act 1, chapter 3- trapped

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"We can't... " Petra trailed off, struggling to get any words out due to how angry she was. "We can't just leave this place under the rule of a crazy dictator!" she growled. "This is messed up!" she said, with more angry gesturing.

"I don't think we have anything to do with this!" Ivor argued back, equally invested. "We're not obliged to help anyone here, and we should get out as soon as possible, considering how much danger this," and Ivor used some air quotes here, "Crazy dictator puts us in a considerable amount of danger!" Jesse looked at them both argue back and forth, contemplating the situation.

"Guys, Guys!" He shouted when the arguing got louder, garnering everyone's attention. "We need to stop arguing." he told them all absolutely. "Ivor, the chances of us being able to sneak out is really, what with the maniac and everything. I think I agree with Petra more." He stated seriously. Ivor dipped his head and grumbled while Petra bumped Jesse on the shoulder.

"Knew you'd see it my way," she said, smiling.

"Soo, what's our plan even going to be?" questioned Lucas. "Do we even know how we're going to do this if we want to take down the pig man? We need to be sensible here, guys." He said worriedly. Jesse put his hand on his chin in thought but was about to say something when Petra interrupted him.

"What is there to plan?" she asked angrily. "I say we get over there, to the town hall, first thing tomorrow morning and beat this guy's butt!" Everyone stared at her, pondering over her loud declaration. She glared at them all, as if angry with them for staying quiet. "Who's with me!" she asked fiercely.

"You know what, she's right!" Jesse declared. "What skills does he even have? I bet he just terrorizes the innocent townspeople with threats he can't follow up on. If we all go together, we'll be able to outnumber him, no problem!"

"Now that you say it, Jesse, it does make a lot of sense..." Ivor mumbled.

"Yeah..." Lucas joined in. "That sounds like a plan!" he exclaimed.

"No..." whispered a tiny voice. The group all started and turned towards the source of the voice. "No it's not." Standing at the door that he had disappeared into earlier that night, was Finn, looking scared and unsure.

"T-that monster..." he stuttered. "I've seen that monster fight our strongest guards, and still come out victorious." Finn's voice is slowly rising, by now. "He can kill you all without blinking, and what you decide to do is to go after him?" By now, Finn is almost screaming.

"Finn!" Petra exclaimed. "Calm down, I'm certain we can take this guy-"

"NO!" shrieked Finn. "Even though I've just met you, I'm not letting you guys throw away your lives in such a dumb and stupid way! You've got people that would care! People that're still waiting for you!" And the sentence held just a bit of self pity.

"Finn! Just trust us!" Jesse shouted over him. "We're a lot better than you think-"

"I SAID NO!" screamed Finn again. "I'd forever blame myself for this... This assisted suicide! All the doors leading out are locked, and the walls are made out of clay, and I'm giving you the keys until you guys come up with another plan!" With that, the hysterical child ran back to the door that he had emerged so unsurely out of, and this time, there was an audible click of the door being locked as well. The group of four stared after him in pure shock, until Petra broke her stupor.

"WAIT! FINN!" she yelled, rushing to the door that Finn went into. "No! Let us in! We can talk about this!" she tried to open the door, but to no avail. It really was locked tight. "Finn, you stupid piece of dirt!" she continued shouting. Jesse was already rushing to the front door, seeing if it was locked. It was.

"This back door is locked too!" yelled Ivor, who had rushed to find other doors.

"There's no windows in the house either!" shouted Lucas.

"No luck with the front door, guys!"Jesse shouted. "We're out of luck! There's no way to get in or out!" He shouted to Petra. Petra growled.

"You really locked us in?" This is seriously not cool!" she shouted through the door she was still banging on.

There was no response.


Technoblade was having a great time.

The plan had worked; the whole village was scared out of their wits, and he loved it.

Just this morning, the deity in his head told him that some clown was on the streets again. Of course, he yawned, ate his symbolic porkchop, dozed for a bit, and then finally put on his mask to kill the nerd. Just as he was heading out of the town hall though, he felt the deity shriek in surprise.

What the... he thought, and quickly sent it the mental equivalent of raising an eyebrow. And so the deity turned his body around towards the golden frame of a portal in the center of the town hall.


A week before, after all of the townspeople fled the town hall in a panic, Techno leaned onto his sword in an obviously relaxed position, yawning. Suddenly though, the deity in his head gave him a sharp prod and turned him towards some sort of golden framing in the center of the town hall. He stopped leaning on his sword and meandered slowly to the golden frame, curious, as the blood god was legitimately screaming at him that the thing is important.

"What is it? Techno asked. All he got back was waves of important important important. The deity never spoke to him in words anyways.

"Is it some sort of portal?" he asked quizzically, noticing the dimensions of a nether portal.


"But it's not lit, and we can't light it." he deadpanned.

More affirmation.

"And I'm gonna guess that it's pretty important that we do light it?" he lazily said.

Gleeful anticipation.


"And now I'm guessing that we can light the portal?" Techno asked, and he didn't straight up get more affirmation back, which meant that his guess was off. And so the deity urged him out of the town hall, telling him to go find something or someone. Unlike other times though, the deity seemed more... directionless this time.

"Do you even know where this thing is?" he asked it. It shrunk back slightly in a grumpy fashion.

"Well." Techno grumbled, obviously not pleased. "I guess if it's that important for us to find it, we can just search house by house."


welcome back it's been a week hi

something i forgot to say previously: i have not watched season 2, and i do not plan to, so do not expect any elements from there

if anyone thinks the techno and blood god bits are unclear please comment and tell me! 

and i think i might have forgotten something else but when i remember i'll just post it next chapter lol

bye have a good one vote and comment to feed my ego (please?) :))

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