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the world is ending

PRESIDENT SNOW STANDS behind a little stand where a bowl with cards is placed

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PRESIDENT SNOW STANDS behind a little stand where a bowl with cards is placed. Thana knows that it holds all kinds of options for the quarter quell, but for once she is 100% certain they choose one themselves to make sure the districts suffer as much as possible. Be it mentally, in choosing the tributes, or physically in loosing double the tributes. Thana knows whatever this 3rd quarter quell holds, it won't be anything good.

Besides her, Latif sits with his head on her shoulder. Pearl and Rohan sit in comfortable chairs as the announcement comes closer and closer.

The president takes as much time as he wants, making all the people in the districts waste their time when he could just say what the rules are first hand.

"Ladies and gentlemen," president Snow starts, "this is the 75th year of the hunger games." Cheering can be heard in the background. "It was written in the charter of the games, that every 25 years, there would be a quarter quell. To keep fresh for each new generation, the memory of those who died and the uprising against the Capitol. Each quarter quell is distinguished by games of a special significance." The is a brief pause, "And now on the 75th anniversary of our defeat of the rebellion, we celebrate the 3rd quarter quell." More cheering can be heard. The president picks a card and holds it so that everybody can see he is reading of it, "as a reminder, that even the strongest, cannot overcome the power of the capitol. On this the 3rd quarter quell games, the male and female tributes," the president looks briefly at the crowd, "are to be reaped from the existing pool of victors in each district."

"They can't, right?" Thana asks in shock.

"Regardless of age, state of health and situation," the president finishes.

"Oh my god," Pearl gets up, tears running down her cheeks. "Two of us are going back." The oldest living victor of district 9 falls back in her chair.

"They can't, they can't make us," Latif mummers, getting up and throwing his glass right through the president's face. In his rage he opens the door and leaves the three other victors alone in the home of Thana.

"I can't stay here," tears are also running down Rohan's cheeks, "it is all so fucking unfair."

The two women watch Rohan leave as well, both stuck in shock. Thana slowly reaches forward and shuts the television off. Her mind racing with all the possibilities. If it wasn't her, it would be Pearl. And if it wasn't Latif, it would be Rohan. Either way she is going to lose somebody she loves, because only one shall get out this year. And not to speak of Johanna, tears stream down Thana's cheeks at she starts to sob. Johanna would have no choice but to go back into the arena.

It takes Thana a while before she registers Pearl's touch around her, the soft woman holding Thana as if they are each other's lifeboats, which they are in some twisted way.

"I don't want to go back in there, Pearl," Thana sobs into the woman, "I don't want any of us to go back in there."

"Suhs," Pearl tries to comfort Thana through her own tears, "everything shall be okay."

"Except for the way this time it won't be," Thana looks into Pearl's eyes. "I am going to call Johanna, okay?"

"That is alright," Pearl smiles lightly, "I am going to try and find Rohan or Latif."

As Thana dials Johanna's number, she makes a mistake during it three times. Her fingers slowly numbing as she tries another time. The girl sighs as she hears a soft beep, letting her know the call is successful.

"Please pick up, please pick up," Thana mutters as she keeps hearing beeps.

"Hey Thana," Johanna's voice sounds sore, as if she just screamed the whole of Panem together. "You, okay?"

"I should be asking you that," Thana sighs, one hand in her hair, "Johanna, I am so terribly sorry. This is so unfair to you, to us."

"I know, I know," Johanna mutters, "I wish I could just die right now. It would be much better than going back in there."

"I know," Thana leans her head against the wall, "I think everybody would rather do that."

"With a thinking mind yeah," Johanna lets out a humourless laugh, "people that volunteer for this shit do it because they love the other victors, not for the stupid honour and life safety which the capitol promises but is one big fucking lie."

"Mhm," Thana agrees, "have you seen Blight or anyone else?"

On the other side of the line, Thana hears a door bang, "Blight just got in, he's livid."

"We all are," Thana says, "tell Blight I say hi and call me if you need me. I don't care about the time, just call and I shall be here."

"Try to get some sleep," Johanna says, "take care."

"You too," Thana smiles sadly, "wish I could hug you. Goodnight."

As Thana hangs the phone up, the tears and sob return.


When Verrill opens the front door to his daughter's house he is filled with concern at the silence. After consoling his wife and son, he finally made his way towards his youngest daughter's place. He carefully walks further into the house and sees a hunched body completely curled up close to the phone. Silent tears still stream down Thana's face as Verrill softly raises her so she her head is in his lap.

"Hello, my darling," Verrill kisses Thana's temple, "let's get you into bed."

With a lot of help, Thana lays down in her bed half an hour later. Verrill still holding on to her as her shocked state keeps her locked into her mind.

"I don't wanna go back, daddy." Thana cries out, "they are coming for me."

"No, they won't," Verrill smiles sadly as he wipes away some tears, "I will protect you tonight. I shall always protect you the best I can."

"Not in there," Thana spats out the word. "No one can protect anyone in there."

"You are safe right now," Verrill manages to get out, "tonight you shall be protected."

"I can't do this anymore," Thana sniffs, "I don't want to do this anymore. It is too painful."

"I am so sorry," Verrill squeezes her hand, "I am here now, let me help you with the pain."

"You can't," Thana whispers, "my mind torments me every second, there is not break in this torture."

"Let me take care of you," Verrill says defeated and heartbroken by the fact that he can't help his daughter. "I'll watch over you, you can go to sleep. Goodnight my darling."

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