act 2, part 17- o̸n̴l̴y̷ ̴d̸e̶a̵t̴h̵

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【If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles."

-Sun Tzu, The Art of War】


The sun was rising, rays of light peeking out behind the rain and the fog.

It looked exactly like any other sunrise Tommy had ever seen, but there was something about this one.

It had a sense of finality.

Bushes rustled in the undergrowth, and Tommy froze before recognizing the unique squelching sound of Techno's steel tipped boots. A few moments later, the masked man himself stepped into view.

"You ready?" Techno asked. His voice was still in that usual monotone, but today, it held a strange tension.

Tommy gulped, and his palms curled into fists. No more jokes, no more campfire tales, this was happening today.

"Yeah." he answered, swallowing. "Yeah, I am." Techno cleared his throat.

"Voice in my head knows where to go." he said.

"What are you, a human GPS?" Tommy joked. Techno let out a small chuckle.

"Exactly." There was a small pause. "Do you still have my sword?"

Tommy checked his inventory, and low and behold, there was Techno's gleaming diamond sword. He pulled it out and watched the raindrops bounce on it, taking a shaky breath. Wilbur and Phil came out of the alcove that they had all taken shelter in last night, eyes immediately landing on the blue crystalline blade. Tommy held out the sword, sharp edge balanced on his palms, almost like some sort of offering. Techno grasped the handle tightly, lifting it up and inspecting it.

"When I first saw that sword," Wilbur suddenly started. "It was pointed at my neck." Techno looked away shamefully, but Wilbur continued. "Then you forced Tommy to open the town gates, and Tommy, you saved my life." he said. Tommy looked away, cheeks already heating up despite the freezing rain.

"It wasn't like that, big Will, all I did was push open some doors-"

"Tommy, shut the fuck up." Wilbur interrupted. "You saved my life. You freed us."

"Yeah, Tommy." Phil said softly. "I still don't understand how you managed it. I wouldn't've been able to do it at all." Tommy shrank away, furiously blushing and spluttering.

"The point is," Wilbur pushed on. "Is that we've no longer stuck here thanks to you, Technoblade. We have a way out. We have a way out to freedom." It was impossible to see Techno's facial expressions behind that mask, but Tommy thought it might've been pride. "Technoblade?" Wilbur asked, meeting the beady black eyes of the pig mask.

"Yeah?" Techno replied.

"I trust you, Technoblade." Wilbur stated, ironclad devotion in his voice. "That sword? I trust that that sword will get us out of here." There was silence.

All three of them moved at once, clinging to each other in a big hug. They were all drenched to the bone, but the hug was still warm. Techno watched them hug, standing there with that diamond sword, and Tommy liked to think that maybe on that face, was a fond expression. Phil sniffled a bit.

"You've always been one for theatrics, Will." he hiccupped. Wilbur let a shaky laugh, but didn't reply. Tommy knew that it was good enough. The hug dispersed after a few more seconds.

"Now," Techno said fondly. "If you guys are ready, the hunt begins now."


Jesse and Petra had been trekking through the forest from night to morning. Ignoring Jesse's pleas to just stop and rest, Petra forced him to forge on, too afraid of the rain washing all the tracks away by the time the sun rises.

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