act 2, chapter 10- paradigm shift

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The rain fell in sheets, making it hard to see, especially in the dense and shady forest. Tommy whimpered. He doesn't even remember the last time there was a thunderstorm this bad. He was shaking, but refused to believe it was from anything other than the water. After all, he was a man! He doesn't need to be clutching Phil's hand right now, he could easily let go... But he didn't, because it was warm, that's why, really!

Then there was that stutter back there, when Phil said his name. Tommy thought. For some reason though, something was forcing his train of thought away from the topic.

Another pair feet sloshed in the runny mud behind them, making a schloop sound every step. One pair of feet was especially loud.

Schloop. Squelch. Schloop. Squelch.

The steady rhythmic steps, almost like a ticking clock, made it so that he couldn't ignore the very real threat with an enchanted diamond sword, holding Wilbur hostage, that was following him. Things have suddenly started to fall apart, ever since the man in the pig mask came. The world was shaking with the roar of the rain, but then, maybe that was the roar of blood in his ears.

Tommy spotted a rock by the path that he recognized. He remembered passing that rock on their way into the forest for their camping trip. It was shaped very strangely, almost like a bust of a person. It was fairly close to the town though, so maybe when they reach the town, the masked man would let Wilbur go!

With newfound determination, he took a deep breath and finally managed to stop shaking. Phil looked at him through the sheets of rain, almost as if to make sure he's alright.

We're almost at the town! Tommy mouthed. Phil's eyes widened a fraction, and he took a deep breath and held Tommy's hand tightly, almost as if to say that they're all going to be alright.


Techno glanced at Wilbur, the one he was holding hostage, out of the corner of his eye. His normally curly hair (as Techno had seen when he fell on him a while ago) is now all stuck to his scalp. He also looked very, very scared, what with the diamond sword to his throat and everything.

Why is this less fun than when I took a town hostage? I'm not enjoyin' this at all. Techno thought. Surprisingly, the blood god stayed silent, seemingly contemplating something. What? Techno asked apprehensively.

T̵h̵a̶t̷'̵s̵ ̵on̶ ̷y̷o̶u̵.̸ The blood god answered flippantly. Techno sent him the mental equivalent of an eye roll, and continued.

They don't seem as fake as everyone else we've met. Techno mused. They actually have feelings I can hurt.

A̵n̷d̶ ̴e̵v̴e̷r̸y̸o̶n̶e̷ ̷e̴l̵s̴e̸ ̵d̵i̵d̸n̶'̴t̴?̸ The blood god asked skeptically.

Well, they were all tropes and caricatures of real life, Techno responded. That girl a while back? She was supposed to be fiery, hotheaded, and absolutely nothing else. But these guys are allowed to be a lot more than that. The thought floated in silence for a while.

J̶u̶s̷t̵ ̵k̸e̴e̵p̴ ̶t̵h̶e̷m̴ ̶a̴t̶ ̵a̸r̸m̶'̵s̶ ̵l̴e̸n̸g̴t̸h̸,̸ ̶a̸l̵r̵i̵g̴h̷t̸?̵ The blood god said suddenly. W̷e̸ ̶n̴e̸e̸d̴ ̸t̵o̶ ̸a̸c̴t̸u̸a̵l̷l̵y̴ ̸b̶e̴ ̴a̵b̷l̵e̵ ̵t̵o̴ ̴c̴a̷r̵r̸y̶ ̷o̷u̴t̸ ̸o̴u̶r̷ ̴t̴h̷r̵e̶a̶t̷s̵.̸ ̶N̴o̷ ̶m̵a̸t̶t̵e̵r̶ ̷h̵o̵w̷ ̴r̴e̸a̴l̴ ̴t̷h̴e̸y̴ ̶s̷e̶e̸m̸,̶ ̷t̷h̸e̷y̴ ̸s̴t̷i̵l̷l̷ ̶a̸r̵e̴ ̷j̸u̶s̴t̷ ̸c̷h̶a̴r̷a̸c̷t̷e̶r̷s̴ ̸i̴n̶ ̴a̶ ̵g̵a̵m̷e̶.̵

Yeah, I guess you're right. Techno thought dully.

But really, he wasn't too sure.


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