Enough reaction

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I woke up unaware of when I'd drifted off to sleep in Ryan's arms. I felt... safe again. It'd been a while since I'd slept so peacefully, especially knowing how much danger we were in. Sleeping a full night didn't seem possible. My internal clock could tell it was early in the morning, but we were too far from the sky and outdoors to tell. The artificial light coming through slits in the wood above didn't help. It seemed much brighter than before to be able to penetrate through once dark room.

I yawned and tried to stretch a bit but forgot I was still in Ryan's arms. He hadn't let go of me all night. A small smile came about my face unknowingly. It was comfortable here, even though it wasn't a bed and only planks of wood. My head was rested against his chest. It was...well a comforting warmth. Something I didn't think I'd get to feel again. I guess I got accustomed to sleeping on the ground while I was in the cave, well whenever I wasn't at my cabin.

I paused for a moment and pressed my ear down over his heart. His heart beat was so fast. I guess that had something to do with this unnatural speed. How fast he could rebound from an attack according to that Aaron guy and from what I've seen. It's crazy, to think he really was a superhuman. That he... and I... weren't so normal after all. Even when everything was so still like this. I could feel the difference more and more now. Mainly with him, but even within myself. It was strange, and slightly unnerving.

"Ryan..." I spoke up quietly, messing with his hair with another yawn.

He made a grunt tightening his grip around me with a small grin refusing to get up. Stubborn boy. I know he's up.

"You don't plan on getting up today?" I offered and he tiredly shook his head. "Lazy." I scoffed.

He peeked open one eye. "Shut up." He chuckled. "I'm just relaxed, that's all." He smiled putting a hand behind my neck gently stroking my hair from there. "If that's not a problem with you... Stay with me a while longer." He yawned pulling me close to him again.

It was so natural, the need to be near him. Maybe there really was something between us before this all happened. I can sense feelings like that used to exist. Something that made my heart race and my lips curl up into a smile when I looked at him. It's getting harder to believe all of this is a lie. Or a dream.

"We gotta get out of here Ryan. Mmm eventually. Plus, you'll get us in trouble with those two." I grumbled snuggling up against his chest a little.

"I'd like to see them take me away from you." He laughed again, intimidatingly. Well trying to be, then rubbing my back. He seemed a little full of himself. It was admirable though. I'm sure if they worked together they'd be able to do something. Well if they could catch him that is. I'm sure if I could manage to shoot him with a little arrow... there I go mumbling to myself again. He's in a lot better shape now than he was back then. Clearly whatever Harper gave him really did him some good.

"Skyler." He sounded a little more serious.

"Mm." I muttered trying to fall back asleep.

"I was curious... why aren't you cautious around me anymore."

"Ah-" I paused, opening my eyes a little. Less... cautious...? I guess I'm this situation he was right. "Huh... Maybe I've just got used to your stupidity." I shrugged.

It's true I've suddenly felt safe with him. That the world didn't seem so bad with him here, even if we are in such a terrible place. That goofy smile that somehow managed to take away my worries. I don't understand how someone like him can act without a care in the world. He brings such a blissful peace with him.

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