act 1, chapter 5- bargain

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Finn was sitting in his room, arms wrapped tightly around the crafting table beside him, as they have been for the past few hours since the outsiders began searching the house. They won't get out, he thought resolutely. I've covered everything. Unless they have tools, they won't make it out, no matter what I've left lying around.

There was a thump and a loud angry shout from the easily angered girl. Maybe they've figured out that the crafting table is in here, he thought, and smiled. They won't get out and they won't die. They won't get out and they won't die...

"I guess we're at a standstill," he heard Ivor's muffled voice saying. That's right, he thought triumphantly. You won't die...

Then Suddenly, he felt something strain. It was like for one moment, reality itself stretched. His very being was filled with this peculiar sensation, and as soon as it passed, he felt danger. Overwhelming dread, then-

"If anyone's in this house, you'll have to come out."

That voice.

"Right, I'll just invite myself in then."

"No," Finn whispered. "No, no, no, no!" The door broke with a crash from a pickaxe. Finn slid even further down his door, praying to anything that could hear him.

"This certainly lifts my spirits," That monster said.

They were all going to die.


"Who..." Petra uttered. "The pig mask... You're the psycho!"

"You're right Petra!" Jesse exclaimed as he pulled out his sword. "We can take this guy! Come on!"

"Haa," the masked man laughed. "You clowns. The hell are you enchanting a gold sword for anyways?"

"You...!" Petra growled. "Let's go get the smug psycho!" And with that she lunged towards him. The masked man, however, just stepped to the side almost lazily.

"And.. not even close." he declared. And with that, he swung his sword towards Petra's completely open neck, blow intended to behead.

"Noooo!" Jesse screamed.

The world stuttered.

And then the masked man's sword stopped mere millimetres from Petra's head. She stared at the sword, legs feeling weak. A second later, she was already passed out on the floor in shock.

"Haa," The masked man laughed again in that bleating way of his. "You know, I knew some people who had a saying. What you should be afraid of isn't a powerful enemy, but a stupid teammate." ***

"You take that back!" Jesse raged. Then started to charge, but was stopped by Lucas.

"We need to be coordinated, Jesse, and all attack at once." Ivor nodded.

"Yeah, Jesse-"

"You know," The masked man interrupted. "You really shouldn't formulate your plans in front of the enemy." He suddenly hefted Petra over his shoulder. "It's a bit stupid to do so, if you catch my drift." With that, he started to casually walk out of the house with Petra over his shoulder.

"Hey!" Jesse cried, chasing after the sickeningly casual man, Lucas and Ivor at his heels. "Give our friend back!" He tried swinging his sword at the man, but was deftly blocked.

"I dunno man," The pig shrugged. "Not really feelin' like it, you know?"

"Argg!" Lucas cried, as one of the masked man's blows grazed him. Ivor, who had already drunk his speed potion, quickly rushed to Lucas' side and smashed a health potion on him.

"Thanks Ivor," Lucas gasped.

"Amateurs," the masked man drawled, and continued drawing the battle down the street, towards the center of the town, where the town hall is.

"What's he planning?" Ivor asked, very out of breath.

"How am I supposed to know, I can't read his mind!" Jesse retorted back.


Technoblade was not in control of his body.

It was like his mind and vision had been pumped full of fog, rendering him unable to properly think. The blood god in his head, which up until now, had been a helpful and insistent guide, has suddenly wrenched his own body from him, using it as some sort of puppet.

It happened when he tried to kill that clown back in the house.

He had swung his sword, and then, for a small second, he could see something. He saw lines and lines of small crawling lines woven everywhere, and then it all flashed and converged on him.

The sheer force might've thrown him back, if not for the sudden fog, strange sense of floating, and the control of his body being torn away from him.

And the most surprising thing, was that for some reason, after it took his body, the blood god was running away from a battle.

That was the most confusing of everything that had happened in the past 10 minutes.

He could sense a strange feeling of regret coming off of the entity, which shocked him to his senses, considering this was the blood god.

Why did you do that? He managed to think coherently, almost angrily. And to his absolute shock, it responded.

Ą̵̞̪̱͕̔͑̉̔̾͂̀p̴̲͒́̋͆̕ ̸̨̡͙̮̠͂̿̋̔o̸͇̼̻̹̠̺̿̽̓͝ ̴̨̥̳̠̮̝̦͆́̍̅͂͒͝l̶̤̳̲̱̿͗̔̇o̷̢̜̜͕̺̗̅̒̓͝ͅģ̸̔͆̊̉̉͝͝ ̴̢̝͈̲̔̈́̚͜î̷̛͚̽͐̇́̀ë̷̢͙̺̩̥̂̿ŝ̴͕̲͗͆.̵̧̖̒

And then everything went black.


"He's almost at the center of town, I think," Jesse gasped, worn out from running and blocking the occasional lazy strike from the masked man.

"But what will he do there?" Lucas asked, frustrated. The town hall was looming straight ahead of them, getting ever closer as they chased the man.

"Well, whatever it is that he's planning to do, we're about to find out!" Ivor cried as the man ran into the town hall.

"After him!" Jesse cried, and they all burst into the town hall.

The first thing they noticed, was of course the shining golden portal sitting in the center of it.

The second thing was the stylish lava fountain in front of it that the masked man was sitting on the edge of, Petra still over his shoulder, her fingertips dangling over certain death.

"I know you clowns can light that portal." the man drawled. Jesse took a nervous step back, gritting his teeth. Lucas looked very scared, and Ivor looked tense.

"So here's the deal," The man said nonchalantly. "You either light it for me so I can get outta here, or your friend gets fried."


hello little children

did i update three times this week? you're welcome.

act one will probably wrap up in the next week, and after that i'm going to take a tiny break as to make more detailed plans for act two, as i only have a rough idea, you see.

comment and vote to feed my ego see you all next week

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