He was like some lost child

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I stood dumbfounded, holding my crossbow at my side. Seriously what's with this guy...that was kind of childish. What, has he never seen a waterfall before? There are tons of them in this area. Granted they may not be as big. It's pretty but I wouldn't get that worked up about it. Looking back though, I guess I was pretty excited when I first found it. With what I could gage as a forty foot drop into a large pool of water surrounded by several boulders and a small tucked away cave. The water at the base was around two to eight feet deep in parts.

Thinking back on it I haven't traveled much past that. I'm the last five years I haven't gone any further north or any further south. South you hit the large city. I went in once not heading any warnings and I'll never make that mistake again. I was attacked when I turned my back raiding some medication. A set up trap. People in the city are strange or insane. South though requires traveling through the city. Then north here is mainly small mountains. Overall I've traveled about a 30-80 mile radius around my cabin. I never really marked it though because if someone did stumble into my cabin and past my traps I didn't want them finding a map.

I jogged a bit to catch up to the boy near the waterfalls pond and stood beside a large rock he perched himself on. The area was a half crescent of tall tree'd forest, mainly evergreens and nearly bare oaks. While the other half was a large wall of rock as the waterfall cascaded down into the good sized area. You could see the moss and vine overgrowth on the waterfall that just added to its splendor. As stressed out as he was making me, this place somehow managed to take the edge off. Well...for a moment anyway.

"Hey could you hold onto this a sec!" I looked up at the boy who suddenly threw his shirt down at me from the rock.

"H-hey!" The shirt almost hit me in the face.

I couldn't help the annoyed yet flustered look that became me. He's going for a swim? I guess he was really in need of a bath with all the dirt he had on him, and that's less work for me to wash off his wound. Though it doesn't seem to be bothering him at all. He wasn't holding the wind or anything. He liked to complain but he seems to have a good pain tolerance. Maybe he was just a little shaken earlier. From the looks of it though it couldn't hurt more then a sting, it barely grazed the surface. No need for stitches or anything.

I took the shirt to my side and gazed up. I couldn't help my eyes wondering back to him. He had the build of a soldier, maybe he's a hunter? Still a little slender but his height and frame fit well together. He didn't sound foreign...if anything maybe Canadian but they were allies with America. Hunters tended to be either beer bellied, starving, or ripped survivalist. I wonder why someone like him was running around in the woods without a weapon though. He have some kind of death wish? I don't care how fast or strong you may appear, no ones bullet proof and it's easy to take a man down with a knife. Even with training your fist can't do much against a knife to it.

Geez...normally I'd never admire someone this long, but my eyes were glued onto him. Studying his features. I couldn't quite figure him out. Though I've only been with the stranger for a few hours and not much has been said between us. Without hesitation he still jumped off the rock into the water, not knowing if it would be shallow or not. I don't know if this guy is smart or just another idiot. He seems like a careless risk taker. That's never a good thing.

His eyes met mine for a moment as he was slicking his damp hair back. He looked surprised for a moment as I could feel my face getting kind of hot. Shit...he caught me staring. That's...actually somehow embarrassing. I looked away slightly with a huff as I raised a hand to slightly cover one cheek. He dissolved his confusion into a grin which immediately ticked me off again. I tore my eyes away completely, gritting my teeth. He's so conceited.

I irritably folded up his shirt noticing the red stain that dyed the white sleeve. I furrowed my brows. Letting my fingers curiously glide over the fabric. The red stood out amount the dirt but why on earth would he even think of wear white now a days? He clearly doesn't upkeep it. My face un-scrunched with a sigh. I can't keep getting irritated when this whole situation was my fault to begin with. Even if he's a mild nuisance, he hasn't exactly been threatening or rude or anything.

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