EPISODE - 42 You broke my trust Nandini..

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EPISODE - 42 You broke my trust Nandini..

"Calm down Nani.. Bhai hasn't said a word yet.." Maddy gritted his teeth.

"Hello hi bye bye.. Sasuma is right, Manik bitwa will believe his wife only.." Mami bit her nails frightened.

Manik pulled Nandini harshly by her waist close to him, gritting his teeth, "I took you a stranger to my Dadi's house, gave you shelter, food to eat and a lovely family.. brought you here against my family's wish, kicked out my cousin brother because he did wrong with you from office and from this house as well, fought with my Di and Nani for you, got officially married to you and gave you the right to be MM's wife.. From the time you came in my life, I've protected and fight for you every now and then, be it from my family or yours family.. and you dared to accuse my family of a disgusting thing like this? For what? Just to stop Maddy and Payal's marriage for happening.. Remember I told you to not ever break my trust Nandini.."

"YOU BLOODY HELL DID THAT TODAY.. You broke my trust Nandini.. " he pushed her away angrily.

The Malhotras smirking with winning look.

"I didn't do anything Manik.. please believe in my words.. Your family isn't what they look like.." Nandini stare at him sobbing.

"Don't you dare speak a word against my family Nandini.. You will see the worst of me today.." he barked.

"I'm telling you the truth only.." she shouted crying, "How can you be blind like this? They are just behind your property.. They don't love you at all.. This is all fake.. you're falling in their traps..wake up Manik before it's too late.."

"Chiku has given us everything we need.. Why would we run behind his property? I don't know from where did you got this idea Nandini.. What will I do with my grandson's property at this old age? All I want is their happiness now.." Nani sobbed shaking her head.

"Stop acting all of you.. I know your real faces.. Aren't you ashamed of doing this with Manik? He worked hard only for you all and you're betraying him like this.." Nandini shouted.

"Keep your voice down.. you middle class girl.." Manik shouted pinning her to wall angrily. Nandini stare at him astonished, did he just call her middle class girl?

"You're saying right only.. I was blind.. I was blind to bring you home and make you my wife.. I don't know where I've left my brains and my eyes to marry a middle class girl like you.. Nani and Di were right about you.. from the time you made an entry in this house, there's only been fights all along.. Now I understand who's behind all this.. who wants to separate me from my family and get whole my money and luxury life for herself.. Well done Nandini  Murthy, I must say you played well.. because I fell in your traps, I fell for your fake innocent face.. I thought you're simple and funny girl who only spreads happiness and love around her.. my foot.. this was all your plan right? You already knew that I'm MM from the time we met at the train, acting like mad and poor girl you made an entry in my Dadi's house, there also won everyone's heart being my fake wife and managed to impress me, I brought you here to Sheesh Mahal and that's it.. You became mad seeing all this luxury, money and big mansion.. you didn't mind to turn this fake marriage into a real one and didn't mind sharing same bed with a stranger just because of money.. You didn't mind leaving your family's house to come and permanently stay here in my house.. Slowly you start making your place here too, but here unlike Dadi's place, everyone could see you true face and you didn't like that.. That's why you're creating big fights between us, so that I only stay with you and trust you only.. then you will get all this for yourself after kicking out my family and making them my enemies right? .. A gold digger you're! Thank God I opened my eyes today.." he gritted his teeth staring intensely at her.

Nandini shook her head with tears in her eyes, "I never thought you could think so low of me.."

"That's because you're!" he took a step back, "I made a big mistake by marrying you and giving you the right of being Mrs. MM.. You don't deserve it.. You completely broke my trust.."

"I didn't broke your trust.. You broke my heart.." she sobbed.

"Oh emotional talks.. You really think this is going to work Nandini Murthy.. You've been exposed, so no need to act like this because I'm not going to fall in your traps anymore.." Manik rolled his eyes.

"The day you will see.."

"Just shut up Nandini Murthy.." he roared, "Pack your bags and leave from this house.. I will send divorce papers for you to sign tomorrow only.."

Nandini stumbled back in shock, she looked at him with wide eyes filled with unshed tears, "Manik.." she whispered.

"You have lost the right to call me Manik.." he glared at her.

Malhotras smiled in relief, their planned got successful, Nandini it out of their lives now. Tonight is the night to celebrate.

"And Maddy.." Manik turned to Maddy, who quickly stopped smiling and looked at his brother sadly.

"Now I really recommend you to think once again if you're sure you want to get married to such type of girls.." Manik said, "One almost broke our family apart.. I don't know about the other.. Middle class people aren't trustworthy neither worth of being someone's wife.."

Nandini shut her eyes tightly crying in silent.

Maddy nodded.

"Why are you standing still here?" Manik asked to Nandini.

Nandini just looked at him with tears flowing from her eyes.

Manik walked towards her and held her by shoulders, dragging her out of Maddy's room till downstairs at the door.

"Hope to never see you again in my life.." he said huskily with anger and pain reflecting on his tone.

"Hope that your heart doesn't break when you see your family's truth.." she whispered staring at him with moist eyes.

Manik gritted  his teeth, getting more angry at her courage to keep on speak against his family.

"I.. I never wanted your money nor your lifestyle.. I'm happy.. the way I'm.. I never thought.. this was the price I would pay.. for loving someone.. like you.. Manik Malhotra.." she said in broken tone.

"Nandini just go away from here.. I don't want to hear your nonsense.." Manik looked away.

"Don't forget that middle class people are also human.. We too have heart and.." Manik turned to her angrily, "Go away dammit.."

Nandini took a step back flinching, Maddy signaled guards to take her away.






Will only say after reading blackmailing Comments that it took allot of time to think and then portray our thoughts and imaginations in our writings.. it's not easy specially for me to give updates because it's been more than 3 weeks that my mumma is not well and I need to do whole household chores with my job.. if you guys still call me selfish then be it..🙈🤧


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