act 2, chapter 14- puppet

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The rain was falling, like it has been for the past day, and it was beginning to get very annoying for Technoblade. He wasn't looking forward to trekking through the muddy forest, but you know, the things you do for freedom. The three others, Wilbur, Phil, and Tommy, came out the door behind him. Even though they had lived in this house for probably all their lives, knowing it wasn't real was enough to break every sentiment that had ever built up.

Last night, while he was out in the rain, he tried to imagine that that must've felt like.

He couldn't.

Even though he fashioned himself an anarchist of destruction, he just couldn't even start to understand what those three had gone through, following him coercing Tommy to open that gate.

It must've felt like you couldn't trust anything. That everything was a lie, and that there seems to be nothing left they could depend on to stay the same, except maybe each other, and maybe not even that.

That was probably the reason none of them brought anything with them.

D̶o̴ ̷y̶o̸u̸ ̴c̸o̸n̷s̴i̴d̵e̷r̴ ̵y̵o̴u̷r̵s̸e̷l̴f̴ ̴l̶u̵c̵k̴y̸ ̵t̵h̸a̵t̷ ̴y̷o̴u̸r̵ ̸m̷e̴m̷o̶r̸i̸e̵s̶ ̸d̸i̴s̶a̶p̶p̷e̷a̶r̷e̷d̵ ̵w̶h̵e̸n̴ ̷I̶ ̵c̶a̶m̷e̵?̶ The blood god spoke up in his head. Techno hesitated.


Yeah I do.

"So what's the plan?" Tommy asked, interrupting his internal monologue.

"Well, you see." He replied, in that tone he used to hide his stress and worries. It was a good skill to have, and have it he did. "Remember those favored characters I couldn't kill?" There were some nods. "What we have to do is kill them." The others seemed very taken aback

"What?" Wilbur asked.

"But I thought you said you couldn't kill them!" Phil protested.

"True, we can't with the entity protecting them," Techno conceded. "But what if the entity wasn't protecting them?"

"How so?" Phil asked, eyes wide.

"This entity wants to coddle its characters, right?" Techno said. "But it also runs everything we see, as a secondary goal." The three others stared at him, wondering where this was going, no doubt. "So if we disrupt the order of the world enough, the entity will have to expend more resources towards maintaining its world, rather protecting its characters."

"So we kill them then?" Tommy asked, resolve in his face, grip on the sword tightening.

"We kill them then, and we get outta here." Technoblade said, smirking. He pulled out his pig mask, which he had not put on since he took it off to show how sincere he was at the village gates, and pulled it back onto his face. "Right now, I'm actually running from them, because I can't kill them yet. I don't doubt they've already followed me to this dimension."

"Wait, you mean to say they're already here?" Wilbur asked, alarmed.

"Yes they are, but as long as we don't get caught for just about one more day, we can engage them." Techno answered, keeping his voice relaxed.

"Well then let's go!" shouted Tommy, looking positively enthralled, truly ready for freedom, for breaking out of this dimension of rain he's spent his life in.

Technoblade reflected bringing these three into the quest was not a bad idea at all.


"I swear, constant rain must be this world's thing!" huffed Lucas. "I've rarely seen rain last this long, and this still shows no sign of stopping!"

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