had no influence, we could hear each other's screams, shouts. The anger directed to each other," hot thick tears start to stream down her face. "They started to turn in a little more psychological, I remember seeing Peeta beaten up and knocked unconscious I think because I didn't say what they wanted."

"We saw each other," Johanna takes over, her voice cracking up, "the first time and only time we saw each other there, we could hear the screams of course, but after the jabberjay's in the arena seeing was believing in there."

"They shot," Thana takes a deep breath, "they shot Arthur Gold right before my eyes dead. They killed him because I didn't share any information on the rebellion. Right before our pictures together, that I am sure they aired the same day, together with the stupid interviews."

"We thank you for informing us about the bombing," Colonel Boggs says, "without you, Peeta and Haymitch we would've been dead." He looks Thana in her eyes, "we can't imagine how they treated you after that, but we are forever grateful." Thana nods, wiping away the tears that threaten to escape as memories of Luke Wells after that resurface.

"And that was only the beginning," Johanna interlaces her fingers with Thana's in hopes to ease the tremor in them. "Not long after that they upped the torture." She shakes her head, "but the first damage was already done to our bodies and minds." Her eyes turn glassy, "how would you do on torture every few hours, with the screams of your friends and acquaintances in between, no sleep, barely any food." Her eyes turn darker, "we were treated like animals in there." She sneers.

"There were times when I desperately wanted to open my mouth," Thana shakes her head, "tell them everything, if only it would diminish the treatment on Peeta or Annie." Her eyes darkening as well, "they are innocent in all of this, they didn't deserve any of this."

"Neither did you two," Rohan interrupts, "remember that Thana and Johanna you didn't deserve to go through this."

"We should've saved you all earlier," Boggs voice full of emotions, because even with his cold upbringing and military service without seeing war or hunger games. This was something no one deserved to go through, especially young adults. "I am sorry."

Thana's tremors start to increase as memories take over her mind, her grip on Johanna tightening. The latter also lost in memories of the men taunting her in the white rooms.

"Let us take a small break," Rohan announces, "wouldn't want to push this further."

"Of course," Coin gets up looking at the clock, "how about we continue after lunch?"

"That would work yes," Haymitch nods his head, "thank you for your patience so far."

"Of course," Coin politely smiles before leaving the room with Plutarch and Boggs close behind her. The last man nodding politely to the four victors.

"You two are doing really well," Haymitch says, sipping some of his water. "I am proud of you two." Not seeing how the girls are trying their hardest to distance themselves from what happened to them.

"What the Capitol did," Rohan's eyebrows scrunched up, "what they did is unacceptable, and you are allowed to be angry. You are allowed to show your emotions here."

Thana smiles looks painful, "wish I could," she pushes her hair out of her face, "wish I could share details. Important things that could help, but my memories aren't very clear anymore."

"Mine are so clear," Johanna winces, "and I don't think she will appreciate my sarcasm that much."

"Everything will take time," Rohan smiles sadly, "and we will be here the whole time we need to be here."


Nora speaking!
I find it really hard to keep Johanna's character as she is; hard, angry and looking as if she is emotionless.
So sorry if she doesn't seem very Johanna-like. Johanna will return as more herself when she doesn't have to discuss the torture of the capitol

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