You're just a fake (Ryans POV)

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Ryan's POV continued:

My eyes flashed open with a gasp of air flooding my lungs. I found myself laying on the ground. My head was throbbing slightly and my body was sore again. That was a good relief from that while it lasted. I feel like I just got hit by a tank, I would know it's happened before. I could tell I'd healed up a little. I must've been out for at least an hour.

I got up easily, finding myself no longer restrained to one spot. I was still a bit groggy and placed my hand on my head. The barrier James had made was gone too... everything was fairly silent. What's going on?

Okay. Play this out. Don't get caught. Simple enough right? I've been on spec ops missions, I should be able to fool my own... teammates... right dangit we grew up together maybe this will be harder than I thought. I'm chaotic though, so maybe I can use that.

"Look who's awake." James sarcastically mentioned, standing up as well as he'd been sitting on the ground next to me. Waiting for me to wake up I'd assume.

"Damn, how hard did I hit my head..." I groaned, complaining as I rubbed the back of my head. He could have at least caught me.

All I have to do is comply with whatever they say like it was my own choice to do so, but I can still somewhat act like myself. I guess... I think... whatever I can still do this! I can sneak out of here and bring the real Skyler back with me... well, somehow. At this point it's a plan as I go situation. That's all I could do. I'll heed dream Skyler's words carefully. I'm on their side, but I'm still a little in control. Control my feelings... don't let James see through you Ryan. He's an idiot it shouldn't be too hard. Though... he can read people a lot easier than the others.

I noticed Steinfeild was crouching next to Harper who looked like he was putting up a pretty good fight. He wouldn't go out easily knowing Madeline needed him right now. He looked fairly worn out right now but he was a steel trap. Hopefully his resolve will be strong enough to not give into Steinfeild's power. It killed me to know I couldn't do anything. If I did... both of us might fall to him. Or he might get bored and just kill one of us seeing as we might not serve much purpose with the war practically over with no one to fight it. Harper and Madeline were only useful to him together at least.

"Ryan." James called my name as I wasn't paying attention to him anymore.

"Huh, yeah what?" I spoke grudgingly looking his way lazily.

He peered into my face suspiciously. No one knows a person better than James when it comes to emotions or tells of a persons personality. Especially through the eyes. That's why I'm so good at hiding my intentions. We conditioned to hide our secrets and emotions using James. It's hard to torture us too because of that. Which is why James appears so weak to me now, his power is nothing to me... more or less. His abilities are still... a little terrifying.

James stared at my face, studying it. I honestly just looked kind of bored. Hopefully that works?

"Ryan, how about you come over here." Steinfeild ordered.

My attention drew to him as my heart jumped. Shit, why did his voice startle me? Why do you need me old man, really? I don't want to get into his range, but it looks like everyone believes me so far. Close call.

"Yeah, fine." I sighed with mild complaint, stuffing my hands into my pockets as I easily hopped up and began walking over to him.

Damn it still hurts to walk. Steinfeild was holding onto Harper's hair. Harper didn't seem to budge, he wasn't complying... good. He tried looking away keeping his strong resolve. This is so hard to watch. I'm so helpless it's pathetic. If I did something we'd both be lost, but just standing here watching him get hurt...

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