finale- part 2/2

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If you're part of a group, you have to abide by that group's rules. If you're not, then you don't.

Tommy felt like he was being torn to pieces.

The whole world was shaking. Something in his mind certainty wasn't firing correctly, because the ceiling is gray and lit up with fluorescent lights, the floor is hard like concrete instead of soft like the muddy forest ground, and everything was shaking too damn much.

Part of the ceiling gave in, and a chunk of concrete crashed into the floor next to him. Tommy lurched, trying to get up and get away, but it was too painful. The world was spinning and tilting, and there were rocks everywhere, and oh shit he was going to get crushed-

He felt a hand close around his ankle, forcefully slinging him to the side. He wildly looked up, and saw Phil, entire body shaking like a leaf, but still standing nonetheless. Wilbur wasn't that far behind him, in the same state.

"We need to get out of here!" Phil shouted over the din of the collapsing building.

"I know Phil! What do you think-" Tommy screamed back, voice cracking in the middle of his sentence due to the pain. He shakily propped himself up on his elbows, trying to make his legs cooperate. Phil hastily rushed to his side and helped him up, almost making himself fall over in the process, Will dashing over too. Arms draped over each other in a strange tangled pile, they stumbled out of the room into a stairwell that led down.

"This is not a good idea Phil, this is not a good idea!" Tommy wailed hysterically as they stumbled down the stairs, the whole building coming down around them.

"This is the only option there is, Tommy!" Will screamed back. Just then, Tommy's legs gave out, making all of them collapse and fall down the staircase.

There was a screech as the railings strained against the bodily impact of three people.

The stairs then completely fell in, leaving Phil, Wilbur, and Tommy tumbling through thin air.


Technoblade woke up and found himself draped over an old reception desk. He felt as if he's just been put through a woodchipper.

The blood god suddenly pulsed outwards, knocking Techno's consciousness away, and seizing control of the body. Techno groggily watched himself roll off the desk, landing in front of some sort of tool box. He saw his own hand reach towards it and open up a dazzling blue interface.

There's a door blocking the way out, the blood god said, and Techno almost jumped at the clarity of its voice. I need to remove it so we can get out before we get trapped under the ruins of the program. The speed at which his hands were moving was almost dizzying, and the interface was flashing nonstop.

Where are the others? Techno asked. Before he could get an answer though, a resounding bang echoed through the walls of the collapsing building, louder than everything else.

"Aaand there's our answer." the blood god said out loud, before cursing and punting Techno back into control of the body. Disoriented, he sprinted towards the source of the sound.

"Was that really necessary?" He asked, feeling very sore.

Stop complaining and go! The blood god retorted. Techno huffed in exasperation and quickly happened upon a stairwell. He kicked the doors open and sucked in a sharp breath.

All three of them were splayed amongst the ruins of the stairs, out cold.

Shit. The blood god cursed in Techno's head, startling them both. A fall in the internet shouldn't hurt enough to knock people unconscious!

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