act 1, chapter 1- the mistake

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"Urrgg!" groaned Jesse, stumbling out of a prismarine portal. "What the gravel was that!" Petra, Lucas, and Ivor stumbled out right after him.

"Yeah, Petra gasped, taking in deep breaths. "What the nether were those spiky fish things?" They all leaned against the wall of the portal hallway, chests inflating and deflating, resting after their close call with some very hostile spiky fish. After a few moments, Lucas broke the silence with a rustling of paper and a quill.

"Water temple with spiky fish," he read out loud as he wrote. Jesse sighed.

"How many worlds have we been to at this point?" He asked, fatigued. Lucas took a second to scan through all his entries.

"Uhhhh..." he trailed off. "About 20 now." Lucas finished. Jesse banged his head against the wall.

"I'm so tired of this!" Jesse growled. Lucas placed his hand on Jesse's shoulder in a placating gesture.

"We've got to push on, though, right Jesse?" He asked. Jesse thought for a moment, a moment with just no idea what to say, then the perfect sentence rose to the tip of his tongue.

"Yeah," he replied. "Let's all continue trying to get home as fast as possible, guys!" he called to his three companions, who nodded after him, determination sparking on their faces.

"More adventure!" exclaimed Ivor, nudging Petra in the arm, causing her to roll her eyes.

"Alright," Petra stood up straighter with a grunt. "Let's try..." she trailed off for a second, eyes scanning the portals in front of them. "That one!" she said, pointing towards a portal built of gold blocks. Everyone else looked at it and made some sounds of consent.

"Okay everyone," said Jesse. "GO!"


"Ahhhhh!" yelped Jesse, as he fell from about 10 blocks in the air to the ground. He almost managed to land on his feet, if not for the three other bodies that fell on him. They all landed in a pile, with identical 'omph' sounds. Ivor, being on top of the pile, jumped down and looked around.

"This is still definitely not our world!" he called. Three groans were heard from the rest of the party.

"You see the exit portal anywhere near here?" Petra asked. Ivor took a moment to look.

"Nooope, no exit portal here, I'm afraid." He responded.

"Argggggg!" Petra screamed. "Seriously? This is so aggravating!" she raged. "Just our luck to get another world in which we have to waste time looking for a damn portal!"

"We better get started then," Lucas sighed. "The sooner we get this done the sooner we can go home!"

"Lucas is right!" Jesse said. "Come on guys, I see a path here that we can follow." True to Jesse's word, there was a nice wide gravel path that stretched out through the plains beyond them. There were mountains in the distance and a forest to their left, marking a very temperate climate.

"At least it isn't some netherrealm or a flooded temple with crazy fish," Ivor noted in that cynical tone of his.


As the group proceeded along the gravel path, signs of civilization eventually showed themselves.

"Hey guys, look!" said Petra, pointing at some logs set up for people to sit on. There was also a black smudge of soot in the center of the logs, making it clear there was some sort of campfire here.

"Yep, there's definitely other people in this world with us." Jesse remarked, looking at the past campfire, suddenly, Lucas shouted something from up ahead.

"GUYS!" he said. "I think I see a town up ahead! It's really big, probably as big as one of ours!"

"Seriously?" Jesse shouted back, while running to catch up with Lucas. As he did, the tall buildings of a town peaked out over the horizon. He stopped to take in the view. "Woah..." he marveled. "It's been a while since we've seen a civilization that big, right guys?" Petra nodded beside him.

"Yeah..." she trailed off. "Come on! Let's go see what the status quo is. Maybe they've also got some sort of crazy ban on building," she said with a roll of her eyes, obviously thinking back to Sky City. As they got closer to the town, they saw that the town was encircled by big stone walls, presumably to keep the mobs out.

"Smart citizens," remarked Ivor. They quickly approached the gates of the town, and filed through the tall open gates, looking around for anyone there to maybe give them some information.

But the instant they stepped into the town, they knew that something was wrong.

"Why is there absolutely no one on the streets?" Jesse asked with a note of disbelief. Indeed, it was the middle of the day, and no one was out on the streets. The town was practically a ghost town.

"Let's knock on a few doors," Lucas suggested. "Maybe someone's there, and they'll tell us what's going on."

"Yeah, that sounds like a good idea," Petra muttered. She looked at Jesse, then looked at a house down the street. Jesse nodded back at her, and the group walked over the house. Jesse raised his fist to knock at the door.

Knock knock.

There was a few seconds of silence, and then some shuffling from the other side of the door. Very slowly, the door creaked open a tiny bit and a sliver of a frightened face peered out at them. Jesse was just just about to speak when the door slammed shut again.

"That was incredibly rude of them," scoffed Ivor.

"Just try the next house, Jesse." said Petra. And so they went down another street, and knocked on another door, just to get practically the same reaction.

"What the clay is wrong with these people..." mumbled Lucas, but as they were about to try a sixth house, they heard someone else.

"Psst! Hey!" The party of four all turned around, comically searching for whoever beckoned them.

"There!" Jesse said, pointing to a small figure hidden by the shadows of an alley. The figure stepped out, revealing a small boy with a bowl cut and a ratty, light brown overcoat. Like everyone else in the town, the boy looked scared and flighty.

"What are you doing outside? Are you new here?" the boy hissed. Jesse looked at him, unsure.

"Uh, yes actually-" Jesse started, but the boy shushed him.

"No no, be quiet. We can't talk here, we need to get somewhere safer than this!"

"No, we won't be here for long." Lucas protested. "We're here by mistake, you see-"

"Mistake?" the boy cut off, letting out a hysterical barking laugh. "Then this is possibly the worst mistake you've ever made!"


yo hey i'm back with an update


i need a better cover! my digital art skills are lower than the amount of times techno has died

i've sorta planned out about 1/3 ish of the whole story. you didn't really need to know that but :P

 would anyone like for me to add a picture of the oc?

 i promise that lucas will die somewhere in this story

right that's all bye for another 3 ish days sorry for lack of techno in this one i swear you will get more techno soon >:) lick comment and follow to feed my ego

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