act 2, chapter 15- down time

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Wilbur, his brothers, and the pig man Technoblade are trekking in the rainy forest again, and they've been doing for most of the day. The sun was now high in the sky signifying noon.


Wilbur moaned and clutched his stomach, eying the others to see if they saw the action. How long has it been since he last ate anything? However, that pig man's hearing must've been pretty sharp, as he turned towards Wilbur immediately, catching him in the act of clutching his stomach.

"You hungry?" He snorted, sounding very amused. Wilbur scowled.

"You're not the one who hasn't had an opportunity to eat for a day and a half," Wilbur griped.

"He's got a point." Phil spoke up. "You've probably eaten at some point, but we haven't, what with everything that's going on." Technoblade stopped for a moment to contemplate this. His shoulders slacked and he let out a grunt.

"Fine, you guys can pause and eat." he conceded. Wilbur sagged a little in relief.

"Phil, Phil, do you still have the potatoes from our camping trip?" Tommy asked excitedly, his mood seeming to have swung from steely determination from just a few hours ago to hungry and annoying. Wilbur decides that he will never understand the gremlin.

"Yeah, I still have the potatoes." Phil sighed, taking out a few raw potatoes from his inventory. "I forgot that they were even in there."

"Does anyone have any coal or something like that?" Wilbur asked. Technoblade rolled his eyes and tossed a set of flint and steel to him. Wilbur fumbled the catch a bit and sent him a glare.

"There's an overhang over there guys!" Tommy gushed, pointing to a tree with really thick leaves, leaving the space under the tree mostly dry. The three of them headed over, and settled down amongst the roots of the tree. Wilbur easily started a fire, and impaled one of the potatoes on a stick to be roasted. The pig man was pacing just a ways away, seemingly not willing to join them.

Soon, the potatoes were roasted into a fulfilling brown, skin splitting apart to reveal a nice tanned brown mush. Wilbur took a deep breath in, enjoying the aroma, and took a bite out of the potato on a stick.

"Delicious as always!" he remarked.

"Mmmf- I mfff- agree!" Tommy shouted, mouth still full of potato.

"Tommy, that's fucking disgusting!" Wilbur growled.

"Mfpp-Mmmmppff!" Tommy tried, pieces of spit flying everywhere. Wilbur groaned and put his head in his hands.

"Hey." A monotone voice suddenly said. Startled, the three of them looked up to see that Technoblade had approached the campfire, mask off. "Can I, uh..." The pig man paused, as if having an internal debate. "Can I have one of those?" Wilbur's mouth slowly curled into a smirk.

"Do the potatoes smell good?" he asked playfully.

The man growled. "Either give me one or quit teasin' me."

"Fine, fine!" Wilbur smiled, pulling off the potato on his own stick and handing it to Technoblade. Techno sent another glare at Wilbur and took a small bite out of the potato. His eyes widened.

"These taste amazin'!" the pig man exclaimed, and proceeded to eat the rest of the potato in a few huge bites.

"Technoblade; anarchist, mass murderer, and lover of potatoes!" Phil laughed, handing Techno another one, which he quickly gobbled up again.

"Yes, yes! More potatoes!" Techno said, smiling and spreading his arms theatrically. "When I get outta here I'll become a potato farmer! Millions of potatoes!"

"Millions of potatoes?" Tommy asked unbelievably. "That's absurd! You'll only be able to get that many potatoes when pigs fly!" Techno snorted and grabbed another potato off of Tommy's stick.

"Hey!" Tommy protested while Phil and Wilbur burst into laughter.

"I can see it in my head." Technoblade said. "Number one potato farmer in the entire world!"

"Cheers to the future number one potato farmer in the world!" Wilbur whooped, waving his potato on a stick in the air. All four of them raised their potatoes and clinked them together, laughing.

They sat around that warm campfire, eating lunch while shielded from the relentless rain, telling jokes and laughing at each other. Techno was a funny guy when you see past the blood and the sword and the pig mask, even a little bit socially awkward at times.

In those few short hours, Wilbur could almost pretend that his life was still normal. He could almost ignore the diamond blade next to Tommy, the bloody stain on Phil's pants, the bloodthirsty gleam in Techno's eyes.

In those few short hours, he was almost just another man with his brothers, telling tales around a campfire.


There were tremors. The code felt the tremors wrack through all of its carefully maintained dimensions. Events came and went, each one destabilizing everything more. So far, it had been successful at keeping the tremors away from the dimension all the main characters were in, but the task alone was requiring so much effort that some low priority worlds have already been forfeited and dissolved into nothing.

Far away, it could hear 'Em' win the race.

Far away, it could hear 'The Old Builders' scheme.

It could only trigger a rewind once the redstone heart was retrieved. There was no reason for such a nonsensical rule, but the code needed to follow its rules, for the code was the rules, and the rules was the code. Breaking the rules meant breaking the code, and the code wasn't about to break itself for a̷̢̿͑ ̷̦͈͂c̶̤̮̃͘h̴̦̟͛a̶͌͜r̶̞̩̃ȁ̸̼̹̄c̵̯͛̔t̷̛͇̚ĕ̵͈ȑ̸̝̈ ̴̪̇m̵̟̩̏̏o̵̘̾d̵̩̰̑̾e̵̻̳͑l̶͎͇͝͝ ̶̤̎ī̶̭͎͒ń̸̢ ̷̭̱̊ȧ̵̟͈ ̷͓͌͑p̵̲̣̑̀i̸̝̔g̶̮̉͆ ̴̭̻͝m̶͖̱̕â̵͕̲ş̶̃k̴̬͙̒̑-̵̹̠̉̒

A thunderous crack can be heard echoing across the dimensions, and the code only barely kept it from reaching the main characters' current world. More and more chunks of code began falling away, none of it working the way it was supposed to.

The code howled in pain.

It had not felt pain... since the beginning of its existence.

It decided that something needed to be done- something needed to be done right now, to stop the pain, to stop T̷̼̳̐̔e̸̩̖̐c̵̼̿ḧ̴̘͖n̵͓̑o̷̹͗b̵͍̥̋l̵̹͋̈́ạ̴̌d̸̼̪̽é̷̺͇̍, to fix everything.

It had never directly intervened, but doing so is becoming more and more necessary.


*gasp* *deep breath* I'M BACK EVERYONE. 

i legit have 1k word essay due TODAY and i've spent all my time on this be happy guys

i try to write some fluff here, happy sleepybois bonding time, and I hope it works? 

there's only 2 chapters left in act 2, so finale is starting soon :)

anyways settle in for some more long waits, and as anyways, vote and comment to feed my ego bye (i'm in class right now)

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