act 2, chapter 12- status quo

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Phil watched Tommy clutch the unwieldy diamond sword in his hand, as the door of his house slammed behind them. Wilbur turned the glowstone lamp in the corner on out of habit, illuminating the four of them.

It was just all so strange.

Now that the fog has lifted from his head, it was like he was given free will to do whatever he wanted. His thoughts could stray to places, and his feet could take him places. It was such a free feeling!

The masked man, Technoblade, glanced around their very basic living room, with a sofa and some chairs set up around an unlit fireplace. He took off his dripping wet fur lined jacket off and hung it on the back of a chair, revealing a baggy long sleeved white t-shirt. He then sat down in one of the chairs and leaned back.

"So." he said, already making Phil jump. "What do you want to know first?" Phil opened his mouth, and suddenly, the implications of everything that's happened in the past day crashed onto him, through the fog of shock and newfound freedom.

Where did you come from? How are you here? Why are you here? Why was something in my head preventing me from thinking about things? Who are you? What's real? Every question condensed into a single one.

"How?" Phil asked, dazed. Technoblade snorted.

"You'll have to be more specific than that," he said, smirking.

"Well," Wilbur said, struggling to get his words out. "How did you fall out of the sky?"

"That, uh, was a portal." the man said. "Because you see, there's actually a bunch of other dimensions out there, connected by a portal network." There was silence.

"What?" asked the three of them simultaneously.

"You know, other dimensions, portals to all those other dimensions?" the man said, gesturing vaguely with his hand.

"You came here through a portal from another dimension?" Phil asked slowly.

"Yep." the man replied.

"Is your dimension not... not like this?" Phil tentatively asked, voice shaking. The man looked at him quizzically, then burst into laughter.

"No, it was like this." he said. "It was just hidden a lot better."

"W-what do you mean?" Tommy asked.

"My dimension is just like your dimension." Technoblade stated slowly and surely. "But it was a lot more difficult to tell what's real and what's fake. Unlike, you know, your town." He leaped up from the chair, and started pacing around the room, shocking Phil into taking a step back. "You know, I probably lived in a village too, and I probably believed every single bit of it was real. Would've likely never even left."

"Then... how are you here?" Wilbur asked what was probably on all three of their minds.

"Well, one day, I just found myself outside of a village, no memories about anything, except my name, and a voice in my head telling me to raze down the village."

"What?" Phil asked fearfully, taking another step back.

"So I tried it, and it was pretty enjoyable." the man said, even slightly grinning. Phil was reminded harshly that this was the man who kidnapped Wilbur, and threatened him with death. He could hear Wilbur gulp next to him. Seeing the looks on their faces, the man just waves it off. "Don't worry about it. Their deaths meant nothing, because they aren't real."

"What did you do after that?" Phil asked tentatively.

"Well, I razed down a few more villages." the man said nonchalantly, as if it wasn't a big deal. "But you know, doing the same thing over and over again got pretty boring. But I also had no way out of there, so I had to keep goin'."

"Well if you had no way out of there, how are you here?" Tommy exclaimed, frustrated.

"That's where it gets interesting." the man said. "You see, one day, these four people just showed up. Four people that no matter what I tried, could not kill."

"H-how so?" Wilbur asked.

"I swing at them, something freezes my sword in midair. Time itself rewinded for them. But they were no more real than all the towns I razed down." the man seemed to take in all their shocked expressions, and smiled. "So that got me thinking, what's really going on here? And then, the voice in my head told me." Technoblade tapped his head. "There's some sort of entity out there, and it controls everything that happens everywhere, across all the dimensions. It controlled all of us like puppets, trying to keep us from figuring out the world is fake, all the while trying to give it's favored fake 4 characters happy endings."

"A-a..." Phil muttered. It was difficult to comprehend, but it wasn't unbelievable. "An entity, controlling our entire lives. And those four people you met... they were favored?"

"Phil's got it," Techno said in a satisfied tone. "We're the lucky ones. We're able to see what this place is, unlike those sad characters out there. Then the voice in my head tells me that there's a bigger world out there, bigger than all of these dimensions."

"Really?" Tommy asked shakily.

"Yeah. And ever since I've heard about it, I've been trying to break out of here, and break out into there." Techno said. "It'll be more freedom than I'll ever get here." Phil's mind reeled from this turrent of new information. More freedom? He couldn't even imagine anything beyond this dimension of rain, let alone... what Technoblade was describing.

"You're the first people I've found, that are real, that I can't really kill, so I have an offer." the man continued. "Help me try to break out of here. An alliance, if you will."

"We..." Phil stuttered. He could see the shock on both Tommy and Wilbur's faces, and he was sure his face looked the same. "...Join you?" The prospect of even more freedom than this, was, Phil admitted to himself, really enticing.

"I'll give you until tomorrow to think about it." Techno said as he picked up his coat from the chair, and headed to the door. "I'll be out here, taking a walk.

"Wait!" Phil cried. "How do you even know that place is real?"

"It's not like we've got anything left to lose, is it?" the man retorted, then closed the door behind him, leaving the three in silence.


A̷r̵e̷ ̷y̶o̷u̸ ̵s̵u̴r̷e̸ ̵b̵r̵i̸n̸g̷i̷n̴g̶ ̸m̵o̸r̷e̴ ̷p̶e̶o̵p̷l̷e̴ ̸o̸n̵ ̷w̷a̴s̵ ̵t̸h̶e̴ ̶r̴i̷g̵h̷t̷ ̸c̷h̷o̴i̸c̷e̷?̷ The blood god asked him dubiously.

They're victims of the code, just like us. Techno responded. If anything, I owe it to them for the death threats.

Y̷o̵u̴'̵v̸e̵ ̴g̸o̵t̸ ̶a̵ ̸p̴o̴i̸n̷t̵ ̵t̵h̵e̵r̶e̶,̴The voice conceded. 


I'M SO SORRY FOR THE WAIT! life got stressful, as it always does. this is possibly the longest you've had to wait, sorry. (and i'd just gotten a comment praising my ability to write fast! i feel so ashamed!)

well, good news is, i've planned out act 2, and it'll be 10-11 chapters with 2 interludes, one in the middle at one at the end. so uh, the next update is likely going to be an interlude ^^"

i haven't really got anything to say other than that, so i guess as always, vote, comment, and follow to feed my ego bye

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