A word on the group (Ryan's POV)

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Ryan's POV continued:

"I can't do this..." Skyler mumbled to herself, crying slightly. "I can't hurt you anymore." Her tears made her choke on her words a little.

I just wanted to tell her it was okay, but I was in so much pain. I was so afraid. I could barely move at this point, and there was so much blood. She did quite a number on me. Even my vision was starting to blur, I wasn't healing fast enough at the moment, I overdid things. My knees finally gave out and I fell completely onto them, wrapping my hands around my sore stomach. Wide eyed. I wasn't healing as fast as I used too, then again I don't take damage like this very often anymore. I was still recovering from that poison. I was just trying to stay conscious at this point. I haven't eaten anything in over 24 hours, my power is pretty much at its limit along with my energy.

"Good job boys." A voice came from behind James and Aaron.

My eyes widened. Steinfeild walked out from behind a shroud of trees in a slow clap. This is not the time to be immobile! Following him was his partner Mrs. Kidlem, better known as Jennifer, who I could recognize slightly. Then the hooded figure turned to head out. Why was he just here for a moment? Who the hell is that? What did Steinfeild want him for in the first place? I don't recall anyone like him being on the other two teams.

My eyes settled back on Jennifer. She was another older experiment that wasn't killed, but never succeeded with any big powers after she'd failed like Aaron. Much older in the first round of experiments like Project Bulster. Her ability had something to do with a calming effect because of this effect.

"Aw, poor thing." Steinfeild looked down at Skyler as he approached us.

I couldn't move. I took on to much damage, the pain was overwhelming and bared down on me. Fear came down on me like shadows trying to suffocate me. The energy he radiates has always shook me to my core. I left Skyler compromised. I couldn't help the fear welling up in my heart, that man shook me to my core. I'm only a few feet away, but I can't even reach out and warn her. To help her.

"Things so easy to forget, and hard to remember. Memories are so painful, is that why you chose to forget?" He sounded like he was speaking in riddles.

"Steinfeild!" I yelled almost getting up when he flashed his hand in front of me. I heard the word 'kneel' echoing in my head.

I suddenly felt stuck to the ground. My eyes locked on him. I gritted my teeth. T-the hell is this? He can prey on the physically weak too now? Or has he always been able too and I've just never seen it, I'm never in this state, around him at least that I can remember. Since when did he have an ability that could detain people like that?  I've always been suspicious he had powers he just never showed us. I was just decent at piecing things together.

It felt like I had a weight around me holding me down, but nothing was there. It brought me back down to the ground with a grunt. My knees shaking as my arms were too weak to push off of, my feet too sore to run even if I could. Shit. How do we keep ending up in this situation, Skyler. Our whole lives... this man is like a plague.

"I... I didn't want..." Skyler started to mumble staring terrified at the ground. Shaking her head as she scrunched more of her hair.

"You know that's not true." He spoke softer.

I could see Skyler's shoulders drop slightly. She shook her head once. Her breathing was slow but harsh. Was she... having a panic attack?

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