Q&A, end book 1

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A small collection of questions I've received over the years writing the first book.
Thank you all so much for sticking with me through this!

How did you come up with the characters names in the series?
-I really hate bland/common names... which most of the characters have. When I wrote the book I didn't think much of it. So now as an artist who puts a lot of research into my new characters names, I hate all of their names. Harper and Connor have nice names but they're really the only exception.
-Skyler and Ryan were named after my best friend and my sisters boyfriend/now husband Ryan. I really liked the name.

Who's your favorite character in the series?
-I can't say my favorite because they haven't been introduced yet, but main cast wise probably Skyler? She's a very complicated character, and only continues to become more complicated. Her personality disorders and memory issues make for lots of exploration with her so she's fun to write.

Who's power is your favorite?
-Skyler again. Her powers are a little too overpowered, but if I had to choose with side effects in mind Ryan. His powers come with the most perks with the least complications. I'd never be late to anything again... probably. You learn faster, heal faster, it's pretty sweet.

Will we be seeing more of the outside world in the future?
-We will eventually see more of the Village Skyler was in at the beginning. Then a major city. Wether or not any of the other facilities will be explored... that may come into play for another book.

Who do you consider the most overpowered character?
-The obvious answer would be Skyler. Actually there are characters more powerful than her that have yet to be introduced, but being a class 1 speaks for itself. She's literally an elemental bomb.

Would you ever consider making this into a comic or even a show if you had the chance?
-I am an artist and I've been trying to figure out comics, so when I do it's definitely my first choice. Plus anyone would dream of having their book turn into a movie or tv show. I already have a Spotify playlist for the soundtrack.

Be honest, are you team Daniel or team Ryan?
-This is a loaded question as the author, and I don't want to give away too much.
So originally I was team Ryan, but in the upcoming second book Daniel gets a character arc that makes me switch teams. It all gets very love triangle I cannot wait.
The characters you think are bad people... might change your mind. Especially James and Daniel.
Ryan was my type back when I started writing the book, and now it's more Daniel so I'm a little biased.

When did you start writing this book?
-I've been writing this book on Whattpad since 2016. Though I first wrote it down during classes in 2013. I never thought I'd keep up with it this long. I've been writing on and off for 7 years.

How did you come up with the idea for this novel?
-I love the idea of super humans and an apocalyptic setting. My favorite power would have to be super speed and elemental manipulation when asked so that's how I started power wise. I tried to keep the main team with the most commonly thought powers, but develop them a bit.
Funny enough the ideas for Skyler and Ryan originally came from myself and a crush I had.

Who's your least favorite character in the book?
-I despise Aaron but he's important for James development as a character. Second hated is Steinfeild, he's a pompous ass just like Aaron but someone's got to be the selfish villain right?

Does Steinfeild have an ability?
-I will confirm yes he does, and that age does and doesn't have anything to do with experiments. Secret organizations keep secrets for a reason. And we've already met another older person with powers...

Are Skyler and Ryan mentally stable?
-Haha... no.
Again Skyler is a ticking time bomb, and Ryan's delusional. Skyler has a kind of mental/personality instability. Both of them went though more trama than a solider would see in a lifetime. Though Ryan's killed more people face on, Skyler is more area of effect so she's seen destruction on a massive scale. Skyler is especially scared from the explosion she created that killed a bunch of scientists, and her run in with the class 0 in Russia that almost killed her entire team.
They just aren't really sure what's normal so they really dumb it down because crazy is their norm. Especially Ryan who tries not to wear his trama on His sleeve.

What country does this take place in?
-All I can say is Facility X resides in the AmarCan alliance area. So North America.

Why did the experiments start?
-humans always crave knowledge and power. The base of humans is Greed and Fear. Because of this people got too power hungry and began meddling with things they shouldn't have. Everyone always dreams of superpowers as kids.
It just so happens it's easier to manipulate kids genes than a fully adults. If they couldn't give their soldiers powers, they'd breed children who could fight their wars.

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