act 2, chapter 16- imminent

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It was now evening. Tucked under an overhang, was the smoldering remains of a campfire that's been put out by the wind and rain. Petra knelt down to examine the site. She used a stick to prod around the burnt sticks and the charcoal.

"This campfire can't have gone out more than a few hours ago, Jesse." she remarked. "Some of the charcoal under there are still warm!"

"Smells like potatoes." Jesse grunted. "Do you think it's that pig?"

"I don't think Lucas, Ivor, or Harper would have potatoes on them, right?" Petra asked, while circling the .

"Yeah..." Jesse agreed. "If they did, I would've liked some..."

"This isn't the time to think about foo-" Petra cut herself off, narrowing her eyes. "Jesse, are those footprints?" They glanced at each other, wide eyed, and raced over to the tracks. The mud was a torn landscape, but just like before, the prints of a pair of heavy duty steel tipped boots stood out.

"We finally found them!" Petra proclaimed, waving her sword about.

"Yeah, come on Petra!" Jesse shouted. "We're going home!"


The sun was already dipping below the horizon, and Lucas sighed. It's been a very long day for Lucas. The rain still hasn't let up, and at this point, he's inclined to believe that it never stops. Also, Ivor and Harper are still arguing, and at this point, it was giving him a headache.

"Who messes around with potions?" Harper was saying, waving her hands about.

"You don't know anything about the true potential of potions!" Ivor was shouting back. "With a strength potion, you can win almost any battle!"

"Any battle?" Harper scoffed. "What's a little bottle of liquid going to do?" Lucas sighed and put his head in his hand. The two were so in love with each other that they've skipped the honeyed dating and gone right to the bitching husband and wife, and they won't even admit it to each other!

Everything continued to be wet and miserable, as mud clung onto Lucas' leather jacket. At least he had it better than Ivor, with his burlap cloak. The mud squelched and the rain fell, and without warning, Lucas pushed apart some leaves and stumbled into a clearing.

"Woah! Guys!" he cried.

"What!" They both snap at him at the same time, before quickly realizing that they had all stumbled into a clearing.

The clearing itself had a nice tall tree to provide cover from the rain, and under the tree, there were a couple of torches that had long gone out.

"Someone definitely set up camp here for a while..." Lucas mumbled.

"Well, the question is whether it was Jesse and Petra, or that pig man, isn't it?" Harper mused. They both heard a wet plop, and turned to see Ivor already making himself comfortable, sitting on a log.

"Are you kidding me?" Harper asked, throwing her arms into the air. "Do you want that heart back or not?"

"Why not rest?" Ivor shouted. "We've been walking for the whole day, in the RAIN!"

"Ivor has a point, Harper," Lucas mumbled tiredly, plopping down on a log next to Ivor. "It's almost night. Someone put torches here, so we can assume that they at least thought it's safe to spend the night here." Harper looked at both of them, and sighed, plopping down on the log.

"I have to admit, I am pretty tired too," she muttered. Ivor elbowed her.

"A lady of hypocrisy, aren't you?" he said snidely.

"Hey now-" Harper fired back, immediately getting defensive, and the two were at it again. Lucas sighed. If only the ground would open and swallow him.

This is going to be a very long night, he thought.


A figure lurches through the rain.

o0O̶B̴J̴E̸C̷T̵I̷V̸E: ̵N̸E̴U̴T̴R̴I̷L̴I̴Z̵E̴ ̵T̴A̶R̸G̵E̸T̶S̸0o

Long spindly limbs grappled onto trees and pulled the hideous creature forward. It was huge, almost twice as tall as a tree, but impossibly silent as its huge mass crashed through the undergrowth. Its form occasionally dematerielizes, dissolving into 1's and 0's before rematerializing again. Slimy and murky residue was shed everywhere, leaving a trail of corrupted splotches everywhere the creature went.

It was single minded, purpose being to accomplish a singular task.

o0O̶B̴J̴E̸C̷T̵I̷V̸E: ̵N̸E̴U̴T̴R̴I̷L̴I̴Z̵E̴ ̵T̴A̶R̸G̵E̸T̶S̸0o

Find the man in the pig mask. The code whispered to it. Find him and destroy him.

The creature obeys.


I̶'̶v̷e̸ ̴g̶o̷t̴ ̷a̶ ̴'̸s̸h̸i̵t̴'̶s̷ ̸a̸b̸o̴u̵t̴ ̷t̵o̷ ̶h̶i̵t̸ ̸t̷h̴e̸ ̶f̸a̷n̸ ̵f̴e̵e̴l̴i̸n̵g̶.̶'̸ The code growled. Waking Techno up from his drowsy state.

Of course shit's about to hit the fan! Techno thought back. We'll attack tomorrow, then we'll be able to get outta here! The code stewed in silence for a bit longer. Techno leaned his head back against a tree that he was propping himself up with, trying to sleep while sitting up.

Wilbur, Tommy, and Phil were all inside a little stone alcove on the side of a hill, all of them asleep. When the sun set, the three of them settled down again, lighting a campfire and telling stories until the other three fell asleep. The campfire had long gone out, but the lack of warmth didn't really disturb them, and none of them had woken up. Techno however wasn't falling asleep. They needed someone to keep watch, after all.

Techno glanced up at the moon. It was a new moon, which was lucky for them, as full moon meant more mobs. He groaned and wished that they hadn't ran out of potatoes.

I̶ ̵j̴u̷s̷t̶.̷.̵.̴ ̵c̸a̴n̷'̵t̶ ̴s̷h̶a̷k̷e̸ ̵t̸h̵e̵ ̷f̸e̶e̴l̵i̸n̸g̶ ̷t̶h̵a̸t̴ ̷s̶o̶m̵e̶t̸h̴i̶n̵g̵ ̸u̶n̵p̶l̴a̶n̵n̸e̸d̴ ̵i̸s̶ ̸g̷o̶i̴n̸g̷ ̴t̴o̵ ̸h̷a̸p̴p̸e̶n̵.̸ The code said uneasily, startling Techno.

I'll be more alert if you really think I should, Techno responded, worried that something was unnerving the deity this strongly.

Y̶e̵a̷h̵.̴.̶.̵ The code thought back.

I̸ ̸a̵m̶ ̸v̸e̷r̶y̸ ̵s̷u̶r̷e̸ ̸y̸o̸u̶ ̶s̸h̷o̴u̵l̴d̷.̸


two weeks late, and what do I have to show for it? probably the shortest chapter yet :( 

*spins wheel of excuses* i... got writer's block! (in fact, due to writer's block, i posted some art. feel free to check that out if you're getting bored i guess?)

as a short recap, lucas&co finds petra's campsite (one where jesse finds her at), jesse&petra finds sleepybois' old campsite (one in downtime) and sleepybois makes an entirely new campsite. also, the code's got itself a pet o.O

i've got the rest of the this outlined, and my friends, we are entering the home stretch. (only 5~ chapters left!)

as always, comment and vote to feed my ego bye

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