act 1, chapter 2- subjugation

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warning: ima say this only once here, this is a work about technoblade, blood is going to be spilled and orphans are gonna be stabbed. you have been warned.

The young boy in the overcoat beckoned them all towards him.

"It's not safe anymore to stay out on the streets anymore." He informed them all with a quivering voice. "You can follow me to my house, and I could tell you more, but if you stay out here, I don't know what'll happen to you." He looked at them expectedly. Jesse bit his lip and looked at the others. Lucas shrugged helplessly, Ivor seemed to be thinking, and Petra cleared her throat.

"How do we know we can trust you?" she asked, narrowing her eyes at the boy.

"You don't." uttered the boy, taking an impatient step back. "All you have is my word."

"We'll follow you." Jesse announced surely. Petra gave him a betrayed glance, and was about to say something when Jesse whispered to her quietly, "We'll just have to try our luck. We don't know what's happening here." Petra gritted her teeth, and nodded. The boy took another step backwards, looking like he was about to break into a run, which he probably was going to do.

"Follow me then," the boy whispered. "Be quick, I was risking my life just by being out here."


The boy with the coat led them out of the alley, down a road, and to a very modest house on the side of the street. There were other similar looking houses lined up on the same street. He made them all file into the house, and shut the door behind them, and locking it tight.

"Alright everyone." he said, voice rising above the whisper he had on the streets. "This is a safer place to talk. My name is Finn."

"Finn..." Jesse mumbled, remembering the name. "Alright, Finn. Would you please tell us what's going on in this town?" Petra looked on, eyes narrowed, ready perhaps to get the answer out of him by force, while Lucas and Ivor just looked on in apprehensive curiosity. Finn nodded.

"Yeah, I did say I would do that." he sighed. "About a week ago..."


About a week ago, the town had been a normal town. Traders traveled from village to village, bartering their goods, and the streets bustled with activity from people out and about, people having fun, and people doing their jobs, either at the center of town with the mayor, making important decisions, or some else. Finn's parents themselves had been traders travelling between villages, selling goods, and they had promised to take Finn on one of said journeys when he got older.

On the day everything went wrong, Finn's parents had been away for a while, longer than they usually were away, and even though he was getting a bit worried, Finn's parents had been away for much longer, and he wouldn't pay much attention to it until a few more weeks had passed. He had to focus on work from school, after all. He was in fact just heading to school with his friend, Lillian, when they heard a scream come from the gate of the town. Startled, they turned to each other.

"What was that?" asked Lillian anxiously. Finn shook his head, signaling that he didn't know what was happening either.

"Let's wait here and see if there's anymore commotion..." muttered Finn, garnering a nod from Lillian. Just a few seconds after Finn said that, there was another scream, just as chilling. Both children began to pale and to back away slowly when the screams continued.

"What's h-happening?" stuttered Lillian, holding onto Finn's hand tightly.

"I-I don't know..." Lillian whispered back, holding onto Finn's hand just as tightly. The screams continued, and when the fear couldn't get more palpable, suddenly, the bell in the middle of the town rung, signaling that every townsperson should gather at the center of town, where the town hall that the mayor worked in was. The children looked at each other, scared.

"Do you think we should go?" Finn asked, anxious.

"We might as well," Lillian responded. "Maybe the mayor will tell us what's going on." And so they sprinted towards the middle of the town, at the town hall. When they entered the giant, elaborate building, they were greeted by a terrifying sight.

A man, wearing a grotesque hog mask and a dull red fur lined cloak was standing in front of their own tied up and gagged mayor.

The mayor looked absolutely terrified, and the townspeople, most of which were gathered at the town hall already, were looking on with similar expressions to that of Finn and Lillian.

"Alright nerds," said the masked man in a monotone, dead voice. "I've sacked your mayor, and I'm here to stay.'' Just then, he stabbed a diamond sword right through the mayor's torso. Horrified gasps rose all around the grand town hall, as the body of the mayor fell to the ground and went up in a cloud of smoke. "Here's how things are goin' to work with me around." continued the cruel masked man. "Number one!" he said, almost sounding bored. "No one leaves the town." As he said this, he took out a bow, and shot a random woman that Finn didn't know in the audience. She screeched, and fell to the ground dead. A man standing next to her looked at where she used to be with dumb shock and disbelief. He whipped around and screamed at the masked man,

"YOU MONSTER!" To everyone's surprise, the man chuckled.

"Haaa..." he said. "All confined by the constructs of society," he drawled on in that monotone voice of his. He then turned to everyone else. "Anyone breaks the one rule I've set meets the same fate as that woman, and also everyone I've passed along the way here. Now." he said, with a smirk almost audible in his voice. "Everyone still on the streets in 10 minutes also gets die."

There was horrified silence.

"Any takers?"


"And so everyone rushed out of the town hall, straight back into their own houses, and we've all been confined here, until that psychopath lets us out again." Finn finished, on the verge of tears. Jesse, Petra, Ivor, and Lucas were all staring at him, shocked into silence. "People who get caught out, they, they..." Finn took a deep breath. "And no one's come from any other towns since that day. I've spent every single day praying that my parents are still alive.

"We're... We're sorry, Finn, that's terrible." Peter said in a low voice, putting her hand on Finn's shoulder. To her surprise, he violently pushed it off.

"I don't want anyone's pity!" Finn bit out. "Unless you've all got a magical solution to get out of here without that madman noticing, I think you might want to stay the night." Finn finished in a quiet voice, before leaving the room and heading to another room, shutting the door behind him.

Jesse and his friends stood there, silently watching Finn leave, feeling lost.


yo hi it's me yet again

info! amazin':

i've planned ahead a bit. act one is gonna be 6~7 chapters. 

alright gbye see you in a bit vote and comment to inflate my ego

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