Something strange

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Somewhere along the line, a few days had already passed. I tried to leave, but every time I attempted to a large storm would come abruptly. Like I mentioned before there's no way i'm going to take the chance in the rain. It was hard rain for days and I could barely navigate through that and wet clothes for miles would leave me sick. It's too cold and dangerous, and it's wasn't like I was miserable or anything. Nature was a reckoning force that didn't seem to want us to part ways yet. Which was fine, I was getting used to having his positivity around. Just having someone to talk to was different...but welcoming somehow. Not that is didn't enjoy my long talks with Grams.

I couldn't walk around these woods in the rain anyway the forest alone is really dense. Well, that and I wasn't too keen getting my emergency clothes wet too. Visibility wasn't good either. So we stayed in the cave and would every now and then venture outside if the rain decided to lighten up for a minute. It's also a good rule of thumb to wait half a day after rain has stopped, and it has barely let up for more then an hour at a time. Somehow though...I almost hoped the rain would never stop. It was so peaceful.

I hadn't talked much to Ryan seeing as he was a stranger, but he loved to run his mouth so I learned a bit about him. What he would tell me at least. He didn't know a lot of stuff about the old world either, though that wasn't surprising since he would've been a baby when it began. He was still so upbeat no matter how much I tried to shove him off. Nothing seems to bother this guy. He's just so happy, it's almost smothering.

We ended up just eating the small pig for a while. When we were almost through with that, he'd managed to shoot a chicken running around like it's head was cut off, but it'd been attacked by another animal and gotten away. Just to get caught again. When I mentioned that about the chicken Ryan had an interesting expression. He even zoned off for a moment. Maybe I WAS right and he was running from something when my arrow caught him.

I'd never seen someone shoot as good as me before. Yet here he was catching our meals. That and he always knows when something's there when he's focused or not. His hearing must be excellent, probably a little better than mine. Like he was always focused even in mid conversation or when he was staring off into nothing. His eyes certainly weren't great though. He was so clumsy. Mainly in the dark but one couldn't expect much. Still, it was like he had training from me. He was skillful and fast. Though I hadn't seen him go the speed i'd witnessed seen when I shot him. I'm still not sure if what I saw was even the reality of what happened.

We slept under the glow worms each night the same, with me nodding off after a conversation. He just seemed like he could go on talking for hours. I was tempted to just leave, or wouldn't be fazed if he just up and left stealing all my supplies but he didn't. Neither of us left. I'm not sure what was keeping either of us together, besides the relentless rain I guess. If this stupid storm would just quit already...

I almost wanted to go back just so I could sleep in the cabin instead of the cave floor, but this was for some reason enjoyable. A blanket and pillow with the cold breeze brought in by the rain. Having someone to talk to. It was calm and quiet, even when he was talking things almost seemed peaceful. His voice was even a little calming to me. That he was willing to get to know me. It was strange.

He was a lot to handle even still. Him and his jokes and antics that nearly drove me up the walls. Though I had to admit I was getting used to having him around. He was funny, and kind. His skills often came into use, and he was a way better conversationalist than me. We would even have conversations solely with him talking. I'd just listen contently as he told wonderful stories I wasn't sure he'd made up or not.

Today I woke up to a partially lit cave on my side. It was so warm, I almost didn't want to get up. This area is always a little cold even with a blanket, this was off but comforting all the same. I couldn't smell any smoke either, meaning the fire must've gone out a few hours ago. Maybe the rain had let up over night finally?

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