These children, they were broken

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My head was still aching like something was clambering inside my scull. Then on top of that the poison I was injected with was still restraining my movements with great force. Making me regret even more now standing up to Daniel. I didn't want to move, I was afraid it would hurt again. So scared I literally paralyzed myself. I was already in so much pain, even if I was nearly numb now because of it.

My eyes were finally adjusting to the cold dark room. I wasn't even sure if what I'd been seeing and feeling were all present or not. I'm pretty sure I passed out at one point as well from the indescribable pain. Everything was still slow and slurring. It was like my eyes and ears were totally out of sync.

I heard a scratch and suddenly there was light from a small match placed into a tiny lantern like object. I would have flinched back but my song didn't seem to react at all besides my hart rate picking up. A mans face illuminated under the small flame.

"Hey you're awake again." I recognize that voice. Right, they reduced Ryan and I.

The man I heard talking earlier walked over to me and took a gentle hold of my arm. He raised a needle to it. Not again.

"P...please don't." I strained to move away from him. Though it didn't do much as I was far to slow and there was something behind me keeping me propped up.

He inserted the needle in my arm quickly. Faster then I was able to react at the moment. When he took it out the pain slowly started to recede allowing me to move a little, but in turn I was slightly drowsy again. My mind still in a daze, in a way I wasn't really sure what I was feeling at the moment. It was all to jumbled to put together.

The slightest look of relief on my face made him smile, then he got up walking away for a second. My eyes followed him. He returned with another needle crouching down beside me. I looked over to see Ryan. Thank goodness, they grabbed him too. The relief that washed over me felt like it lifted a weight off my heart. The thought might've crossed my mind, but I was worried they'd do something horrible to him. He was bleeding they were kicking him mercilessly. Ryan seemed almost used to the pain, he was only concerned about me. Why would he be so worried about me? Even if we somehow DID know each other.

I'm just glad we got out of there mainly intact, those men were terrifying. I only hope these people are here to rescue us not make things worse. I'm pretty sure from what I could make out earlier we are likely still in the same building we were brought into earlier.

I was hoping in the back of my mind Ryan was okay as I could barely muster a thought earlier. I clumsily crawled over to Ryan and the man that 'saved me' smiled at me. I wasn't sure even he had good intentions. Just because someone scratches your back doesn't mean they aren't going to stab it. Right now it could be one bad guy to the next. It was who wanted to screw with us the most. I had to hope that wasn't the case though. I'm powerless. No weapon, barely any strength or coherent thoughts to bring upon an action.

"Good, we grabbed the right guy then." He laughed with a hint of sarcasm like he knew he was right. He spoke with a sweet brotherly tone. He must've been a few years older then me from the mature tone in his voice. Or maybe he was a big brother?

Ryan struggled to open his eyes but finally seemed to be waking up.

"It's a good thing we got here when we did. It might be a while before the poison completely clears from his system, but he'll be alright." The man stood up and threw a blanket at me.

I glared at him a second as he did. I'm still grateful he gave it to me but did he gave to throw it at my face? He snickered quietly too. Dude I can barely react as is. What's with people throwing things at be fair I did throw a blanket at Ryan earlier this week. Wait he wouldn't even know about that stupid. Great...I'm talking to myself again.

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